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Secret Enchantment

Secret Enchantment

Autor: Butterscotch02



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Whispers Academy, A school of Magic. An Elite boarding school that is hidden in the outskirts of Board Campden. And that is the school that I go to. Well, let me introduce myself. I am Sarina Quinn an ordinary girl born to two unpretentious encantadors but the downfall is that I am a Neutral which simply means I do not possess any magical qualities but I am fine with it. Being an introvert, and having a small friends group, my life was going on well, until Ashton came into it. He shook my entire world, which made me question my true identity. Mysterious activities started occurring around us and along came the letters that would either lead us to answers or our own doom. Find out what will happen next in this all-new book. An all-new epic story with romance, drama and more. Start your journey with Sarina, with thrilling adventures and Ecstatic cliffhangers that will make you ask for more.
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Chapter 1


The rain thumps on my window with so much force it is a wonder that my window is still intact. Usually, December will be the festive season where people share gifts and celebrate Christmas, but for me, it is a month where the days are short, and the sky is always gloomy, with me stuck at home doing nothing.

I was lying down on my queen-sized bed, reading a book, and when I was about to get to the crucial part of the story, my phone rang, interrupting me. Why can't people leave me alone for once? I sighed before rolling over my bed to retrieve the phone from my nightstand.

”Hey, how are you today on this glorious Sunday morning?” I heard an overly cheerful voice scream from the other end of the line.

”I am murky as the day.” I replied with a lugubrious tone to my best friend Celine. Celine and I were friends from fourth grade, she is this boisterous, talkative type while I only talk if it is necessary.

”Cheer up Scar, you should be more excited that school will begin in one week. And we are going to be seniors this year! How cool is that?” Celine asked me gleefully. I am also anticipating the start of school, I am not lying about that, but I also know what I will have to confront this last year too. I think Celine must have sensed my discomfort.

”Scar, you will find what magic you possess when the right time comes. So stop thinking about that, and if someone dares to tease you, I think June will teach them a lesson.” Celine said and I know she must be smirking thinking about how June once smacked a guy during lunch because he didn't say sorry for pushing her.

”I know Cee, you and June will be by my side, and I do trust you guys. But I don't know why, but I have this weird feeling for the past week that something is going to happen. And I can't decipher what it is.” I said.

”Maybe you are going to get your powers, I did feel that way before I got mine.” Celine said. That is exactly what my mum said too. I think they are right, and maybe I am overreacting.

”Maybe you are right. So when will you be coming to school?” I asked her.

You see we are not ordinary humans, we are called Enchantador, which means magicians in Spanish. I can't recall how we got here, but we are originally from Spain. Everyone who is an Enchantador possesses either one of four kinds of magic heat, peace, storm, and wave, and a person with none of it is called a neutral. Well, I go under the neutral category because usually everyone gets their powers at the age of sixteen, and I am seventeen now. I think you must be wondering how did we come to England from Spain? I think it was in the early seventies that our ancestors expanded our kind.

No humans know that we exist even though we live among them. The school I go to is called Whispers Academy which is situated in the village Board Campden. And there are similar academies like ours around the globe. Well, enough of the history but I hope now you know more about me and my kind.

”I will be coming there on Saturday. What about you?” she asked me.

”Dad wants to come to drop me off before he flies back to Italy for work, so I will only arrive on Sunday.” I said.

”Okay, great, we will wait for you then. Bye Scar I will call you later.” Celine said.

”Sure bye Cee.” I said before the line went dead. I threw my phone on the bed and went towards the bathroom to take a shower before dinner.

”Hello darling, are you ready to go back to school?” my mum asked me while I took a seat at the table.

”I have a few more things to pack before I am done.” I told her sweetly.

”Great, do you want anything before going back?” My dad asked me.

”No dad, I think I am good. When will you be leaving?” I asked him.

”We can leave after lunch if that is okay with you?” he asked me.

”Yeah, that is fine.” I replied before starting to eat my dinner again.


I had been inside this car for three hours now and I am starting to feel catastrophic. The anxiety of the start of senior year and the excitement of meeting my friends again is taking a toll on me.

”We are here.” my dad let out overjoyed. And I looked outside through my window. I can see the mansion coming to a view that is made with stone and wood with our school crest at the front of the building. When we entered the school there were students randomly scattered in the garden talking and walking around.

”Sarina do you want me to accompany you inside?” My dad asked me once he had parked the car in front of the school entrance.

”No, dad, I can manage. Love you so much.” I told him hugging him and he wrapped his arms around me returning the gesture.

”See you in the next break darling.” he said before I got down from the car with my bags and made my way inside the school.

The place has not changed much, the wooden floor looked polished, and the entrance to the foyer had a welcome back sign. The huge floor-to-ceiling glasses were frosted with ice, but the inside of the school was warm. While I was busy looking around all the changes, someone came and crashed on to me from both sides, sandwiching me between them.

”Oh, Scar, you look more vibrant. I missed you so much.” Celine said hugging the life out of me.

”You have gone thin Scar, I think I can make you get back in shape.” June said.

”Thank you for your compliments girls, but if you two don't let go of me in the next ten seconds, then I don't think you can bring me back in shape.” I huffed, barely breathing and the two girls immediately let me go with a guilty smile on their faces.

”So anything new this semester?” I asked both of them while I picked one of my bags and June picked the other.

”Oh yes, two new students are coming here this year.” Celine replied mirthfully. And I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

”Where are they coming from?” I asked.

”According to my sources, I think they are from England.” June said. With a thoughtful face.

”So are they seniors?” I asked.

”Yes! And the best part is that they are both boys. How lucky are we, I am so exhausted from seeing the same jerk faces every day? ” Celine said and both June and I laughed at her comment. When we reached our room that is on the third floor, Celine pushed the door open for us to enter. The room was how it was last semester three queen-sized beds on three corners of the room with three study desks near the window. I saw the first two closets were already arranged.

While I dropped my bags near my bed, I searched around for my school bag. ”What are you searching for Scar?” June asked.

”I think I left my school back in the foyer. I will go get that and come. ” I told them both before rushing out to the ground floor.

When I came to the foyer my school bag was left where it was, so I bend down and took it and sling it over my shoulder. When I was about to get up, I banged my head on someone's elbow. And it hurt like hell. I straighten myself, ready to scold the person, but then I was frozen in place, and a strange feeling started in the pit of my stomach when I saw who it was.