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Autor: Princess Juilet

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Dreams PDF Free Download


Meet Candace Noah ( Candy) an 18 year old high school student who have the dreams of becoming a popular singer . She had the voice and the talent to become one but got no connection...... * Meet Chase Delgado a 21 years old talented singer , he is the second son of the famous “Delgado” who is known for moulding young talents into famous singers... But being the “bastard son he was always bullied by his elder brother Nick ........ * What will happen when Candy gets the opportunity to school at “Delgado music school”? Will she realise her dreams? And Chase , what will happen when he decides to stand and fight for his dreams? * Find out by reading Dreams , a story filled with Love, betrayal, determination, hidden secrets and most of all suspense........ DREAMS - a must read for anyone with dreams .......
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Chapter 1

         The bell rang signifying the end of the class, Yippee!!! I exclaimed loudly as I packed my books into my backpack and sling it across my shoulders, I stood up from my seat and walked up to Zara. Zara has been my bestie from elementary grade and I can't trade her for anything.

   "Zara! Zara!"I called while studying her, she looked tensed. "What is wrong?"

    She looked at me and sighed...

    "I really need help candy"

    "What' wrong bestie?

    "I am trying to solve this equation but I am finding it difficult". She sighed...

    I tilted my head a little to get a clearer view of what she was working on

    I observed...

    "But this equation is way ahead of us"

    "I know". She retorted

    Can't give yourself a little break?" I asked with an arched eyebrow

     "You know I can't". She replied with her eyes still fixed on her book, "this is the only way I can get into my preferred college"

     "Oh right!"I drawled, "I need to get going"

     "Alright candy, see ya tomorrow". She bade...

         I plugged in my earphones listening to Nick music as I danced my way out of the class...

     Oh! lest I forget, let me introduce myself. I am Candace Noah popularly known as Candy, a nineteen years high school student with the dream of becoming a superstar, I live with my parent and little brother in a quiet neighbourhood. My Father is a driver to a wealthy family while mother is a petty trader, we are not wealthy but at least we are happy.

  On getting home, I met my kid brother in the sitting room with his eyes glued to the television.

     He glanced at me and mumbled some words that sounded like greeting before he looked away...

    I can see the television has taken over your brain. I teased walking into the next room...

    Whatever!  he grumbled..

  I pulled off my uniform and folded it neatly placing it in the wardrobe before changing into my house outfit...

     I grabbed my old looking guitar from the chair beside the bed and scurried out of the room...

    "Where are you going with the guitar?"my brother Max asked staring at me, "I thought mother warned you never to sing again at the train station"

    I walked out of the house ignoring him and ran heading to the train station...

    I got to the train station and  went to my usual spot. I tuned my guitar and closed my eyes as I began singing, it was one of Nick song and it was my favourite, I tapped my feet to the rhythm of the song as I played...

   *                   *                  *

    There is a song that is inside of my soul

    It is the one that I will write over and over again

    I am awake in this infinite cold but you sing to me over and over again

    So I lay my heads back down and I lift my head and pray to be only yours , I pray to be only yours

    I know now you are my only hope........

    I heard cheering and clapping when I was done and opened my eyes, i was not surprised to see a small crowd gathered around me...

     "You have an angelic voice". A  fat woman praised...

    "She sings like an angel". I heard another voice praised...

    "All she needs is little training"

    I stared at them as they kept on praising and smiled, I was already used to it. I bowed in appreciation and turned to go when a woman stopped me...

    "hi young lady. she greeted, you sing beautifully!

    "Thanks ma. I appreciated her...

    "Why don't you enrol at the Delgado Music school? I heard they mould beautiful singers like you into celebrities.

    "Delgado? Isn't that the school owned by Nick's father?". I asked

    She nodded. smiling...

    "I really wish to but I can't". I sighed

    "Why?". she asked

    "The fees must be expensive". I explained and she nodded

    "It will be alright". She assured before taking her leave...

    I watched her leave and sighed

    How I wish I can get into Delgado music school .

    I plugged in my earphones listening to Nick song as I scurried back home.


    I soon got home and was surprised to see mother seated in the sitting room

    "Good mor... I mean evening". I stuttered, I never expected to meet her home

    "Where are you coming from with that guitar?"She asked frowning...

    "Why are you home so early?"I asked trying to change the topic...

    "Is that the answer to my question ?"She yelled...

     "I gave you a clear warning never to go sing at the train station again but you chose to disobey me"

    "But mother I just......"Give me the guitar".She commanded!

     "Please mother I promise not to...."

     "hand it over now". She barked and I kissed the guitar before placing it gently on her outstretched hand

     "You will never see it again"She threatened,

    "Please mother". I pleaded

    "Go and do the dishes". She instructed before walking out of the house

    I glared at Max who was grinning like a fool

    "How did mom find out about it? I asked

    "How will  I know? he retorted! Do I look like a magician???

    "Don't dare lie to me Max! I warned...

    "You should know me better by now. he drawled facing the television, I will never do that!

    I looked at him and sighed. he is right, the Max I know will never tell on me but who did? It might be one of  those bigmouthed neighbours.

    I walked into the kitchen with tears streaking down my face

    What will happen to my life now? I wondered. I am not good at studying , not good at sport and the only thing I am good at seems to be hopeless.

    I turned on the tap and started washing the dishes but soon stopped when I heard Nick music blasting out  from the speaker in the sitting room, I ran out of the kitchen to the sitting room still holding the dish sponge. I smiled when I saw Max watching a video of  Nick singing one of his songs.

    "he is so cute". I remarked and Max turned to look at me...

    "Are you crazy?" he asked staring at the dish sponge I was holding, don't tell me you left the dishes because of this ugly guy

    "he is not ugly?" I retorted and he smirked

    "I can see you are really crazy". he cursed and changed the channel..

    "Why did you do that?"I frowned...

    "So you can go back to the kitchen!"  he replied without looking at me

     I shook my head and headed back to the kitchen

    He wouldn't understand, no one will. I just want to sing on a big stage, I just want to be a celebrity like Nick.


    How was the first episode?

