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Love And Obsession

Love And Obsession

Autor: Debbie Asan

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It all started one perfect night at the coast of the Mediterranean sea. I was standing on a beach with my feet laved in warm golden sand and my eyes fixed on the crushing waves. That is when trouble decided to walk by in a form of a handsome face with sandy blonde hair and dazzling enthralling killer smile. One look into his ocean blue eyes and I knew I wanted him as mine. And with just a touch of his lips on mine I was in love. But he belongs to her, my sister. You can call me the villain. I saw him first and he is mine to claim. I love him but he loves her. But my heart wants what is wants and that’s William Carter. When Adeline Pierce's Sister, Brittany introduce her fiancé to Adeline. Adeline had the shock of her life. Her sister’s fiancé, William Carter was the man that kissed Adeline two years ago on a beach and she is very much in love with him. Adeline vowed to make William hers at all cost. But two things stands in her way. Her sister, Brittany and her therapist Dr. Chris Owens who has sexy tattoos and a handsome face that drives her crazy Will Adeline still go after William Carter her sister’s fiancé or would she surrender her heart to Dr. Chris Owens, her therapist who is also forbidden?
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Chapter 1

I am miserably sitting at a table in a pub whilst I watch my sister, Brittany dance with a hot Spanish guy on the dance floor as I sip the sex on the beach cocktail I ordered.

I wish I was anywhere but here.

The people, the music, the bubbliness, and the excitement of this place is making me feel dreadful.

Maybe my parent and everyone are right.

There is something wrong with me.

I am on a summer vacation in Valencia, Spain, one of the most beautiful cities in the world with beautiful exotic beaches. I should be having fun like my sister is. Dancing and flirting with hot Spanish guys and mingling with the Spanish natives here

But no, here I am looking so depressed like a dying whale.

I guess I am Adeline Pierce, I just can't be happy. No matter where I find myself I am just going to be that unhappy girl with a grumpy-looking face.

Why did I agree to follow Brittany to Spain in the first place? When I know I am just going to be mopping around.

I just couldn't say no to Brittany when she suggested we should spend the summer in Spain.

No one can say no to my sister.

That is a power she possesses. She can compel and charm anyone to do her bidding.

We have spent just three days here but I want to be out of here. I want to go back to the States, to the comfort of my studio apartment in New York City.

A more danceable Spanish song blasted from the speakers inviting more people to pour into the dance floor.

I am the only lonely soul left on our table.

I don't mind. I hate being in the midst of people anyway.

I just feel suffocated when I am surrounded by a lot of people.

And the little crowd on the dance floor is enough to invite anxiety to zip its way into me this night.

I riveted my eyes back on Brittany. She has switched dancer partners now.

She is definitely having fun dancing with her new dancer Partner who is so flawless with his body movement and flexibility colliding with the beat of the song.

He is definitely a dancer. A good one.

Being a dancer myself I can tell when someone is good.

Brittany saw me looking at her. She sent a smile in my direction gesturing me to come dance with her.

I rolled my eyes at her.

Her expression went downcast for some seconds.

She gave me an eye roll and turned her attention back to her dancing partner.

I quickly got bored watching her. I averted my gaze to something else that could catch my attention.

It seems nothing will. When you are in a bad mood like I am at the moment nothing can chase away the bad cloud.

I took my phone off the table.

Maybe I will find something more interesting on my phone to save my boring ass.

I did. I found an interesting true crime channel on YouTube.

I got hooked watching a documentary about a serial killer.

At least something fascinating to ease my boredom.

Yeah I know I am weird. Watching true crime videos about serial killers is a weird hobby of mine.

It's not that I have some psycho tendencies.

I am just wired like that.

"You look so depressed for someone who is on a summer vacation in Valencia."

I raised my head to meet Brittany's eyes.

"Done with your tango with the hottie? You are back here to bug the hell out of me. " I annoyingly said.

"Great" I grunt.

She sigh and pulled a chair and sat down.

She stole the half glass of sex in the beach and help herself with it.

"You should have asked first. Taking something without permission is called stealing." I mimicked the tone our mother used whenever she is scolding us.

She chuckled. "I am rescuing this poor cocktail from you. You were miserable drinking it"

I rolled my eyes.

I didn't like it anyway. I was just drinking it to get something done.

"You know, I wouldn't have to annoy the hell out of you if you were having fun like normal 22 year old girls your age do on a summer vacation."

There she goes again preaching to me about having fun blah blah.

"You should know I am not a normal 22 year old. My idea of fun isn't your idea of fun." I said wishing this conversation has already ended as it began.

She snorted. "And what is your idea of fun?" She snatched my phone from my grasp.

"So this is your idea of fun? watching documentaries about serial killers during a summer vacation on a beautiful beach."

"Jeez, you are so weird, Adeline. " She shot me an incredulous look.

"As if I already don't know that." I hissed at her. I took my phone back from her.

"Senorita." A deep voice with a thick Spanish accent said.

Brittany and I turned our eyes to meet the owner of the voice.

It belongs to a tall handsome guy.

Why are all the men here so handsome and tall? I am yet to see an average-looking guy.

Oh and he definitely wasn't referring to me. There's no way it's me he called Senorita.

Not when Brittany is present.

Let me just say. Brittany is a beautiful swan. If I am compared to her I will be the ugly duckling.

I am not ugly the problem is Brittany.

She is just extremely beautiful that any girl around her fades into the background.

And I think her angelic face has blinded this guy from noticing me too.

In his eyes, he just sees my beautiful sister who looks like Victoria's Secret model with her beautiful platinum blonde hair, aqua blue eyes, and high cheekbones like that of a supermodel. And she has sensual plump reddish lips that add a sensual appeal to her face but at the same time give her an innocent appeal.

Her beautiful face equals a killer body. Brittany has a model height. Tall but not willow. She got curves in the right places.

She is just so stunning.

As for me, I didn't get any of those beautiful genes.

Right from birth, I was slapped with an average face. Dull brown eyes with boring Chestnut brown hair.

The only thing interesting about my face is my plump lips.

That is the only thing guys I have gone to bed with compliment me on.

My body is also average. Nothing interesting to say about it.

"Hi" Brittany sings out making the guy smile.

"Who is this beauty?" His accent was so thick. His voice was husky and damn sexy.

Brittany giggled. She bit the corner of her lips sensually and batted her eyes at him.

He runs his eyes over her checking her out.

He smirked. He likes what he sees.

God, I want to puke.

They should get a room already.

I rolled my eyes.

"I am Brittany and this is my little sister Adeline."

I glared at her. She is just 15 months older than me. She said that to infuriate me. She knows I hate it when she introduces me as her little sister to people.

"Hello" He turns his eyes to me. He glanced at me with disinterest and turned his attention back to Brittany.

Right, I am not worth his attention.

"Hi, " I said to him. My voice was flat.

"Mind if I join you guys?"

I shifted in my seat.

Great, I am going to be the third wheel.

"Sure" Brittany invited him.

"I am Raphael "He introduced himself and pulled a chair and crouch down.

Suddenly another guy walked over to our table. He was holding two glasses of a cocktail.

He was the guy Brittany was dancing with.

"There you go angel" He placed one glass in front of Brittany.

He isn't Spanish as I assume. He has a British accent.

"Thanks" Brittany smiled at him.

"And this is also for you angel" He flash a smile at me and placed the cocktail in front of me.

"Thanks" I awkwardly said.

"Can I join you guys?"

Brittany shrugged with a smile.

The other guy had a grim expression on his face.

He doesn't like competition

I know how this will play out.

I am rather going to be the fourth wheel of this trio.

He borrowed a chair from the other table behind us and sat on the left side of Brittany.

She was sandwiched between the two.

They are going to fight for her attention.

The British guy is so nice he will try to strike up a conversation with me so I don't get left out.

I lifted my glass off the table and stood up.

I am going to save him from that awkward situation.

"I am going down to the beach," I announced.

"Don't get reckless," Brittany warns with concern.

I rolled my eyes. As if she isn't going to recklessly sleep with two strangers tonight judging from how she is eyeing them like a piece of cake she wants to devour.

I gave the British guy a small shy smile and walked away from the table.

I bet it would have been me ending up in his bed tonight. Too bad it's hard to resist Brittany.

I walked away from the table and walked down to the beach heading towards the isolated part of the beach. Walking away from the mass of people.


It was a cold chilly summer night at Valencia Coast.

I stood alone at the deserted beach watching the waves of the Mediterranean sea in tranquil solitude.

The sea breeze wrapped over me in a calm rustle, giving me the comfort of the evening.

But that didn't quell the weight of my problems.

I carried my problems on my shoulders and brought them along with me to Spain.

I thought coming to Spain with Brittany to spend the summer will kind of magically make everything alright.

Nothing is going to fix my broken legs.

I can never dance again.

I had a big fall when I was rehearsing a dance routine.

That nasty fall broke my leg. I had to stay in bed with a cast on, for months.

I can never dance again. That was what the doctors told me.

That fall has ended my dancing career.

Dancing was the only thing I was good at. The only thing I have ever been in love with.

Dancing just doesn't mean a lot to me. It's my life. It is the oxygen I need to keep living.

Now my life feels empty without it.

It was the only thing I was better at than Brittany.

Now she can wear her perfect crown. I got nothing on her now.

Cheers to her.

I lifted my glass in the air and drain the cocktail to the last drop.

I tossed the glass to the ground.

It laid on the soft sand gently.

Maybe I should have returned it to the bar.

I shrugged, not my cup of tea.

I suddenly turned my eyes to the left.

There was a figure in white walking towards me.

It was a man. A very tall man.

I could see the whole of him under the light from the crescent full moon shining upon the beach when he got near to me.

I flashed my phone flashlight in his direction to get a better look at him

He picked up his pace and closed the gap between us.

He was standing just two steps away from me.

My heart thud against my chest.

My phone quivered in my hand as the flashlight revealed his face.

He was sculpturally beautiful.

Beautiful face of an Adonis. Sandy blonde hair with ocean blue eyes looking right into mine.

I feel like I am sinking deep into the ocean.

He is painfully gorgeous and it's hurting to look at him.

Then his lips spread into a dazzling killer smile.

It hit me, rustling me like a strong dazing wind.