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Autor: Nobility

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Independence PDF Free Download


Carla is a very lovely and beautiful woman in her late 20's who's always believed that to step up you have to stay away from anything that has to do with men and love since she's been played numerous times by different men before.Being the only daughter of Mr Walker Smith,she was spoiled with money growing up but that didn't deter her quest to become greater than her father in the business world but first she has to get married to a higher person. Is she willing to give her heart and all to a loveless marriage just to attain her goal or she's gonna quit her quest for greatness for the fear of getting betrayed again and falling in love? Liam Reigns a young billionaire of 28 who grew his wealth from scratch after his father's death and the company (his father's)was forcefully taken from him which led to him having nightmares and unable to sleep soundly.After finding out his father's illers, he vowed never to love or trust anyone especially since the killers turned out to be his father's most trusted brother. Now he's Cold, heartless and rumor has it that he's never been in a serious relationship because his kind heartedness died a long time ago.Now he's the top business man in the whole country but in his quest to grow more popular he has to join ties with his rival and get married to his only daughter.Is he willing to give up or ready to join ties with his rival for the sake of wealth.
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Chapter 1

Carla just sighed looking tired after sitting for hours waiting for her soon to be contract husband

Liam Reigns who didn't show up with an excuse of a business meeting which she knew was a

lie and tomorrow was supposed to be the wedding and they've never met in person since all

at their scheduled lunch she only got to Meet his assistant.

Her wedding gown was set but her heart was still racing especially after getting to know

today that she's getting married to an arrogant man all for her quest for greatness.



Carla was just pacing around the hotel's eatery waiting for Liam for them to get to know each

other briefly before the wedding tomorrow.But he gave yet another excuse as usual so she

called his office line knowing he won't pick up in his personal line.

Hello,Liam...She paused to know if he would speak or not since he didn't.she continued.

You're really arrogant and uncaring how could you leave a woman all by herself in a supposed

Lunch date??!! Still quiet

Hmmm ok let's leave that aside I just wanna let you know that in this marriage we'll treat

each other fairly outside even though we don't love each other.

Finally deciding to answer,Liam just Laughed and said,"Woman suit yourself because for me

you're just a deal and remember you don't have the choice of breaking the contract now since

the wedding is tomorrow and it'll be a disgrace to your image if you do so", Good luck and see

you tomorrow, with that he cut the call.


Though she had no plans of stopping the marriage,she decided to be a good wife to Liam but with Limit.

While her bestie Bella just wanted her to end the marriage now that it's not too late saying

she was foreseeing their future and it wasn't gonna be fun but Carla Never agreed since her

mind was already made up she was not going to back out not now or ever and she didn't plan to

fall in love with him.

Carla my love,Bella pouted I have a bad hunch about this Liam guy I don't think he's good

for you but trust me i'm gonna support you through thick and thin if anything happens.Carla just

sobbed looking at her best friend the only person she's been able to bond with apart from her

father since she was little.They've been through a lot together and it would hurt to leave her but she has to get married.

Hey babes I'm not running away you're making me emotional but you know I have to do this

and hope for the best so like you said,just support me, Carla smiled telling her bestie.

After the call, Liam just smirked and concluded within him to go ahead with the wedding and set

rules.But he never knew that though Carla was calm,she never accepted defeat.Surprisingly

that night His constant nightmares never came instead he dreamt of his wedding.The only unique thing about Liam is that though he's cruel,he loves little children so he was sponsor to

different orphanages as Carla's father hence the competition between them amongst others

Liam's secretary Lydia just smiled when she heard what he said stating she was happy for him

and also asked why he didn't hold a bachelorette party since it was his last day of singlehood

but he just shrugged and said it didn't matter since the wedding was just a show.

The next day came like a flash of lightning with each party wanting to get done with the wedding

Once and for all Liam got there early and stood by the altar waiting for Carla in pretence of love for the sake of cameras. A bridal song "Even the nights are better"was played with Carla crying because she realized she wasn't ready to leave he

but there wasn't a choice either. The time came for

the vows.

"Mr Reigns do you take Miss Carla to be your lawfully wedded wife,to love and to hold, to

cherish her in health, wealth, hardship and good times till death do you part"?,the priest asked

Liam who gritted his teeth looking at Carla like he regretted consenting to the marriage but he

quickly regained his composure and answered,YES I DO.

"Miss Carla do you take Mr Reigns to be your lawfully wedded husband to love and to hold,to

cherish in good and bad times till death do you part?,YES I DO she answered smiling

I now pronounce you husband and may kiss the bride to the cheering of everyone and

the press

Liam leaned forward making Carla think he was gonna kiss her publicly instead he looked her in

the eyes and said Welcome to my definition of a real loveless and lonely hell wifey"leaving

Carla, in shock, stepped back smiling and waving to the crowd.

After the wedding the journey home was short with silence erupting between both of them

which Carla decided to break with a short conversation

Liam, hmmm we're now married so we have to live to the expectations of the people

outside,she said while looking outside making Liam furious,"damn you woman remember this is

just based on a contract so we have nothing to show to people and one more thing you have to

obey me in this marriage else you'll regret it with that he kept shut making Carla curious to

know who her husband really is she also hoped he wasn't going to hit her in this so called


Coming to a stop at a big mansion similar to her father's Carla just came down quietly but was

interrupted by Liam's voice.We have separate bedrooms, the servants will show you around and

they'll also show you all the rooms you can and cannot enter don't even dare disobeying,

Tomorrow we'll start the deal properly, With that he went off allowing the servants to do the rest

of the intro.