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Risking Temptations

Risking Temptations

Autor: Queen Y

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Risking Temptations PDF Free Download


Rose Jewels wasn't exactly elated to marry the intimidating, quite handsome, billionaire CEO Aidan Raines. Not when she had heard rumors about how cold and icy he was with everyone, and much less since she had an actual boyfriend! So what happens when she actually meets the actual Aidan Raines, the real one, behind the scary mask and into his real personality. When she learns more about him, and herself. Suddenly the question dawns on her: "Can she love this man?" Can she risk everything she has... And give in to the burning DESIRE and overwhelming TEMPTATION?
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Chapter 1

  The rumors were everywhere— literally. Mom said she even heard it when she went to the market. It was normal by now, for most of the people. Except for me, of course. It always made me shiver when I heard them, how the people whispered in hushed tones as if they were scared to get caught.

  "They say he's evil, too evil. That when he looks at you his stare is intimidating and icy," some women whisper behind me. "Ever since his wife cheated on her—" they whisper. Ah yes, the wife. They said the man —Aidan Raines— had caught his wife cheating on him about two years ago. He was heartbroken, they say, and he kicked out the woman. But he just couldn't get over her, he lived he too much. So he became evil, his heart hardened. He came to do illegal stuff, scary things. But then he came to his senses, and began working hard to now have a booming business and now a billionaire and CEO of his own multi-million dollar company. People should be happy he stopped being like that, but they say that even though his actions are good, his personality isn't.

  I sigh, snapping out of my thoughts. Why did everyone care so much about Aidan Raines anyway? I focused on my homework, trying to ignore the whispers of people. This is why I hate doing homework outside my mom's restaurant.

  Mom purchased a small place and decided to establish a small restaurant, and she gets a decent amount. Since she's afraid of me staying alone at home, she always takes me with her, including today. I look over to my mom, who's working hard serving some people. I'm about to ask her if she needs help, when a throbbing ache suddenly overwhelms my head. It's that stupid headache that came again. They've always came, but that doesn't mean I've gotten used to it or that it doesn't hurt as much. I grip my forehead, stumbling as I stand up.

  "Mom," I croak, barely holding to the wall. Mom gasps as she sees me, and leads me to the bathroom, where there's a client in there. No matter how hard mom knocks, there is no response. It doesn't matter, because the lump in my throat— the vomit... It's coming. I gasp, running outside as fast as I can, my vision blurry as I stumble through the streets. I barely make it to a sidewalk when I let it out. I expect to hear disgusted gasps of people, but instead hear silence. Huh?

  I wipe my mouth, grateful all of the vomit is gone. And even though I still have a headache, it's not as painful as before. I let out a sigh of relief, when I hear someone clearing their throats. I jump, and look up.

  I stifle a gasp, suddenly recognizing the face. I've heard everyone talk about his looks, and now that I've seen it... "Ah..." I trail off, noticing his disgusting suit, splattered with my vomit. I gasp, looking at what I have done. People are in shock, slowly backing away as if afraid someone's going to explode. And he's probably going to. "I am so, so sorry!" I beg, but he ignores me, cutting me off with a wave of his hand.

  "Your apology won't bring back my suit," he says, sternly. I gulp. At least I apologized, right? No need to be mean! Although I did just cover him with vomit...

  "I know..." I sigh. "And I can't afford buying you one," I mumble. "Maybe I can clean it for you?"

  He chuckles without any humor. "Clean it? That's not going to do anything!"

  "Yes it will," I challenge. "Please! I just ruined your suit, but I can clean of my mess!" I beg. He seems creeped out by my attitude, but I have to clean it. He's the Aidan Raines, and I am completely terrified. If it wasn't for the fact that he could literally kill my mom, I would've ran away by now. He's extremely powerful, not to mention the allies he used to have back in the day when he was into the illegal...

  He contemplates, but then shrugs. "Alright. Do not tell anyone you saw me!"

  "I'm sure people already saw you," I say. He smirks.

  "I'll make sure they don't tell!"

  Seeing my horrified expression, he laughs. Actually, truly laughs. "Kidding!" I smile lightly, as he takes off his suit.

  "You're not as the rumors say," I stupidly blurt out. He stops, eyeing me now harshly.

  "Excuse me?"


  "Those rumors, don't you dare listen to them, you hear me! Those people... They don't know sh*t!" He shoved the suit into my hands, and begins waking away. Before he crosses the streets, he turns around. "Return the suit tonight," he says, and I quickly nod.

  Then, he disappears.