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Autor: Kelly Tarranza

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Kianna decided to go in Australia after her family abandoned her. She accidentally met the Terrell Greene, the billionaire tycoon in the plane. They met again in his company after she applied as office manager, she was completely shocked after realizing the guy he met in plane was his boss. Kianna knew that she's a rapist daughter and her step-dad founds out that her mom's rapist was Terrell's dad. Her world shut down as she realized she's a sister of his boss!
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Chapter 1

Kianna's POV

"One more please ..." I said to the bartender. I was very drunk but did not want to stop drinking.

"Coming up..." he replied as he mix the alcohols.

I can't deny to myself the pain I'm feelin' right now. I want to escape all my problems even just now. I am not broken-hearted with the man but with my family. I know Mom doesn't like me cause I'm the  daughter of her fucking rapist. She's always setting up into my mind the darkest part of her life and always and blame everything to me. 

"Kia!" I turned to someone called me. I could see Bria's angry face. She doesn't like seeing drinking  cause she's too protective and kind of annoying.

"Briaaaaa!" I waved.

She rolled her eyes before walking over to my seat. "What's the matter? Why you're drinking and why did you sent me here? I know you won't drink without a problem." she asked asked and asked. Tsk!

"Tsk! Can we please enjoy this night and stop questioning me?" I said irritably and then turned to the bartender. "Hey mister! Give her light alcohol .. because he's not used to drinking.." I said with a loud laugh.

"What happened? Why are you drinking?" Bria asked and it's freaking annoying.

"Tsk!!! You're annoying.. I said stop asking me!" I even slightly pounded her exposed thigh.

"Kianna!" she scolded but I just laughed at her. I knew she's annoyed. "You know what? You're drunk .. I'll drop you home .." she uttered as she trying to pull me up but I insisted.

"I don't have a house anymore ..." I smirked so I could hide my pain.  "I have no reasons to go home.."

"What?!" she said in shock and creased her brow.

"Are you deaf?" I asked in laugh as I drank the small volume of wine that left in a glass.

"Kianna! I'm fucking serious!!! Answer me! What do you mean you don't have a home and you hadn't reason to go home? What happened ?!" she creased.

I don't know how to tell her what happened. I really wish to forget this fucking event in my fucking life but I know this slut will keep asking. I also send her here to join me for a drink.

The bartender gave our alcohol and I immediately drink it endlessly before answering Bria. "Well, my mom and ACCREDITED dad... decided to separate .. actually they're divorced." I response, having a fight to emotions tryin' to break free.  "Mom took Kira and went to wherever.. while me was left with Dad. But after three hours Dad also left. Of course he'll leave me, I'm not his child ... and now hahaha! I'm fucking alone." I sarcastically said.

I also didn't know the origin of their fight but I can't believe they will ended their 10 years of marriage. I knew that our family isn't perfect and I haven't felt my Mom's love because every time she sees me, she just remembers the night she'd raped while Dad is considered me as his child but of course he loves Kira than me.

"I-I'm s-sorry to hear that Kianna .." she replied with a sorrow. She was still almost stunned as if what I'd told didn't sunk on her mind.

"Tsk. Don't be sorry! It's not your fault why my life became into this. I'm a criminal's daughter and I'm now paying for my father's bullshits." My tears dripping, I couldn't help myself not to cry. 

"Shh it's okay, Kia." she hugged me tight. "I'm here okay? I'll never leave you, I promise you that." she's trying to lighten my feelin'.

I just cried and cried for a few minutes. It helped me a lot that Bria was here to ease my sadness.

"Okay, I'm overreacting.. this moment isn't suit me." I let go of the hug and wiped away my tears, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Uhmm .. I'm actually speechless. I didn't know that's the reason why you're here and drinking... But Kianna you have to be brave for yourself. They maybe abandoned and destroy you but you shouldn't  give up and blame everything on yourself because of your identity." that's Bria, full of words of wisdom. She's an orphan and grew up independently. We met at the university we attended cause we’re classmates in the marketing subject. We're third year college and next school year, we're graduating but now I'm not sure if I should continue my study. Aish! I shouldn’t have thought of these things first, I'm came here to enjoy.

"Tch. I know but for now let's have fun! Let's enjoy this freaking night !" I yelled.

"Kianna!" she gripped my wrists.


"You forgot your shot!" she said with a grin as gave me the glass of delicious wine.

I immediately drank it, I'm glad that she didn't stop me drinking. "Ahhh!!! Let's dance Bria!!!" I yelled but she just laughed at me.

"Go on. Enjoy the night and bury your nightmare tonight."

"YEAAAAHHHH!!!" I fondly shouted and went to the dance floor. I'm going to enjoy this.

I'm dancing here like an idiot, enjoying the night and music. I really didn’t care about the eyes looking at me as if judging my whole being.

'Assholes How dare them to look at me like that? Tch.'

"Don't mind them Kianna.." I whispered to myself.

The music got louder so I danced danced and danced wildly.

"GO! KIA !!!" I heard Bria yelled

She's cheering there like a stupid yet I enjoyed it.

"Coz baby tonight DJ's gonna falling inlove again !!! DANCE DANCE PAR-----Ouch !!!" I was hurt when someone bumped me hardly.

"What the fuck?!" I said with annoyance.

"Oh! I didn't know you're there, Kianna." the bitch said sarcastically. Actually she's Faye, my school mate. I really don't like when she's being near to me cause I know that she'll start a fight again. I also saw Samantha and Hannah behind her, raising their ugly brows.

I ignored them and just turned around but even before I could take a step, Faye stopped me.

"You're too rude Kianna! I'm still talking to you!" she violently pulled me in arm.

"I'm not interested on whatever you want to say .." I savagely replied and withdraw my arm.

"Hey! Hey!" Bria should as she quickly reached my place. I knew she felt the tension between me and Faye.

"I pity Chase for liking you... From a high.." she pointed herself. " a low class of standard." she grinned, pointing her index into me. "Admit it Kianna... you're falling to Chase.."

"Not now, Faye please.." Bria pleaded, she knew that it was a bad timing for another fight between me and Faye.

"Shut up slut!" Faye scolded Bria. "What now Kianna? DO. YOU. LIKE. CHA---"

"Chase! Chase! Chase! I'm so sick hearing again and again that fucking name from you!" I scolded on her fucking face. "HOW MANY TIMED I TOLD YOU?!!! I DON'T LIKE HIM! OKAY?! I DIDN'T STEAL HIM FROM YOU FOR GOD'S SAKE!"

She glared as if want to kill me right here. She smirked. "You expecting me to believe in you ?! I'm not a fool, Kianna!"

"Yeah you're right! You're not a fool because YOU. ARE. STUPID. BITCH!"

"How dare you!!!" she slapped me.

"FAYE!!!" Bria intervened. "It's too much!!! You're being physical!!"

It hurts! SHIT! It feels like my lip's bleeding, FUCK!

I still couldn’t recover from the pain when Faye spoke again. "Try to say it again in front of ---"


"You know Faye? It's not my fault that you're stupid. You believe on whatever they'd say.." I gaze on Samantha and Hannah.

"Don't worry! Chase has already stopped chasing me cause I've been pushing him away for you! And I'll repeat, I don't like your ex! So stop messing up with me, if you couldn't do it, I will give my yes to Chase." I threatened. I immediately leave the bar.

I didn't really like Chase, I just said that so Faye wouldn't bother me anymore. I knew she'll do anything for Chase to get him back to her.

I'm dizzy... my eyes were wirling.

"Hey hey! Kianna!" Bria shouted before I lost my consciousness.