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His Betrayal

His Betrayal

Autor: Zainababdool

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Allison is a young , beautiful and outgoing lady who was thrown into a world full of deceit and lies. The fact that she was birthed out of wedlock was the begining of her problems and she was reminded of this fact each day that passes. She thought she had it all not until she spent a night stand with a stranger which changed her life to worse. She was left with a child only after years later , this stranger returned and not for her but he returned as her step sister's fiance. The secret of who the father of her child was is only known to her and she can't risk the life of her child or be the bad bitch by breaking up her sisters relationship. She promised to take care of her child alone but things didn't go as she planned as the stranger had a mission for wanting to get married into her family and in the process he suspect that there was more to her and he wants to dive into her world. Cancel Save App Logo Footer
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Chapter 1

I wiped the sweat dripping down my forehead with the back of my hand. I was tired and needed some rest but didn't want to give in to that tired side of me.

Ever since I had an argument with my ex-boyfriend who called me fat, I've promised myself to prove him wrong. Exercising became my second friend. I've always known he never wanted me after all. Seeing that my father is rich and popular was one of the reasons he dated me.

It stings thinking about that but who cares? the deed has been done. Sigh

I think what I love about myself is my will of seeing through people's thoughts. I know being a rich man's daughter was going to be a lot. This means Fake friends would come and use me as they please, knowing the kind of person I was. As much as I try to be harsh with people, my heart won't let me. I still believe they will come back to love me again. Stupid, I know.

All my life, I've craved to be cared for but luck never seems to be on my side. It's so disheartening to bear.

I got tired of jogging so I stopped to take a breath. I glanced down at my wristwatch and was glad to see that I have only 39 minutes to round up for today. It was so satisfying to know. My body hurts badly.


Just as I was in haste to go home, I ran into Rex. He was in the same college as me. I groan inwardly sadly.

Rex smiled, poor thing.

I know Rex kinda likes me but stupid me can't see myself in a relationship with someone like him.

Why? I'll tell you why

He is a geek and I guess I'm a geek myself. I don't even know. I believe being with a geek just like I was will only make me have fewer exposure. Yes, my ex wasn't a geek but then he isn't a bad boy either. He was average.

Would it be so stupid of me to say I find bad guys sexy? I'm more into bad guys than I thought. This is something I always keep to myself because I'm worried my friends would think I was stupid. Bella especially.

"Saw you from afar so I thought of saying hi," Rex said rubbing his neck. He was blushing too.

I found that cute but he just isn't my type at all " Uhm, yeah. "

" You seem to love exercise" he pointed out.

I would have laughed at that but I've grown to love exercising all thanks to my ex for calling me fat. I wasn't that fat or maybe not, I thought to myself.

I mentally remember how I look in the mirror, I have the right figure in the appropriate places. Yes, I have thick thighs that don't mean I was fat. I mentally rolled my eyes.

" Well I do" I answered Rex with a forced smile.

Rex want to keep the conversation going but I wasn't in the mood at the moment. All I wanted was to continue my morning run and that is it.

I look at my wristwatch and was glad to see it was already time for me to head back home.

" Erm...look, Allison..i...

I knew what was coming next so I thought of a way to prevent it. I stopped him before he could say it " oh, look at that. " I said all of a sudden staring at my wrist watch pretending to be sad " I'm sorry but I need to cut this short. I'm late and I'm sure the driver must be waiting already"

Rex was disappointed " But...but Allyson.....

"I'm sorry Rex but I need to leave now. Talk to you some other time " I said with an assuring smile

He let out a sigh" Ok"

I couldn't be more relieved so I nodded and then made my way to where the driver was, or where I suppose he was.

I walk out so fast like never before. I was glad to escape that weird situation. One thing was damn clear, I lied about the driver waiting for me. The truth was, I told the driver not to come to pick me up because I prefer to jog back home.

Dad shouldn't find out about this, of course, he would be so mad when he comes to realize that I came home without the driver. I hastens up as I made a run home. Thanks, good for my hoodie which came in handy. I was lucky it had a cap to cover my face.

Why is because I can't risk seeing my name on the paper tomorrow. The millionaire's daughter caught jogging home will surely be written on the front of tomorrow's newspaper. Dad would kill me if that happens not that I'm the most popular sister but then we can never know what to expect.

My house wasn't too far from the stadium I went to. I stop so I could cross the road but then a loud honk sound scares me off resulting in me falling on the wet concrete floor. I gasped loudly, I wasn't expecting that fall at all.

My hands were shaking and stared at the car which caused me to fall in disdain. I'd thought whoever was inside the car would take pity on me and help me up but the bastard didn't come down. He kept on honking at me to get up.

I scoffed

I was so mad but got up nevertheless. If glared could kill he would have been six feet buried underground. I could feel his burning eyes on me through the glass.

As much as I would love to see who it was but it was never possible. All I was sure about was, whoever it was is a man and that was that. I used that moment to cram his plate number, I need to hunt him down and teach him a lesson, not like I would do that.

I Allyson stepped aside and watch him leave. I couldn't believe what just happened. I was glad a few cars were passing by. He didn't even have an ounce of pity in him to help me.

Funny enough, he seems wealthy. I'm not being silly right now. It is easy to see that he was rich and that is because of his expensive car. Being a fan of cars came in handy.

The car he was riding is really expensive, it's a Ferrari. The newest edition at that.

" Allyson!!"

I was so lost in my thought. I got startled upon hearing my name being called in that manner. I turned only to see Rex jogging to catch up.

" Shit!" I muttered to myself. I wish I could crawl away but he finally caught me red-handed. He now knew that I lied to him about my driver.

" Are you alright Allison?" he asked inspecting my arms to see if there was any wound or swell.

I forced a smile" I'm fine "

" I was so scared when I saw you fell from afar...I mean...I didn't know you were the one...but then I came closer and saw that you are the one..." he stuttered worriedly " Are you sure you are fine?"

I nodded " I'm perfectly fine, trust me "

He wanted to oppose but believed me nevertheless "please come with me to my car. I'll drop you home "

I was about to object but had a second thoughts about it. People walking by saw what happened and it wouldn't be hard for them to recognize me.

" Sure, I'll go with you," I said with a forced smile. Deep down I knew he thought I was giving him hope for a relationship.

Rex was so happy. He felt like the happiest man alive. I could see his in his eyes


I finally got home. Of course, dad was really angry. He found out that I went out without going with the driver. It's so annoying when he shouts at me.

I couldn't keep up with the yelling so I plan on making my way to the room but he pull me back. Right then I knew this was going to be a long night after all.

" Don't be irresponsible Allyson. You are acting so foolish" That hurts. I was never the good child anyways.

I fought back the tears. I tried hard not to allow his insult to get to me. I swallowed the tears. " I'm sorry,"

" Go to your room, now!" He said and I knew not to argue with him.

I made my way upstairs to freshen up. Yes, I never had a close relationship with dad. He was more close to my step-sister and am not sad about that. One thing I cherish a lot of my privacy. I love that so much.

This is the story of my life. My life is a bit twisted. Sigh

The reason why I'm the neglected child is that mom was dad's mistress. Yes, she wasn't legally married to dad. It was a one-night stand or rather hook up which then led to them giving birth to me. Sadly

I smiled bitterly at that shaking my head. This is why I always have to follow the rules in the house. If I chose to be strong-headed, my mom would be dragged to this again.

My stepmom was more like a witch. She never wants to see me around. This is more reason why I need to run away from this hell.

Sometimes, it makes me wonder why mom agreed to bring her to this hell hole of a world and why not take care of me by herself.

I wiped the threatening tears. I tried to smile reassuring myself that I will be fine.

After some soothing words, I made my way to the bathroom. I quietly enjoyed my bath.

I let out a sigh and tried hard to forget what happened but then something else got me thinking.

My almost an accident. I tried to think of the reason why the man in that black car refused to get down and help.

" Are people that wicked?" I question no one in particular. I was glad I know the plate number by heart. I need to do my findings

I relax my head. The important thing is the party she has with her friends this night. She needs to find a way to convince her dad to go. She can't miss this at all.