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My Husband Is My Twin Sister's Fiance

My Husband Is My Twin Sister's Fiance

Autor: Hanachan

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My Husband Is My Twin Sister's Fiance PDF Free Download


Sherra Alchemy is an orphan who got adopted by the Harlock Family. Sherra Alchemy has an identical beautiful twin sister, and her name is Sherry Alchemy. Sherra and Sherry lost their parents in an accident, and they didn't have any other family besides their parents. A kind grandfather came and picked them up, and the grandfather adopted them to be his granddaughter. He is Mr. Harlock, who already retired from his job as the company CEO. Mr. Harlock always treated Sherra and Sherry as his biological granddaughters. Gerald Harlock is Mr. Harlock's biological grandson from his older son. Mr. Harlock treated Sherra, Sherry, and Gerald with the same treatment. Gerald is older than Sherra & Sherry. Every day was a sunny day when they played together like any other normal siblings out there. Everything changed when Gerald started to love Sherry, Sherra's twin sister, and Sherra also had the same feelings as Gerald. Sherry and Gerald didn't know that Sherra also had some feelings towards Gerald. Sherra decided to bury her love deep down, and she would support her twin sister's love. Their peaceful day ended when Sherry got an incurable illness and died because of it. Gerad was really angry at Sherra when he found out she had deliberately let Sherry die. Gerald didn't know what truly happened, but he blamed Sherra for the death of Sherry. Gerald already knew that Sherra had feelings towards him, but he always turned a blind eye because he only loved Sherry. Mr. Harlock forced Gerald to marry Sherra after two years of Sherry's death. Gerald didn't have any choice but to get married to Sherra. "You won't ever get my heart forever," Gerald said with a cold gaze towards Sherra. Sherra's heart broke into pieces after she tried hard to make Gerald fall in love with her. Sherra left Gerald after she gave birth to their twin sons. When Gerald found out that he started to open his heart for Sherra, Sherra already left him with their twin sons behind. Gerald finally found out the mystery behind Sherry's death but Sherra is nowhere to be found. [ DISCLAIMER: the picture in the cover is not mine, credit to the owner! :) ]
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Chapter 1

  Everyone might think that I have a good life. A good life that everyone wanted in their life. But no one knew that the good life in their mind was not as beautiful as they thought.

  I have a good life, but a good life can't ensure me to get happiness. I always feel that I live in hell even though everyone thinks I am happy to be surrounded by money. Money can't please me, and it can't make the man I love- loves me back.

  My name is Sherra Alchemy, but everyone calls me Rara. I have a twin little sister, Sherry Alchemy. We are orphans after we lost our parents when we were only five years old.

  A kind grandfather adopted us, and he treated us like his biological granddaughter. He is Mr. Harlock, who already retired from his job as the company CEO.

  Mr. Harlock and our grandfather are best friends. Our grandfather used to save his life in the past. Mr. Harlock used to be a soldier in the past. He didn't want to inherit his parent's company because his dream was to be a soldier to save the country.

  His dream came to an abrupt end when he executed a mission that almost made him lose his life. Our grandfather was the one who saved his life when he nearly died on a mission.

  Our grandfather was the only one left alive while everyone was dead when they executed the mission. Our grandfather was the one who found out Mr. Harlock nearly died because he lost so much blood.

  Our grandfather is also the one who saved Mr. Harlock from bankruptcy when he decided to retire as a soldier and inherited his family business. They became good friends even after our grandparents died of an illness.

  Mr. Harlock is really grateful towards our grandfather, and it is why he sees Sherry and me as his biological granddaughter. Mr. Harlock retrieved us as soon as he heard we lost our parents.

  When our parents died in an accident, our greedy uncle stole my father's share and ran away abroad. We didn't have anyone to depend on anymore because our uncle is the only adult we have left.

  We were really grateful when Mr. Harlock adopted us at that time. Mr. Harlock has a biological grandson from his oldest son, and his grandson also lives with him because his parents are busy with their own business.

  His name is Gerald Herlock, and he was a handsome young man when we saw him for the first time. Gerald has a long hair length about his shoulder, a pair of beautiful blue eyes, and in good-shape long legs.

  Gerald was only ten years old at that time, but his aura was more mature than any other boy around his age. Gerald had a sweet smile on his face when he saw us coming towards him.

  I couldn't forget the sweet smile he gave us, and I felt that it was the most happy memory in my life after I lost my parents. Sherry, Gerald, and I used to play together when we had leisure time.

  Everything changed when Gerald and Sherry started to have feelings for each other when Sherry and I graduated from high school. Sherry always told me how happy she was when Gerald and Her spent time together.

  I was happy for them even though I needed to suppress my feelings for Gerald within my heart. They started meeting each other without me and had a date with only two of them.

  Gerald stopped smiling at me, and at that time, I knew that he never smiled for me in the past because his smile was for Sherry, not me. I was not unhappy to find out this fact because everyone was free to choose the one they love.

  I always hoped for Sherry's happiness, and I also tried to find new happiness for myself, but everything came to an abrupt end when Sherry lost her life because of an incurable disease she had.

  Sherry was twenty years old when she died, and she already planned to marry Gerald when she graduated from university. Gerald was on a business trip when Sherry suddenly got an incurable illness, and Sherry refused to let him know about her condition.

  Sherry died not long after she got that illness, and she died in a hospital bed with a paled face. Gerald only found out everything after he came back from a business trip. Gerald was really furious at that time, and he asked someone to investigate everything about Sherry's death.

  Gerald's assistant couldn't find more clues about Sherry's death, but his assistant knew that Sherra was the one who was beside Sherry when she got that illness.

  Gerald's mind was blank, and he couldn't think clearly anymore, and he blamed me as the cause of Sherry's death. Gerald slapped me around my cheek, and he looked at me with cold eyes.

  Gerald never looked at me with that kind of eyes before, and it made my heart break into pieces. I didn't know what I did wrong, but Gerald never believed my words at all.

  Gerald only believed what he wanted to trust and refused to hear any of my explanations. Our relationship deteriorated after that, and he treated me colder than before Sherry's death.

  I couldn't do anything to make him believe in me when he saw me as a villainess in his eyes. Gerald can't forget Sherry forever, even after two years after her death, and he still loves her so much.

  Mr. Harlock knew that I have feelings for Gerald, and he forced Gerald to marry me. Mr. Harlock only wanted the best for me, but Gerald thought that it was me who pressured Mr. Harlock to make him marry me.

  In Gerald's mind, I am a villainess who killed Sherry and encouraged Mr. Harlock to force him to marry me. He didn't know anything, and he would never care to know a thing about me.