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The Flower Boys: Their Only Hobby Is Sex

The Flower Boys: Their Only Hobby Is Sex

Autor: Author Julie

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The Flower Boys: Their Only Hobby Is Sex PDF Free Download


Ravenwood high! They say it's the best school for any kid, it's environment is conducive for learning, the organised expensive system is topnotch, they only admit the rich. But most importantly, it's where you can find the flowers boys. Presenting the flower boys... First, is the leader of the group Colton. He's the most handsome and famous among the three, the tales of his achievements in the school reaches the far end. Is it how charismatic he can be at any time? Or his cool personality that attracts almost every girl that sees him. Just a wink, and it's said that it could get anyone to do his biddings. That shows how much he has gain influence into the heart of many. Ohh.... one more thing, he's the arrogant one who gets any girl in his bed no matter what! Colton dosen't like to be intimidated, he believes he's the alpha of every men and he can get whatever he wants, it's why he's the most famous among the flower boys. What about Knox, the Charming devil himself, his pure innocence and cute face makes every girl falls his victim. The real definition of a play boy. Infact, he loves being one. Breaking girls heart is what excite him most, he dosen't care about girls than to drill holes into them. Girls loves him, men envies his beauty. He's smart, and the richest among them. Introducing, Luis the last of the F-boys. His childish attitude is his charm, he loves girls more than anything in the world. He's handsome, cute and funny. Yes, girls loves him that way. These are the flower boys and they only aim at turning good girls into bad ones. They would always say "Stay holy and get disvirgined." But, what happens! A new girl was admitted into the school. The name is Christina yoo. A half Korean and American. The pretty girl with the white skin as snow, She is the clumsy one and so religious. Her dream is to be a nun and serve God in the sanctuary. The F-boys saw her as a new target... A mission they must accomplish. What happens when all their plans turns futile no matter their effort, she would always remain holy and none of the boys would attract her. It would only makes it worse when the Flower boys started having butterfly effects for her. Would they accomplish their mission? Would she ever fall for their trap?
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Chapter 1

  The environment feels so strange to her, the organised school system, the pretty girls who roams around in their extremely short school skirt and their face decorated in heavy make overs.

  She can't have enough with the handsome boys neatly dressed in their uniforms.

  Everything felt so strange to her, maybe because it's different from where she comes from. "The Republic of Korea."

  This is her first day in school and she couldn't be more happy and surprised, it would have been so confusing to her if not for Roselyn her distant cousin who had made sure she feels familiar and comfortable with others.

  "Christina, you are really going to love this school." Roselyn said cheerfully.

  This would be the sixth time she would tell Christiana that and it's clear obvious Christiana is getting tired of hearing the same thing over and over again.

  "Roselyn, am getting tired and bored already, it's my first day in school and you have told me that like ten times today come on give me a break." Christina expressed as she sat on the chair and placed her lunch on the desk.

  Roselyn looked around the cafeteria before taking her sit stylishly.

  "Actually, this would make it the sixth and of course, I need to let you know how great this school is, or have you not heard about the F-boys?"

  With that said Roselyn had gotten her attention as she rolled her eyes with curiousity.

  "The F-boys? who are they!"

  "Lower your voice." Roselyn cautioned before adjusting her position.

  "Sorry, so who are the F-boys."

  "Now we are talking, the F-boys are like the heartbeat of this school, they are the reasons I come to school, not only me, almost all the girls comes to school just to see their face."

  "Wow..... they must be so interesting, are they angels for them to be so adored?"

  "They are far better than angels, they are the rich boys that makes every boys jealous, their beauty should never be compared to others, they are so cool, charismatic, fun to be with...."

  "Ok. Ok. Ok. that's enough, I get it now." Christina had to stop her it's quite obvious Roselyn was taking it so serious as she gazed lost in space when she was singing their praises.

  "Are you sure? I need to let you know about them because am sure you are definitely going to fall in love with them."

  "You are wrong, I don't fall in love easily just as you know I hate anything that depicts immorality."

  "Meaning?" Roselyn queried with her mouth full.

  "If their ways are so different from mine, I would rather stay holy."

  "Hmm.... this should be fun, you just wait. it's only a matter of time, everyone eventually falls for the F-boys."

  "You can say am different." Christina sounded more determined.

  "Alright then, this is a new session and I think they should be here any moment from now. I just can't wait."

  Roselyn giggled excitedly.

  She just can't wait....

  And obviously, Christiana cared less.


  "Damn it! fuck!" Luis shouted.

  Before the others could talk he flipped his phone to a side angrily and buried his head in his palms.

  His eyes talks of disappointment and expectations.

  "What's wrong with you?" Colton asked.

  His attention more fixed on his laptop.

  "It's this game, I just find it so hard to win."

  "I knew it would be because of something so pointless." Knox interrupted before Colton could say anything.

  Luis has always been the one that acts so childish among the F-boys.

  It's why Knox never liked to get involved with him.

  If not for Colton, they would have had countless of fight over the years.

  "Knox, that's a bit over the line, you should apologize." Colton suggested.

  "I won't apologize for anything, today's the first day in school after summer, he shouldn't ruin this for me with his immaturity."

  Knox pressed further.

  "Colton just leave him, I understand why he always loves to be a jerk, but, he should atleast try to be thankful he's in my private jet to school and stop being a pain in the ass."

  "Come on both of you stop!" Colton's angry voice roared loud.

  "I get that you guys don't get along well. Fine. But, today's our first day back to school and we can't afford to let people see us this way, we are the flower boys and we can't show weakness, think about the girls, the fame and honour, the popularity. Think about those, before, you make mistakes you will regret." Colton concluded stroding around.

  With that said Knox and Luis kept their silence.

  "I understand that, but, seriously don't you think we need to change that name; flower boys." Luis taunted.

  "Seriously?!" Knox and Colton chorused.



  Christina and Roselyn had both returned back to class after lunch.

  Roselyn wouldn't stop telling praises about the flower boys, how she would love to hang out with them and how she can't wait to see their faces.

  This obviously got Christiana more curious and frustrated.

  Curious about who they are and how they have gotten so much affluence in the school.

  Frustrated because Roselyn wouldn't stop talking about them.

  "So, Christiana are you enjoying your day?"

  "You can say that...." Voices and cheers coming from outside the classroom stopped her from talking.

  She could hear people chant a word and it's only....

  "The flower boys, they are here." Roselyn said with a broadness in her face.

  The voices increases towards the classroom and it made Christiana looked towards the area it was coming first.

  As she gaze and stares, she remains beguiled to a spot.

  Her jaw dropped down in awe.

  She watched more closely as the boys marched in their well designed school uniform and their shades which gives them the bad boy appearance.

  Without no doubt, she was already drooling over their awesomeness.

  The boys marched inside in their cool personality.

  "Are they the flower boys?" She asked Roselyn who was lost in thought.

  "Yes, they are the F-boys."

  "They look so..."
