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Miss Lovely Matchmaker

Miss Lovely Matchmaker

Autor: Sunhi

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Miss Lovely Matchmaker PDF Free Download


Little miss Matchmaker, Min-sun, is the girl who always manages to pair up other people and helping them find true love. She can't help it, she loves " love". However her faithful encounter with the cold and distant CEO of APEX enterprises leads her into a series of events in order to help find his one "true love".
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Chapter 1

Ever since I was young, I dreamt of the day that I would have my wedding. The idea of wedding dresses, all types of flowers and cake fascinated me, but most importantly, I loved the idea of being in love with someone. The way that the groom would look at his bride while she walked down the aisle made me smile so wide. To put it simply, love is a really magical thing to me.

You might think I am crazy, but every human being has their ideal type. The type that would be perfect for them, the type they fancy, a soulmate if you would call it. To me the moment when you see your soul mate, is the moment of love at first sight, that moment is when you see flowers bloom and everything around you turns pink and rosy.

With that being said, I would like to tell you that I have a talent for spotting soul mates. Again it sounds more crazy than it is, but it's like I can see that moment when a person starts seeing the world in different shades of pink. I have been able to ever since I was small. My first success in matchmaking was when one of my maids first laid eyes on one of my bodyguards. It felt as if she was seeing fireworks for the first time. Eventually I got her to talk to him, and him to ask her out. That was when I was 8.

I have been on countless matchmaking dates in all my 23 years, and still going. You might think it's old school, but it was the way that my father met my mother and they have had the most enchanting love story that I could have ever seen and for me it has become my eternal aim to make people find their true love.

"-Min-sun! Earth to Min-sun", I get startled out of my daze as I look at my friend.

"What is it Areum?", I asked, blinking aimlessly at her as I awoke from my daydream.

"You are going to be late for your blind date! Did you forget! Its in 10 minutes and the cafe is 45 minutes away!", she pinches my cheeks as she tells me this.

Panic starts to well up in me as I realize she is right. A Matchmaker had set me up with a very important person for today, he is an expected rising star in the entertaining business- ofcourse not that it matters to me. WHAT MATTERS IS TRUE LOVE!

"OH NO!", I panic as I hurriedly collect my books as she stops me.

"Don't bother! I will clean up here- have you forgotten you have to dress up! Hurry up and go to the toilet!", she exclaimed handing me a bag filled with my date clothes and makeup. I take it hurriedly and try to make it out of my seat.

"Thank you Areum! I owe you one!", I yelp as she laughed.

"Just don't forget to message me when you are done! Not like the last time. I swear if your head wasn't attached to your body you would forget it somewhere!", she giggled a she handed me my phone.

"Of course Areum! I can feel it! This time it will be true love!", I smirked as I got up dramatically to leave.

"Yea yea- I already called your driver! Hurry!", she waved her hand at me as if telling me to move.

" may love cross your path today Areum! And don't forget to call Do-won!", I exclaimed as I ran out

dramatically if I may add


As I eventually made my way towards the cafe. I was only 5 minutes late, but I had to take a moment to compose myself. What if I actually do fall in love with this guy? What if he is the one? What shade of pink will I see the world in? I started to blush as I straightened out my white tweed skirt and red blouse. Did I over do my makeup? I pinched my cheeks as I looked at myself in my hand mirror. Was this finally my moment?

I gathered up my courage and finally decided to walk into the cafe. A cute waitress walked up to me.

"Do you have a reservation miss?", she smiled politely trying to be helpful.

I smiled back.

"Yes, with a Mr.jae?", I recalled as I smiled.

She instantly gave me an understanding look and pointed towards a table next to a window.

I immediately noticed him. As calm as a cucumber, wearing a pair of dark toned shades and wearing an all tan outfit. His hair slicked slightly, just with a few strands falling perfectly out of place.

I walked up to him, when he finally noticed me, he got up to greet me, taking off his shades, revealing a beautiful pair of Hazel eyes.

"Ms. Min-sun?", he questioned softly.

"Yes, you must be Mr.jae?", I asked smiling politely.

"Yes, you are more beautiful than your pictures", he chuckled as I sat down.

"And you are even more charming in person", I giggled.

He blushed slightly," I take it you have seen one or two of my movies then?", he smiled shyly.

"Yes I do particularly like the one about the detective! Quite heartbreaking it was", I exclaimed softly as I smiled.

"Haha, I'm glad it was to your liking", he chuckled again.

At this moment a young waitress had come to give us the menus.

I took mine gently as I smiled back at her but the moment she turned to give Mr. Jae his menu- there it was- the look. The fireworks, the rose pink painted background and flowers. Mr. Jae stared intently wide-eyed at the waitress and she handed him the menu with a similar wide-eyed stare, she blushed slightly as she left our table.

I looked at Mr.Jae as he followed her with his eyes, hoping she would turn back around.

Mr.Jae has found his soulmate. He has started to see pink. But it was not the person who was with him on the same table, but a person who stood far away from him. To him if he didn't try to approach her now, he might never see her again. And here he is stuck on this table with someone who he must tolerate...

Am I upset? No. Because even when I walked through the door and first saw and talked to Mr.Jae, I did not see pink. Sure Mr.Jae is a charming and beautiful person, but he did not spark anything for me. Which is such a shame. But am I willing to ruin his chances into finding true love? Ofcourse not!

"Mr.Jae", I said firmly.

He looked back at me as he realized the situation.

"I'm sorry what were we saying?", he smiled nervously.

"I have to asked you something Mr.Jae", I smirked slightly.

"What is is?", he ran his hand in his hair trying to compose himself.

"Do I fit your ideal type?", I asked firmly.

Him taken aback slightly, hesitates before he speaks," you are very beautiful Ms-", I cut him of while smiling softly.

"I know I'm beautiful Mr.Jae, but do I fit the type of girl you like?", I asked repeatedly.

For a moment he falls quiet as if trying not to hurt my feelings.

"Ms. , I-", he stutters and he steals a glance at the waitress who is now attending at another table.

"MrJae, I am not angry", I smile softly as I put my menu aside.

"But I want to know if just looking is enough for you? ", I asked.

"Pardon?", he questioned.

"You know, in a relationship if you aren't with your ideal type you will always end up falling apart or wishing for more. Which is why I'm asking you? Don't you want to go after your ideal type instead of sitting here with me?", I smiled softly.

As if getting the hint. He stares wide-eyed as if I said something bizarre.

"But what do i-", he stuttered.

I got up softly as I picked my hand bag," leave that to me. It was nice to meet you Mr.Jae", I waved.

On my way out I handed the waitress a napkin with Mr.Jae's number on it saying that he would wait for her for a coffee after her shift. She messaged him telling him when she would finish.

Later that evening, Mr.Jae texted me saying that he and the waitress have gone out together for a coffee after I left. He thanked me for my motivation and my understanding while wishing me the best in my future.

And yet again, it wasn't my true love...