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The Dark Secret Of His Mermaid

The Dark Secret Of His Mermaid

Autor: B1795H



The Dark Secret Of His Mermaid PDF Free Download


They were so much in love but everything changed drastically when the girl died in an accident. He couldn't do nothing to save her instead of crying while staying by her side as she breathed her very last breath on his arms. 5 years later, a mysterious girl suddenly came into his life, reminding of him to the past as she has the same look as his dead girlfriend. Little does he know, the girl kept a secret from him as she is actually related to his old lover.
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Chapter 1

  A i d e n C h r i s t e n s e n

  * microphone on *

  "Ladies and gentleman...this is Captain Christensen speaking. I would like to thank you for flying with us. We hope you enjoyed the flight as much as we did. Have a nice day, everyone..."

  * microphone off *

  "Home sweet home...."my co pilot said in relieved as soon as I ended the announcement. He then took off the headphone and put it in its place in the cockpit. "So, Capt, have you book the hotel or do you need me to book you a nice one?"

  I put a small smile, " I already did, thanks for your concern,"

  "Oh, that's good," my co pilot replied along with a quick pat on my left shoulder. "Have a nice holiday then... see you in a week,"

  " Thanks, you too have a nice holiday,"

  My co pilot made his way out of the cockpit, leaving me alone in the cockpit, watching some parts of the LAX hangar from the plane wind shield.


  It's been a long time, huh.

  * phone buzzes *

  Laura : Aiden ?

  Laura: Aaaiden...

  Laura: Seriously I'm not gonna stop until you reply ... Aidenn...

  Laura : It's double ticks now ...

  Laura : You've landing right?

  Laura : Aiden ...

  This crazy girl...I guess I should reply her quick before she went madness again.

  Me : Yeah

  Me : What's it?

  Laura : Finally!

  Me : I just landed.

  Laura: Wait a sec!

  Why is she offline all of sudden?

  Hmmm...what's she up to anyway.

  I scoot away from the pilot chair, then put on the sun glasses as I made my way out of the cockpit. They were several stewardesses left on the aircraft who automatically stopped from doing what they were currently doing when noticed me went out from the cockpit.

  *clears throat*

  "Have a nice day, ladies..." God...this is so embarrassing. The words just spilled out of my mouth which I have no idea why I just said that.

  *girls' giggling*

  "You too, Capt...." some of them replied along with small laughs.

  I quicken my paces without even dare to look back and walked through the jet bridge to enter the LAX building.

  *phone rings*

  I took out my smartphone from the pocket and saw the call was from Laura.

  Me: Hello...

  Laura: Aiden!!

  Me: Yeah??

  Laura: Shawn told me that you're here? I mean here in LA...

  Me: Was he...hmmm I'm not sure about that.

  Laura: Oh come on, dude!

  Me: *burst out of laughter* Yeah...I'm back. I just landed at LAX 10 minutes ago.

  Laura:'re here. We missed you so much!

  Me: Yeah, me too.

  Laura: If that so, let's meet up! All of us...I'm going to throw a party special for you.

  Me: Awww....that's sweet of you. Alright then...text me the time and place. I'll meet you all there.

  Laura: Great...where are you staying anyway?

  Me: I booked a vacation home near to the Malibu beach.

  Laura: Nice...send me the location when you're arrived, okay?

  Me: Yes, ma' worries.

  Laura: Hey, Aiden...

  Her tone suddenly changed when she suddenly called my name again. I think I know what she's going to ask me.

  Laura: Are you going to visit her? So sorry for asking you this but, it's has been 5 years since you got back here...I-

  I cut her in.

  Me: Of course...I'll visit her and my parents too. I guess I'll go straight up after visit them.

  Laura: Alright then...careful, okay? See you later, Aiden.

  Me: Okay, see you, Laura.

  I ended up the call and my paces stopped when saw my screen wallpaper which a picture of me with a girl.

  God, I really missed her so much.

  I don't know how to say but my life is totally miserable for 5 years. I really wish if I could just go to her earlier, she might be still here with me now.

  I really missed you smile just like in the picture.

  Your eyes, your voice and your touch....I really missed them so much.

  《F l a s h b a c k S t a r t s》

  6 years ago...

  *lighter flicks*

  "Are you going to kill yourself?" A sweet voice suddenly approached me out of nowhere.

  My heart was almost stopped because of that and I even wasted my cigarette as it fell out from my hand into the pond right in front of me. "H-hey...."

  I turned to look at my back and saw a wavy brown hair girl in cream dress was standing right behind of me. She then took a step on the right side and was now standing in front of the pond beside of me, but unfortunately she never turn to face me instead just excitedly watched the koi fishes in the pond.

  Wait a minute, she seemed familiar though.

  "Smoking can shorten your lifetime of you want to know...."she continued, but still never look at me in the face.

  I practically bewitched with her beauty especially under the moonlight; everything about her is perfect.

  "Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked, with her eyes finally met mine. Beautiful chestnut color eyes met with mine, blue eyes color. "It's kind of rude when you look at a girl like that..."

  "I-I u-uh...." Damn, she just made me stuttered badly.

  The frowned between of her eyebrows looked cute when she looked at me in confused. "You're so weird..."

  "Hey...stopped," I stopped her when she was about to walk away from me. "Can I know your name?"

  She suddenly curved a beautiful smile, totally got me butterflies in my stomach. "O'Brien....Mia O'Brien...." then continued to walk away, leaving me totally hanging all alone by the pond. "Nice to meet you, Aiden..."


  That's Mia???

  Whoa...she's changed so much since the last time I saw her.

  I tried to follow her inside the building but unfortunately she wasn't longer in my sight. It was kind of bit sad for losing such a beautiful girl like her...but what can I do, the hotel is so big plus, she could be anywhere in this building.

  *phone buzzes*

  Me: Hello??

  Uncle Jay: Where are you, Aiden?

  Me: O-oh...hey Uncle.

  Uncle Jay: Are you went out smoking again?

  Me: I'm not. I'm just getting fresh air.

  Uncle Jay: Just quit smoking will you? It's bad for you. Anyway, just come inside...the party is about to start. Besides, I want you to introduce to someone you might be interested.

  Me: *sighs* Fine...I'll get there now.

  I walked towards the lift direction after ended up the call and went to the third floor of the hotel where there was a small ballroom there. My uncle's friend was having a party there to celebrate his daughter which I didn't know what the reason was.

  Whatever....I don't care.

  *piano melodies*

  Canon in D...

  My mother used to play the song before.

  It sounds so perfect, even I couldn't play like that. I'm wondering who that genius pianist is.

  There were crowded of people in the center of the ballroom where the beautiful sound of piano came from there. Seriously, I couldn't see him.

  Oh, I have got an idea.

  I ran a little near to the guest table then took a chair from it and placed the chair right behind of the crowded of people so that I could take a look at the pianist.

  I quickly climbed the chair and balanced my body properly on the chair so that I will not fall from it. And turned out the pianist is a she.

  And she is that beautiful girl!

  Mia O'Brien.

  She played gracefully with her looking all stunning under the chandelier light. The guests even mesmerized with her including me!

  She noticed what I was doing when our eyes met once again, I saw her right corner lips raised a little as if like she was smiling when saw me before went back to focus on her song again.