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The Legend Of The Sea Princess

The Legend Of The Sea Princess

Autor: Zhaolan

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After his previous life had ended terribly, Xu Haoran a former genius detective reincarnated into a beautiful princess named ‘Liu Meifeng’. Despite being reborn, she still remembers her previous life as ‘Xu Haoran’. Hence, Liu Meifeng became a prodigy at such a young age. Alas, Liu Meifeng was born weak due to her mixed-blood and fated to die at the age of eighteen. Pitying the genius princess, the retired Master of Cultivation ‘Duan Gen’ decided to ‘took’ her in as his disciple.
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Chapter 1

The story began at the judgment hall in Beijing, 2018. Where many high officials have gathered to begin the trial of a serious crime committed by the most respected and genius detective, Xu Haoran.

“*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*”, the judge slammed his wooden hammer on his table.

“Xu Haoran, you have committed a serious crime by assassinating the son of Minister Gu. Other than murdering the sovereign only son, you have also committed other crimes, such as; smuggling drugs, hosting debauchery party, and kidnapping a woman at the local’s bar.” The judge glanced at the woman who’s standing nearby, her body trembles when she heard her name being called. She timidly stepped to the front with a face filled with fake tears and fear that seemed as real as possible.

“Wuwuwu.. I can’t ever forget what he had done to me! He forced himself on me! I begged for his mercy but, he turned a deaf ear on my plead and keep indulging himself with me. I.. I can’t take this anymore…” the woman fainted and the guards who were standing at the exit door rushed to her immediately. This action had provoked the audience to heated up and shout, “Kill him!” repeatedly in unison.

But the related person doesn’t seem to be affected by the whole scene. He remains calm and observing his surroundings. When the woman fainted, he only took a quick glance at her and turn his head away as he smiled sarcastically. Even at the risk of facing a grievous sentence, this young man could still smile so casually as if it had nothing to do with him at all. The only person who can still remain calm and composed under any circumstances is none other than that respected and genius detective, Xu Haoran.

“Mr.Xu, do you have anything to say or show to prove your innocence?”

Xu Haoran shook his head, his smile didn’t waver even a single moment. His handsome face still remained composed and natural. The high officials who’re seated in two-rows from left to right looked and whispered at each other. Later, one of them stood up on behalf of the high officials. He lifted a single paper and read it out loud,

“With such a fatal crime and added by other horrendous actions. The high officials had come up with a consensus which is to bestow the former high-ranking detective Xu Haoran a death sentence.” After he finished reading the texts out loud, the man returned to his seat.

The judge furrowed his gray eyebrows and closed his eyes deeply, then he opened his eyes and let out a long sigh, “the high officials has spoken.. Xu Haoran, you will be imprisoned for fifteen days to wait for your death sentence.”

The judge grabbed his wooden-hammer again and slammed it on the table.

“*bang* *bang* *bang*”

Two guards immediately secured Xu Haoran and put a shackle on his arms. Before leaving the courtroom, Xu Haoran glanced at a familiar figure who looked rather baffled. That man was Huang Liangjin, he was Xu Haoran’s best friend since high school and his secretariat at solving crimes. However, those days were already come and gone. He was the person who framed Xu Haoran for the crimes he didn’t commit. But, seeing how he rather looked strange for such a splendid result made Xu Haoran questioned his suspicion.

Did he really deliberately betrayed me or did he got threatened?

At that time, Xu Haoran couldn’t think anything deeper as his body was dragged away by the two guards behind him. Five minutes later, Xu Haoran was thrown into a cold jail. He clads in a ragged prisoner’s uniform and sat quietly on the long wooden board. During his time in prison, his family visited him three days later. However, they came only to bring the news of their disappointment towards Xu Haoran and disown him. The next day, Xu Haoran’s fiancée comes to visit him. Since their engagement was for business purposes, his fiancée threw a cold gaze on him as she revoked their engagement contract. After that, no one visited him anymore, not even his best friend Huang Liangjin. Within a blink of an eye, the estimated date has come.

The very same guards from fifteen days ago came and told Xu Haoran to come out from the cell. Xu Haoran naturally didn’t know how many days had passed, since his cell was isolated from the other cells. The cell didn’t have any window and there are only two lamps placed on the corridor. But when the two familiar guards had come to him, he knew that his time has come.

When Xu Haoran walked out of his cell, another officer approached them.

“Reporting, there’s an individual named Huang Liangjin who wishes to visit Xu Haoran.”

The two guards looked at each other, the latter nodded at the other officer. Xu Haoran didn’t say anything, he simply followed after the two guards obediently. Moments later, Xu Haoran finds himself in an isolated room with a huge glass as the barrier attached on a large Oak table. On the glass barrier, there’s a single hole near the Oak table, so a voice could leak through it. On the other side, there’s Huang Liangjin who was waiting for Xu Haoran with his head facing down.

Xu Haoran laughed silently as he approached the chair below the table, “What do you want?” Xu Haoran tapped the Oak table with his fragile finger as if he’s counting the time. He stares at the table, refusing to look Huang Liangjin in the eye.

Upon hearing Xu Haoran’s casual voice, Huang Liangjin’s eyes reddened. He pressed his lips and clenched both fists, he felt a surge of various emotions running on his body. He waited for a while before he finally spoke, “How are you feeling?”

Xu Haoran cracked a smile and answered casually, “Although, the cell is rather poor than those who were designed for an aristocrat. But I’m fine, thanks for asking. Anyway, enough with the pleasantries.. mind getting straight into the point? We only have thirteen minutes left before I leave this world for good.”

“I…”, Huang Liangjin pressed his pink lips and made a complicated expression. He took a deep breath and spoke solemnly…

“Runaway with me.”

Xu Haoran’s eyes turned wide and blinked twice. Only then, he finally looked at Huang Liangjin in the eye.


“Runaway with me, I’ll explain everything to you later. For now, our priority is to prevent you from getting executed and--”

“*Bang*”, Xu Haoran slammed the table with his hand “Stop talking.” Do you want to die?

Huang Liangjin didn’t suit him anymore and cut in desperately, "Look, you can despise me or hit me as much as you want. But please, come with me… I can’t bear to let you die.", Huang Liangjin said that almost in a pleading way. Tears flowed down on his beautiful handsome face if he has long hair and dressed girly no one won’t be able to tell if he’s a man.

Seeing his best friend being like this, the grudge that Xu Haoran had towards Huang Liangjin has lessened a little bit. He sighed and stood up with the intention to leave. Huang Liangjin panicked and stood up anxiously, he banged on the glass.

“Haoran, please! Give me a chance to redeem myself! I really didn’t mean it to end up like this!”

Xu Haoran tilted his head to the right, “I’m already disowned by my family, abandoned by my fiancée. What’s left for me to keep on living? I’m already as good as dead.”

Huang Liangjin leaned on the glass, “You still have me! Let’s run away together and live with my family outside of this country! Please, Haoran comes with me.”

Xu Haoran went silent for a moment, then he started to walk away again. Seeing this, Huang Liangjin even more flustered. He punched the glass barrier with his fist until the glass was cracked and injured his hand.

The guards who heard the sound finally entered the room, “What’s going on?!” However, the two individuals who were separated by the firm glass barrier didn’t pay any attention to them. Xu Haoran closed his eyes and spoke solemnly,

“When a man had become useless all that’s left to protect is their pride. Not only I’ve become useless and disowned… I’ve also lost my pride. Even if I still have someone to count on to, I’m already as good as dead. I hope you can understand this.” After finished talking, Xu Haoran walks over to the guards “We’re done talking.”

The guards nodded and dragged Xu Haoran away from the room. Huang Liangjin just stood on the other side of the room, watching his best friend and the most beloved person walked willingly to the death’s door. After that, soon the news of Xu Haoran’s death spread throughout the continent. Originally, his body was supposed to be donated for scientific practice. But the idea had been cast aside due to Huang Liangjin’s persistence on holding a proper funeral for Xu Haoran. Despite his tarnished name, Xu Haoran was known for someone who’s kind-hearted and courteous towards anyone regardless of their statuses or genders. And he had rescued many people during his lifetime, hence his funeral was filled with many people except for his fiancée and families. They held the ceremony for three days and three nights until his corpse burned into ashes and have his name carved on a gravestone at the cemetery.