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My Korean Tutor

My Korean Tutor

Autor: Faith isabella

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My Korean Tutor PDF Free Download


"It either you fall in love with me or you leave me and my father's wealth” I dare to say to him My father was a Korean rich business tycoon who relocated to America because of my mother. After the death of my mother, his undying love for her transferred to me. Thus, he made me the successor of all his wealth. With my signature, anyone can get access to his wealth. To prepare me for this great fortune, my father decided to hire me a tutor so I would be fluent in Korea. He thought I would be cheated by his Korean associate because I was not eloquent in the Korean language and culture. If only my father knew that this tutor only came to destroy me.
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Chapter 1

  ”Get this man away from me, he is nothing but a thief!” The Woman's brutal voice sounded in the ears of the little boy who held his father by the arm.

  Because this woman looked upscale, the people around rushed to the man and pushed him aside.

  The Little boy watched his father beaten to a pulp, tears fell from his eyes. With anger, he tried pushing the people away but they only swayed him aside and continued with their brutal treatment.

  ”Please, stop!” He yelled and cried.

  Soon, the people left the man after searching him and saw nothing valuable on him.

  ” Let us go, this man will only waste our time” They muttered and spat on him.

  The man was not only ugly, but his skin also looked tattered as well. The clothing he wore was made of cotton and the yellow color had faded into dirty brown.

  Coughing, he manages to sit up, his face was already brutalized and he had blood running down his nose and lips.

  ”Father?" The little boy in the same manner as the man called and sniffed.

  The woman who had to implicate her father was her father's mistress. She left him after he was bankrupt and ran after another rich man.

  ”No matter what happens son, you have to be rich. You shouldn't let people tramp on you like this!” His father groaned and inhaled his last breathe.


  «« The young man with a broad chest opened his eyes suddenly, clamps of sweat had formed on his face and chest.

  Again, he was having that nightmare from his past. Just like his father had said, this man was rich and he wasn't going to stop making money even though he gets it in an impure way.

  Ryan Lannister stood from his white bed, he strode to the bathroom. Ryan wasn't the little scruffy boy from before. Now, he has grown and has a broad chest with a well-defined face, refined jaw, and red plumpy lips.

  Tall and slender body with brown golden skin.

  Once he was done in the bathroom, he strode back into his gorgeous room, he stood at the shelf where he had kept his pack of cigarettes, he smoked one and puffed the smoke into the air.

  ”Yo man!” Jordan woods, his best friend and partner in crime walked in with a bag in one of his arms.

  ”Smoking early in the morning, dude?” Jordan rolled his eyes sat on the sofa next to the bed.

  Ryan took his seat opposite him.

  ”I've been able to interchange your Cv with the original tutor's. Also, I've referred the man to another so you don't have to bother about being caught.” Jordan explained.

  Nodding his head, he thought about the life he would have after he is done with this.

  The plan is to swindle Min Ho through his daughter, Ann Maria- the name given to her by her American mother.

  ”Ann Maria is the typical kind of naive girl, all you to do is show her love and she will have herself drooling over you” Jordan voiced.

  ”Nice, when you say naive, how naive?” He raised his brows, the cigarette stick in his mouth.

  ”She still fantasizes about her first kiss” Jordan answered and chuckled.

  With a scoff, Ryan stood up ad moved around the room.

  ”I sense a boring girl here but, I can't back out. Her father's net worth is 200billion dollars, like blow me away!” He blurted and did a blow-up sign on his head.

  With laughter, Jordan stood up and walked out leaving him to get prepared.


  «« Ann Maria danced in her room with a picture in her hand, she had taken the picture of this handsome guy ever since she sneaked out to that party that day.

  The man in the picture was not only cute, but he also has a psychic that could make any woman drool at her composure.

  Suddenly, the door opened and her father walked in. With a smile, she hugged him hiding the picture well.

  ”Dad, are you traveling now?” She asked with a baby pout.

  Her father smiled and roughed his daughter short wavy hair, he loves to see her that way - naive and obedient.

  He doesn't want any harm to his daughter and that is why he made sure she avoids people as much as possible especially men as he would always tell her.

  ”Yes, dimple. I'll be back soon” He promised and kissed her cheeks.

  He turned his back on her and pursed after remembering something; ”Your tutor would be around today, be nice to him” He cautioned and smiled at her.

  After her father had left, she took the picture and stared at it for a long time. That was indeed her dream man because her father had always kept her, she didn't have the opportunity to meet a lot of men or fell in love.

  An hour had passed and her tutor wasn't around yet, she was sure that the tutor would be in his late and have a horrible facial appearance.

  With a whizz, she took her pencil from the collection of artistic material on her desk, she started to sketch her dream guy's body again, admiring her God-given talent.

  Ann Marie wasn't back-looking at all, though, she has a childish appearance and her hair is always packed in an innocent bun.

  However, she has a well-defined cheekbone, lined thin lips, and green eyes. Her eyebrows are shaped perfectly under long lashes that one would regard as artificial.

  Just then, the maid walked in without knocking. Ann faced her and urged her to say what she wants.

  ”Your tutor is here ” She released, her eyes danced on the marble floor.

  Excited to see the tutor, she kept her materials well and ran downstairs.

  Down the stairs are maids helping the man with his suitcases. Ann didn't watch her last step well, she stepped on her other foot and fell down the stairs, stopping right at Ryan's feet.

  ”tup TUP TUP!” Was the sound she made until she halts at his presence.

  ”Oww...” she cried and sat on her butt. Gently, she raised her head to the figure in front of her, the sun shone on his brown skin which made the golden contrast shine.

  He was neatly and gorgeously dressed. He's tall and slender body looked enchanting as well.

  Taking in his full countenance, she exclaimed;

  ”Oh my God!”