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My Husbands

My Husbands

Autor: Sorce



My Husbands PDF Free Download


Zenon Arcari grew up in the streets of Malone. He was a kid when he was adopted by the Mafia Boss Almero Arcari who saved him from the streets. Growing up as the only heir to Arcari empire, Zenon only cared about his father. At twenty eight, Zenon was the most feared Mafia Boss in the history of the country. He brought the fear of God and Devil in men. Damon Knight, the self righteous business man who came up on his own might. An erstwhile member of the royal family, his dad was ousted because he married his mother who came from a lower section of the society. Damon singlehandedly made more wealth than all of the royal family combined within the age of 27. A brilliant student and a focussed man, Damon's only focus in life is success. Respected in all circles, Damon was known for his money mindedness. These giants are at war in the streets of Malone. Unaware, innocent Dylan Zanèd, a florist, walks in.
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Chapter 1

Dylan yawned as he sat up. He looked at his single room flat in gloom and got out. His feet touched the cold floor and groaned. So much for being independent. His parents' house was warmer.

He brushed his teeth and glared at his curls. His friends say that they make him look good but he was not so sure. Some of the jerks he had dated called it girly. Fuck them, he thought as he tamed the hair and went and opened his fridge and found an egg. He made himself an omelette and drank a packet of milk and rushed out.

He was practically skipping as he reached his workplace. He looked at the florists and smiled. This was his dream. He loved taking care of plants. He has a garden just behind the shop. He opened the door and entered. He smiled at the sets he had prepared the day before. They will be delivered to houses. He has three delivery partners. One is a college student who does part-time. Another is his schoolmate Katie and the third is Kieran, a buff man who did it for fun and of course, Dylan thinks, to hang around Katie. He had been asking her out once every month for the past one year and she had been declining. He is a bunny and is like a brother. Dylan smiles sadly as thoughts of the family comes in and he went to look at his flowers.

Dylan was twelve when they met with an accident. His dad is still alive, in a wheelchair. Dylan takes care of his expenses and visits him every day. It was hard, moving out of the house, but it was getting painful for him.

His father simply existed and he kind of hated everything a bit. Mostly a silent man. He always says "It was her who kept me sane, son".  Dylan can't hope to understand what he was trying to say but he can always support his dad in all possible ways. His dad's house is one block away from his apartment and his business is one block further away.

Dylan looked at the new orders placed in the system and started the preparation. By then Kieran came and took some of the stuff for delivery.

Dylan looked at the roses. All looked great. He picked the light yellow coloured ones. When it was time for lunch, he went to his dad's house. Sure enough, the maid has made sure he is attended to. Now he was watching the news on TV.

"Dylan," he looked up.

Dylan smiled as he potted the rose and kept it near his dad's study and came over and hugged him.

"I missed you. Now, What will you have for lunch?" asked Dylan even though he knew the answer.

"Whatever you are having, son, and come quick," said dad. Dylan smiled as he made lunch for both of them and had it together. He sat around to speak with his dad as the college student, Aleo would already have reopened and he can have a breather now.

His dad asked him to read from where they left off. Dylan helped him sit in the sofa comfortably and curled up near his dad as he took the book 1984. He read it out loud. Once his dad was asleep. He made dinner for him and kept it in the fridge. He also left a slip saying he will drop in for dinner.

He smiled as he was on his way back to work. Life was good. It was way better than when they were struggling to make ends meet after both the income sources were stopped by one accident. His dad had still helped and ensured that he got through school. He was now doing an evening course for his graduation.

Once he got to work, he saw Katie was handling the orders. She smiled seeing him.

"How's the dad?" she asked.

"Good, asleep now. He would be glad if you drop in," said Dylan and relieved her from the desk. He soon took the rest of the orders, set the flowers and looked at Aleo who gave him a thumbs up from the reception area.

Dylan left for college. He did not have a car, so he mostly walked. It was not like he had to travel much. He was wary of meeting people, so he never does the flower delivery himself.

Talk about anti-social 19-year-olds. Dylan snorts to himself as he reaches the college. He doesn't have many friends here. All were preoccupied with something and we're here out of absolute necessity. So, they minded their own business and that was fine by Dylan.

Katie came to pick him up as usual. They went to his shop and Aleo was already closing up. Dylan closed the accounts and Katie waited and dropped him at his dad's house. She also accompanied him.

Daniel nodded to Katie as she hugged him and asked how he is.

"I am good. You should drop in more often," said Daniel.

"I will uncle," she smiled. They had dinner. Dylan tucked his dad into bed and made sure that the caretaker got back.

The man smiled at him. Eliza was a good man. He is a widower with a young son. The child was merely four. He was also with him.

"Hey champ," smiled Dylan.

"Hi," the kid blushed. His name is Caleb.

Caleb saw his dad and ran to him.

Dylan saw him climb up his dad's lap.

He looked at Eliza.

"Thank you," he said and hugged him and left.

Katie looked at him as they were on way back home.

"Do you think they are-? " asked Katie.

"Maybe. I did feel a bit jealous seeing Caleb being so close to dad. But hey I guess we all deserve each other. Anyway then he would be my little brother," said Dylan.

"Do you think his intentions are good? I don't know him," said Katie.

"What does he stand to gain by being deceitful. There is nothing. It's just me and dad," said Dylan.

Katie nodded, agreeing.

Dylan sighed as he went up to his flat, giving a kissy goodbye to Katie who swatted him on the head and sent him on his way.


Dylan almost laughed seeing his dad struggling to tell him something. Eliza was still there. Caleb was asleep on the couch.

"Dylan, I know it's against work ethics, but it sort of happened," said Eliza looking down.

"I- Dylan, after your mom- I never thought something like this would happen," said Daniel.

"We are in a relationship," said Eliza.

Dylan was silent as he looked at them both.

"Are you happy?" he asked his dad who smiled and nodded.

"Good, " smiled Dylan and turned to Eliza and hugged him.

"Welcome to the family," said Dylan.

Eliza looked at him in surprise at first and then fondly and hugged him tightly.

"Thanks, Dylan," said Eliza.

"You can call me Dyl like dad," said Dylan smiling, trying to put Eliza at ease. They wouldn't want to scare the man away. He looked at Caleb.

"He wouldn't mind?" asked Dylan.

"I don't think so. He adores Dan," said Eliza, his cheeks going red at having blurted how he addresses Daniel.

Dylan smiled and looked at his dad.

As Dylan bid them good night and got to leave, Eliza accompanied him to the door.

"I hope I don't have to threaten you and all. I - I hope you both will be there for each other," said Dylan.

Eliza smiled.

"You know your dad wishes you were closer though he would never say it," said Eliza.

"I- I moved out because I didn't want dad to feel that he has to support me now. He never said anything," said Dylan.

"I know, but I thought I will let you know," said Eliza.


Dylan glared at the predatory men who practically scanned him head to toe. They were customers. There was often a few customers who end up being creeps whom Dylan couldn't wait to be rid of. And he was thinking of expanding. He sighed. He will have to make new plans because he has plans to move the business to an outskirt area. Also, he had finally decided to get himself a car. He was also thinking of moving back in with his dad, Eliza and Caleb. Eliza and Caleb are yet to start living in. But, Dan has asked Eliza. Dylan was happy for his dad and Eliza and little Caleb.

He sighed. That decision was made. He went home and saw Eliza was in the kitchen as Caleb played in the hall as Dan was on watch.

"Hey Dyl," smiled Eliza looking at him.

"Hey," smiled Dylan.

"I thought about what you said," said Dylan.

Eliza smiled as he looked up from the dish.

"I think I will move back in," said Dylan.

Eliza patted on his shoulder.

"He will be very pleased," said Eli.

"And you and Caleb?" asked Dylan.

"I am extremely happy too, Dyl and you can ask the little tyke yourself," smiled Eli.

Dylan smiled and went out and sat down next to Caleb who looked at him.

"So, Caleb, do you know who I am?" asked Dylan as he looked at the building blocks Caleb was doing.

"Yeah, brother," said Caleb slowly and peeking a look at him.

"Do you want a brother?" asked Dylan placing his hand around Caleb.

Caleb nodded.

"Good, thanks," smiled Dylan and dropped a kiss on the tyke's forehead.

Dylan looked at his dad who was smiling looking at them both.

"Would you mind if I moved back in?" asked Dylan.

Daniel looked so surprised and then smiled.

"This is your house Dyl, Of course, I wouldn't mind having my son close," said Daniel.

Dylan nodded.