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Hollow Kids

Hollow Kids

Autor: ScarletPaintings24

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First impressions; the first ideas, feelings or opinions we have on people we have just met (or watch from afar). They could either be good or bad impressions depending on what conclusions we decide to jump to. And funny that, we often jump to said 'conclusions' before we get to know the people. In our defense though, we are only human. And all these first ideas, feelings or opinions really relay on our trust in people and what we truly expect from them. Think of these conclusions we jump to as abstract images we paint in our heads. An abstract image of people we either know, barely know or just watch from afar. My point exactly on these abstract images is, I might look untrustworthy to the eye. Blue mohawk, multiple piercings, tattoo sleeves and whatnot. You'd most likely paint an image of me, based on my looks and probably title it "Trouble". And no matter how hard I try to prove myself otherwise, it just won't match up to your own painting. You've made your mind up. On the other hand, you could expect so much good from me because of my gentle smile and warm brown eyes. My warm voice and decent appearance will earn a place in your gallery. You'd paint that image and title it  "Saint" when in reality, I'm nowhere close to being a saint. I could be full of shit but my empty promises could cover for it. You could try to change your opinion, paint over abstract image in your head with a chalky new paint. But just one stray drop of water could wash it away. Entirely.
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Chapter 1

Mutanzi's POV

"Hollow!" I mumbled to myself as I watched them talk amongst them selves. I bet you're wondering who I'm talking about? Who I'm calling hollow?

Let me enlighten you. They are the famous five, always has been, and from the looks of things, always will be. They never once mixed with anyone outside their closely knit circle. Why would they when they had each other?

They didn't care about anything else but the thrill of adventure. It was as if they lived for the high. We all watched them, few of us looking for their ugliest flaws but coming up empty.

They had our devoted attention and if they were aware of it, they did a great job not showing it. It was as if they were the sun and we the hoples planets that had no choice but to revolve around them. It pissed me off how they had so much but took it all for granted.

A rough shove on my shoulder broke me out of my thoughts, reminding me that I am, in fact, as invisible as DJ Khaled's abs. "Watch it, loser." the person sneered at me as he walked away with his group of boisterous friends.

I sighed softly and tightened the grip on the strap of my pageboy bag and headed to my first class of the day. The day barely begun and I already wished it'd end.

"Hey Tanzi! " a voice calls out to me and I didn't have to look back to know it was Clair Sinclair, obnoxiously annoying bimbo who thought the world was her oyster.

I rolled my eyes when she fell in step with me and hooked her hand with mine. "You tots won't believe what just happened!" she squealed rather loudly, causing me to cringe. I don't want to deal with this at 7 in the fucking morning.

"Humor me. " I said with the most patent smile I could master.

"Echo Reynolds literally just made eye contact with me! How crazy is that?! " she said I mentally face palmed. Is she serious right now?

"Oh my gosh, really? " I said sarcastically but she was too blond to get the hint.

"Yes, really. It happened so fast I would have missed it. His eyes are so gorgeous," she said with a dazed look in her big brown eyes.

Nope. I am not doing this. Not today sister. "Look, Clair, I have to get to class." I said unhooking her hand from mine. I gave her an apologetic smile, which was feigned of course, and started to walk away.

"Wait!" she said and rushed to me. What now?! "I've been meaning to ask if you wanna come to my house this Saturday? My family is having a little barbecue. "

"Oh. Uhm, thanks for the invite but I can't come. "

"But why not? You aren't vegan are you? " she pouted and in that moment, I wished the ground would open up and swallow me whole.

"Funeral. " was all I said before I ducked around her and bolted to my World History class. I didn't miss the confused look on her face as I bolted away.

When I got to class, I took my seat in the front row and pulled out my journal as I waited for Mr Elise to arrive. The guy was never on time and I actually wondered how on earth he landed a job as a highschool teacher.

I started to doodle on the corner of a page to pass time. People filled into the classroom and took up the remaining empty seats, everyone talking so damn loudly as if the the people they were adressing weren't inches away.

15 minutes later, Mr Elise barged into the class room with his folder in a mess. He rushed to his desk and dropped the folder on top of it, causing a loud bang to ensue. The class was silent as he fumbled around to retrieve a white board marker.

I shut my journal and opened up my history text book. Time to get educated! Oh joy! Note the sarcasm.