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Her Wrong Groom

Her Wrong Groom



Her Wrong Groom PDF Free Download


When Ava Brown discovers that her groom was swapped on her wedding day, leading her to marry the wrong person, she becomes determined to confront the two men responsible for deceiving her. Ava Brown, the twenty-four-year-old daughter of Mr. Steven Brown, the owner of the world's largest automobile company, is a formidable individual whom no one dares to cross. Raised in a world of power and fame, she has developed a tough and often snobbish demeanor, earning her numerous adversaries. Nevertheless, her reputation as a ruthless woman is well-deserved, especially when it comes to her counterfeit groom. However, the situation takes an unexpected turn when Ava realizes that the man she mistakenly married is a renowned but enigmatic fashion designer who deliberately keeps a low profile. Few people recognize him, and he is commonly perceived as a troublemaker with no real value. The story takes a significant twist when Bryan Whyte is back to take his bride, But a seed of romance has already been sowed in the two of them. While Bryan makes every effort to keep them apart, Ava and Zeke find themselves irresistibly drawn to each other. The longing in their eyes is impossible to ignore. Romance blooms between Ava Brown and the Zeke with Bryan Whyte remaining determined to keep them apart, creating a complex love triangle.
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Chapter 1

The whole room was buzzing and clicking with the sound of camera shutters as Ava walked into the interview room with her four bodyguards behind her. As soon as she entered, everywhere became silent as everyone struggled to get a glimpse of the rare beauty that just entered.

Ava Brown,the twenty four year old daughter of Steven Brown was the one who walked into the interview room with her usual proud look on her face. Her father Steven Brown was the owner of the world biggest automobile industry, OB holdings and she was the young heiress to that large conglomerate.

She grew up to be a narcissist and earned the name snotty witch from the people around her because of her weird and bizarre behavior but she was Ava right?She didn't care about anyone's opinions and was just interested in whatever she wanted to do.

But as she walked into the interview room, the reporters couldn't help but marvel at the woman who just entered, dressed in a pair of limited edition clothes and bag. She looked dignified and poised with her calculated walking step as her assistant threaded behind her slowly with a grim look on her face. Actually who wouldn't have such a grim look when you have a boss like Ava Brown who only knew how to make people who dared to question her authority pay for their crimes.

"Welcome ma'am, we are so excited to have you on our show" the interviewer, Robert greeted respectfully as she lowered herself on her chair but she ignored his pleasantries and continued to stare at him without saying anything which made him to shudder back in fear, why was she always aloof from the world.

"I am a very busy woman Mr Robert, if you don't get this interview started in five minutes I will leave and not look back" she threatened raising an eyebrow and Robert quickly nodded and ran off to get the show started.

She hated people wasting her time the most and to her, time is money. If not for her dad who asked her so many times to attend the interview on his behalf, she would have been locked in the confines of her office burying herself in work. After all that was the only language she understood. After her mother's death, she decided to share part of the responsibility with her dad and she made a name for herself all over the world and as people would call her, the snotty witch.

"We will be going live in three minutes ma'am" her assistant, Elora whispered into her ears and she nodded before continuing with what she was doing on her phone.

Just then one of the hosts walked up to Elora and whispered something into her ears and her eyes opened wide, how was she going to tell Ava ma'am about what she just heard but she knew if she didn't tell her, it would be trouble for her.

"Ava ma'am" she called slowly and she angrily raised her head towards her.

"What Elora?do you want to go out?" She snapped angrily and her assistant gulped in fear, this woman was always viscous and hard to communicate with. Only God knows how she was able to cope with her all this years.

"Your father has ordered Brian Whyte to come on the interview too" she replied timidly moving two inches backwards. If there was anything Ava Brown was known for, it was her anger.

Bryan white was the man her dad has forged a marriage alliance with in order to get her married, even if she didn't want to get married she loved her father too much to refuse such a request but she didn't want her relationship going public and didn't want the so called bryan to show his face to her neither would she accept him just because they were going to get married.

Without bothering to answer her assistant, she stood up and walked towards Robert who was giving instructions to the technician and as the technician saw her he quickly walked away.

"Is it true my father has asked you to bring someone else on the interview?"

Robert gulped nervously before giving a fake smile, this woman sure knows how to make someone pee his pants,

"He suggested since you both will be married soon, it will be good to make your first public appearance together so we can also get to know who your would be husband is".

"It seems I wasted my time coming for this interview" she replied and turned to go but he ran behind her, it took a really long time before she agreed to do an interview for their channel and how could they allow her leave like that?if she didn't want Bryan Whyte on the show then so be it.

"I am so sorry ma'am, I will call your father and let him know Bryan won't be on the interview".

"Good" she replied, smiling creepily at him as she lowered herself on her chair again, what Ava wants she always gets.

The whole studio erupted in applause as the interview started, she was no longer dressed in the clothes she wore when she came but now she looked more professional and her elegance was top notch. She wore a pair of blue fitted skirt and her crisp white shirt was neatly tucked into it with her short hair lying neatly by her side, if everyone seated in the studio didn't know her attitude and temper, they would have surely given her a 100 percent perfect.

"We are happy to have you on our show miss Ava Brown" Robert said with a bright smile on his face, he also looked professional in his black suit and well styled hair.

"Thank you" she replied without a smile on her face, she knew she had a beautiful face so she didn't bother to smile to grace her already beautiful face, a pure narcissistic.

"So miss Ava, we will be frank and straightforward in this interview. Can you tell us how you have managed to make a name for yourself at such a young age and how it feels to be the young heiress to your father's empire?"

"You know Robert, for the fact that I am the heiress to my father's wealth, I have never depended on him to make my own name. Yes it's true I help him out at times but any thing attached to my name is purely based on my work and nothing else".

"Thats a good one, so the news about your wedding has been circulating for a while now, what do you have to say about it?"

"As you all know" She started slowly as her eye darted across the room to everyone watching her, " this marriage was fixed by my dad and I don't even know the groom but since I have already promised my father I will marry the man he chose but he should know we will not have a husband and wife relationship".

"What do you mean ma'am?" Robert asked, he didn't know why she was saying all she was saying. Everyone knew she was partly a psycho though.

"Should I tell you everything about my private life?"

"No, not really" he replied faking another smile.

"I know i am a public figure but I don't like washing my dirty linen in public, don't worry when the date is fixed I will be sure to invite you and your crew to cover the whole set up and as for the public, you are free to think whatever you want, I really don't care"

"we appreciate you ma'am for making out time for this interview, we hope to have more interviews with you in future" Robert said after a while smiling signifying the end of the interview.

"I am not sure of doing another interview for you but let's see how it goes"

Saying that she stood up and left, her whole mood was already off after knowing her dad asked Bryan to attend the interview with her, what was he thinking anyway?.

"Where to ma'am?" Elora asked as they walked out of the interview room, judging by the look on Ava's face she knew she was already in a bad mood. That was how she was, she gets into a bad mood at the slightest provocation.

"Home" she replied boarding the car, her dad had to explain why he wanted Bryan on the show.

She agreed to marry the man her dad chosed because she didn't want to upset him but that doesn't mean he should get to be anywhere she was. She has never met him either but as far as it was her dad's choice she would not complain but she would not share a relationship with him either. That point, she has already made it clear.

As soon as the car came to a halt in front of the house, she quickly alighted and angrily entered the house. Her father was seated in the parlor and enjoying a glass of wine when she walked up to him, an angry look on her face but he didn't bother to look at her.

"Why did you ask him on the interview dad?"

"You should take some rest Ava, you just got back from work you must be very tired" he replied casually sipping his drink, he already knew the kind of person she was and how to pacify her.

"I only agreed to this marriage dad and we do not have any kind of relationship whatsoever so please I don't want to meet him until the wedding day and you should fix it fast, I have my normal life to get back too" she retorted angrily and walked off to her room.

"Just like her mother" he muttered to himself as he watched her go with a smile on his face.

Immediatly she entered her room, she threw her things on the bed as she started to pull her clothes, she needed a soothing bath to calm her nerves down. As she wanted to enter the bathroom, her phone began to ring and she knew who it was, the only friend she had in Los Angeles or should she say in the whole wide world.

"What is is Pam?I am not in a good mood so let's talk later".

"I watched your interview Ava, you are really a narcissist aren't you?" Pam asked from the other end teasingly and for the first time she smiled a little.

"I just had to make it clear to everyone you see, those jobless people keep prying into my private life and I don't like it".

"Very well then narcissistic Queen, just take some rest and we will talk later, bye" she said happily and disconnected the call before Ava threw the phone on the bed and went into the bathroom.

How she and Pam became friends was even a mystery to her because she didn't like to be around people but the two were so close like sisters and she loved her alot. Aside from Pam and her dad, she didn't care about anyone else, not even her would be husband.