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Even the sun sets in paradise

Even the sun sets in paradise

Autor: Sarah1

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Even the sun sets in paradise PDF Free Download


A cold yet kind girl gets a job as a famous singer in the company, jinhit. People assume that her arrogant behavior is because of her fame but little do they know about her dark past which turned her from an always-laughing girl to a mature and serious woman
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Chapter 1

"It's your first day in jinhit entertainment right?" The person behind me asked politely trying to fade the awkwardness created


"The artists here are extremely nice... And pretty popular too" she uttered the last words silently

"I don't care actually" it sounded a bit rude but that was true. I didn't come here to get along with the artists. I'm here to work. AND MAKE MONEY

She gave up her attempts of talking to me and led me inside the main room. I crossed the threshold, eyes cold, looking like someone who just doesn't care about whatever is happening around.

"Guys! It's Y/N! The new artist who got fame overnight because of her brilliant singing, hope you guys get along" she exclaimed.

There, at that very moment, I saw him... The one I've been avoiding, the one who was the reason of all my worries, the one who made my life miserable and the one I once loved. His name was "Min Yoongi".



His eyes stared into mine, they were full of fury and I could see them throwing all kinds of questions at me. I rolled and then hastily averted my gaze.

"Hey! Nice to meet ya" said Rose, an artist, forwarding her hand.

I shook it with a small smile trying not to disappoint her excited self.

"I heard of your renowned personality from bang PD" said another artist, eunwoo beaming.

I greeted them all, though a bit coldly. The boys


just shook hands while yoongi remained seated with his hands forming a fist.

We were about to start a meeting of getting to know each other when i heard a familiar voice which made me want to resign on the spot.

"Ah am i late?... Hehe sorry last time"

It was Lisa who once used to be my best friend but turned out to be a fake one, the one who back-stabbed me when I was at my lowest.

"It's ok i know it takes hours to finish that makeup" said the manager sarcastically.

She giggled.

"Do we have a guest here?"

Her eyes glanced my face, completely astonished at my return. Several thoughts flooded her mind.

"Lisa are you okay?" Asked jennie.

"Ah yes hehe just stunned by this beauty" Lisa said coming back to the reality. Her lips forming a grin. She hugged me telling me how beautiful I was.

This! this is what i hate, her fake self. She hides her evil self behind a veil. She takes advantage of you and then dumps you when you're of no use. You can easily be fooled by her brilliant acting skills.

"I'm so excited to work with you!" Said Lisa smiling.

"Well I'm not"


All the characters mentioned are fictional and are no way linked to the actual singers, no hate to anyone

Please ignore any grammar or spelling mistake as I'm not a native English speaker and am just 15, It's my first story so i hope u guys like it, tell me if you need next part