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Fate of The Bloodmoon Princess

Fate of The Bloodmoon Princess

Autor: Sugar Queen Chaos

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Why’d it have to be this way? Why must I be the one made to suffer? It had started off a quiet cloudless night, but now it was raining cats and dogs. I wanted to die, the rain had made my jumper glue to my body completely and I was running for my life through this bloody thunderstorm. This was not how I had planned to spend my night, but then again, it beat spending my night in a cold damp basement.
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Chapter 1

Why’d it have to be this way? Why must I be the one made to suffer?

It had started off a quiet cloudless night, but now it was raining cats and dogs. I wanted to die, the rain had made my jumper glue to my body completely and I was running for my life through this bloody thunderstorm. This was not how I had planned to spend my night, but then again, it beat spending my night in a cold damp basement. As my feet hit the cold asphalt my mind was thinking of the next move; this was life or death. I was running from my brother. I bent a corner and ducked behind a large crater. I took five deep breaths to steady my pounding heart and racing breath; I poked my head around the crater to see if he had followed me as I relaxed, some grabbed at my silver-blue hair and dragged me along the floor of the ally. I cried at the pain it brought. “I found ya, you little bitch!” yelled my brother “Jaakobah!” He growled “Don’t call me that!”


My name is Chiffon Niha Newmoon and my brother’s name is Dolion Jaakobah Newmoon. Or so I thought. My story begins from my earliest memory; the death of my parents by the hands of rouges, leaving us orphaned and on the streets until we were saved by the Alpha of the Ravenclaw pack, Kenton Lawrence. A fair skinned man of five feet. He had somewhat welcomed us into his pack and since then my life had taken a turn for the worst. Fast forward fourteen years and I’m being starved malnourished and beaten for the slightest of issues. I was cleaning the last room when the alpha burst into the room. “Chiffon! You little piece of shit!” he said as his fist connected with my stomach “We have guests coming over in the next two hours! Get you lazy ass in the kitchen and cook a meal for them as well as the pack!”

As he turned and stormed out of the room I followed stopping at the corner before I entered the kitchen placing the cleaning supplies under the stairwell. I rushed into the kitchen and made a meal of golden rice, lentils, gravy, steak and macaroni salad and placed the most expensive wine we had out in the table and rushed back to the basement. As I sit re-reading the law books I get a sweet smell ticking my nostrils, and a cold voice asking if that was all the females in the pack and neighborhood, to which alpha Kenton replied yes. As I was about to put my plan into action on escaping this hell hole, my brother grabs me by the hair and told me to put on the jumper her had currently made me purchase before quitting my job and dragged me out of the house toward the city.

-present time-

I am wrenched from my brother’s death grip and am being held be a female as I hear my brother struggling with someone. “ Yoshiro that’s enough!” said the woman “We have her let’s go. We have to get her out of here.” Before I could say anything I black out. I was awaken by a bright light shining into my eyes and as I look to my right I see him and get that same sweet smell, I try reaching for him, but pass out again in my attempts to do so.