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Autor: LimitlessJuly





Nelina and Royce both promised themselves that being in a relationship is not their priority. They met when they were both messed up. An accident that occurred almost two years ago instantly change the course of Nelina’s life. Due to the loss of their prominent status, Nelina has been bullied in school and had an abusive boyfriend. Nelly’s past relationship made her aloof to men and to focus on herself and her family. Almost at the same time, Royce’s lost his granny and was left alone. And he was forced to manage their business at a young age. His life fell apart when his then-girlfriend Roxie dumps him with no explanation. However, they somehow grew and affection for each other because they had the same sentiment. But the past relationship's pain comes haunting them again when both of their exes came back at an unexpected time. How will Nelina and Royce step out from their shell and heal the wounds of the past? Will they give themselves a second chance to love again?
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Chapter 1


We are almost there. It was quiet, easy to tell that the police had not arrived. The only noise I could hear was the engine of my car and my heartbeat racing in my chest. The road was dark, but the color white caught my eyes. I suspect it was my brother's car, although it was not clear as the streetlight was far from where the accident happened.

As we drew nearer, the car was almost unrecognizable from its original design because of the damage. I froze, and my breath came in short. The car bumper cut through the electrical tower. It seemed to be struck by another car on the side as it left a mark on it, crumpling my brother's favorite Ferrari car. Before we could pull over, I saw a man running away. Thank God someone is helping them. I let out a long breath of relief.

Despite that, I couldn't calm down even when the car stopped. My hands are sweating as I open the door. I step out of my car, maintaining my eyes in the right direction when suddenly a fire flares. A loud noise of the explosion follows, and the noise of the car debris falling on the ground and snapping apart.

I close my eyes, my hands covering my head, and I refuse to process what might be happening. I can't, no, please. This can't be happening. It happened. A debate in my head lasted for seconds. Until I felt a man's hand on my shoulder, rocking me, which took me out of reverie. "Ms. Nelly? Ma'am."

I slowly opened my eyes to gain back my vision. A pair of almond eyes with black orbs are staring at me. It's Jason, my driver, "Are you okay, Ms. Nelly?" Jason shook me, taking me out of my trance. I look into his eyes in confusion.

I stay mute as I check what has happened—roaming my eyes around—the car debris scattered all over the road. Beads of sweat dripped on my temple because of the overheated air. I suspect what might happen to my two favorite people. "NO," I said, my voice brittle.

I gasp in the horror sight on the other side of the road. My mind rattles, and my hands' shiver, unable to decipher if what's in front of me is reality. An hour ago, I was just living a normal life. I have everything that the world could offer. But none of them matter now while watching the orange fire devour the remains of my brother's car. Never had I imagined not having my dad and my brother in my life. Why? Why them? I can only spit out questions in my head. My heart tightens to the reality in front of my eyes that I refused to acknowledge. I took a small step to cross the road to rescue them, but Jason held my arm. I have to save them.

"NO, ma'am, it's unsafe for you to go there."

"Jason, let me go, let me go," I repeated, giving him a stern look. Poor Jason, he's done nothing terrible, but it seems he is the bad guy here. He just gave me a blank face, adamant not to let me go. I pulled my arms away from him, but it wasn't working. My strength is no match for Jason. Still, I didn't retreat. I pull my arm even harder now, as hard as I can.

"Ouch," I cried in pain as my hand hit a hard surface, which seemed strange. As I opened my eyes, my vision landed on a white ceiling and white walls. I was lying on a fiery red bed sheet. Cushion felt soft beneath my body, obviously, in a different scenario.

When I lifted my head, I realized that the hard surface was above my headboard. No, I had a nightmare again? One hand clutched my chest, and the other rubbed my eyes to recover from a horrible scene. I rubbed down my face, where I felt my cheek was moist. "I missed you, brother." I shed a tear at the nightmare that kept haunting me for almost two years.

When it all sank in, I helped myself adjust and lean my head on the headboard. Why does it keep haunting me? I released a deep breath as I checked the time on the wall clock. "Oh God, I need to call Marie." I hurriedly grab my phone on the side table, then dial Marica's number. On the third ring, I put it on speaker mode, right before Marie answered.

"Good morning, dear. Why so early?"

"Good morning, Marie. We need to talk. I'll be meeting our new client early in the morning after breakfast. Let me know if there's anything you want me to add to the proposal," I started. I placed the phone on the side table as I grabbed myself out of bed and started fixing my pillows.

"Oh... that," she answered in her lazy voice. "O-okay, let me get up first," she paused. "I remember, besty, I have to send it to you through email. There are things I need you to consider for your package proposal."

"That would be better. Send that to me now," I said and sat on my bed as I finished fixing it.

"Sure, dear. Is there anything else?"

Should I tell her? I exhaled and raked my nails on the bedsheet. I could never forget that man's back, but the problem remains: I have had no clear sight of his face. Who are you? I gritted my teeth to the question no one could answer.

"Nelly?" My best friend called out my name.

"There is something I want to share with you."

"I'm all ears."

"I had a nightmare again, the same incident almost two years ago. I am sure that there was a guy who walked away from the car before it blew up. The man could be one culprit," I said just when I grabbed my phone and prepared for a morning shower.

"What do you mean? You told me a different story before, and now I'm confused."

"Okay, I told you he was helping dad and my brother. But the question is. Why didn't he show up after the incident? Something is missing here. He could be a criminal." I pinched my eyebrows when I grasped how bad the guy could be.

"Yes, that's right, Nelly. But the police have found no trace of that man. And criminals? How did you come up with that theory?"

"I know it's kind of hard to believe, but I still want to get to know this man. There is something he needs to tell me. I can't take this for granted, Marie," I told her, my voice hardened with conviction.

Marica let out a long breath on the other line. "No... Nelly, what are you thinking?"

I closed my eyes and pushed away from the other thoughts in my head. Marie doesn't have to know. "Nothing, it's just that my nightmare is confusing me. For almost two years, it kept haunting me. But, Marie, I need to go. I can't be late for my meeting, right?"

"Take your time, besty. Don't overthink. Let me know if you need my help with your proposal, and the same goes for your family. Okay?"

After the call, I wasted no time and took a shower for 15 minutes. I settled with my prepared outfit to meet a VIP client. Put my make-up on, then spray my favorite body perfume. Carrying a shoulder bag out of my room, I saw mom and dad at the dining table, having breakfast. I was lucky enough to have dad survive the accident. I said under my breath, my way of consoling myself from missing my favorite person. However, my brother was irreplaceable.

My eyes stuck on Dad, a pain in my heart arose; it opened up the past wounds knowing that he was not the man I used to hug and kiss before. An influential leader and legendary Arthur Cruz. The breakfast was quiet as mom fed dad with a bowl of porridge, like their usual meal routine. Dad was left paralyzed from the accident; he could barely move half of his body.

"Mom?" I called out her name as I made my way to the table.

Mom shifted in my direction. "Nelly, are you going? Come, join us for breakfast first."

"Yes, I have to go. And I can't have breakfast now, mom; I'm running late for my meeting with a client," I said as I drew nearer to kiss her and then turned to dad and gave him a quick kiss as well.

"I have to go to work, dad. Get well soon." Dad showed a brief movement on his upper lip, and a smile reached his eyes. There was an improvement in his physical therapy, and I was happy to witness that every day.

"Take care, Nelly," mom said as I stepped out of the door.

I immediately hopped into the taxi that was waiting outside the building. "Drop me at the nearest fast-food restaurant," I commanded the taxi driver. "And please, don't drive too fast." The driver nodded, then he maneuvered the wheel.

I intend not to have breakfast with my mom and dad. My nightmare about the accident almost two years ago leads to anxiety, especially when I see dad. I can't pretend in front of them, nor do I want to appear weak.

I rushed to the restaurant. On the verge of opening the door, somebody grabbed it first. This guy may be in a hurry, like me. In my peripheral vision, I saw a man towering over me. He must be 6 footers as I stood 5'6; the corner of his lips curled up. I fell into a trance.

"He is handsome," I said under my breath. Slow down, girl, you're not into this.

"Sorry, ma'am. The restaurant is busy. I needed to evacuate my post for some customer's concern," said the security. He apologized for not opening the door for us. I shook off my thoughts and shrugged my shoulders. "No problem."

The fiery red is the color of the month. It is also present on the streets to the restaurant entrance and inside. The same color as heart-shaped ornaments hangs on the ceiling. Some of them are not in a perfect heart shape, showing that it's been there for quite a while. The wind was wallowing in the heart-shaped balloon as I went upstairs. A swift tingling feeling in my heart emerged. This is the season of the year that I dislike. I am of no participation at all in the celebration and pleased that it will end soon.

While waiting at the table, out of the blue, my mind voluntarily recalls what happened in the doorway. Opening the door, I brushed shoulders with the man and threw a quick smile at him, my way of saying thank you to the guy. He is a gentleman. I sniffed the sleeve of my dress as I closed my eyes. "I like the masculine scent," I muttered. He must have an expensive perfume to think that it lingers in my clothes by brushing shoulders with him.

"Here's your order, ma'am," said a young man's voice as I heard the tray placed on the table. I opened my eyes to check on my meal. Only to find out that the man in my mind is now holding a gaze at me. We locked stares for a moment.