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Oops,I Fell In Love With Mr Lee

Oops,I Fell In Love With Mr Lee

Autor: Joy_1

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Oops,I Fell In Love With Mr Lee PDF Free Download


Broad shouldered,sharp jawline,pointed nose,angelic looks and she'd never seen anyone as tall as him. He regarded her through his piercing black eyes that looked cold and frightening. She stared down at his shirtless abs that made her hand tremble and yearning for touch. She widened her eyes in shock,trying not to get lost in those pair of beautiful black eyes. He looked familiar to her but she couldn't remember where she met him. "Who are you?" She made her voice sounded angry but the truth is,she really don't want to be the type of girl that drool over handsome men. He's handsome, no doubt,but something transpired between them,something Eddie doesn't want to think about. "I should be the one to ask you that, since you are in my room" he replied coldly,glancing at her fair shoulders that glimmer due to the ray of the morning sun that was peeking from the window. "But it seems we've met before, Eddie Hemsworth." *** Love they say is a sacred feeling that can make you do things you probably don't think of. Leonard Lee,a supposed billionaire was the CEO of Lee's corporation,the largest and most successful business company. Leonard is known to be an aloof man. He was known to be cold,ruthless and unmerciful. But what happens when he meets a shy lady and he fell for her.
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Chapter 1

It was raining. She stood at the bus station waiting for the next bus. Her eyes were bloodshot,her hair disheveled and her arms folded. She seems unperturbed by her surroundings but she could feel the heat emitting from her body even though the night was chilly and it was raining.

Her phone rang jolting her back to reality. Without looking at the phone she threw it into her bag that lay carelessly beside her. She knew it was her colleagues,those people who pretend to be her friends. She shouldn't have been friends with them,she thought. She should have just stay in her own lane but it has happened already,it's now a done deal.

She stood up at the sight of the bus she has been waiting for,tired and frustrated. If she could go back in time,she would definitely kill someone.

Despite the frustration and sadness,her face was blank and stoic. She entered the bus with her heels clinking as she made way to the seat located at the back. Anyone would have noticed this disheveled looking woman but she didn't even care,why would she? She was just betrayed by the people she trusted,the people that feign ignorance when she was being sent out of their goddamn company.

She heard her phone rang again. With anger,she brought out the phone from her bag only to discover that it was her best friend,the only person that meant something to her. Without wasting a second,she picked the call.

"Liz"she called while trying to fight back the tears that was brimming in her eyes.

Like an enraged ocean,her tears came falling without stopping. She was crying loudly that the other passengers glanced at her with a look that meant nothing to her.

They knew nothing,she thought.

"Eddie,are you alright?"Liz asked with curiosity. One could notice the urgeness in her voice and even the way she replied shows that she is really concerned about her friend.

Elizabeth Brooks also known as Liz is the only friend of Eddie Hemsworth. Even though they are best of friends,they are the exact opposite of each other. Eddie is the good girl type,the type of girl that only care about her future and doesn't have time for men. While Liz is the playgirl type,the one that could date three guys at a type and even break up with them a the same time. She's flirty too,she flirts with any man that suit her taste. In short,Eddie and Liz are the exact opposite of each other.

"I'm not okay,I'm really not okay"Eddie uttered sadly,her voice shaky as the rumbling of stones.

Liz as usual assured her friend,telling her it's gonna be okay. "Everything is going to be okay."

After getting off the bus,Eddie dragged her feet to her apartment. She met Liz at the door,waiting for her.

"Eddie"she ran to meet her friend that looked so ugly to her. "Eww,what the fuck happened to you?"

With tears in her eyes,she hugged Liz like she's the only one that could make everything okay.

"It is alright now but first we need to get you out of this sunken state"Liz said teasingly.


*Some hours ago*

"Mr James,I've always adhere to the company rules and I don't think I've done anything to deserve this"Eddie's tiny voice vibrated through the well furnished office. She grazed at the short man that sat majestically in front of her. He regarded her through his brown eyes that made him look like a fashion geek with the all white suit he wore.

He's the manager of the company Eddie works for. She got a job as Mr James assistant just some months back and she's getting sacked for no reason?

It sounded unbelievable to her that it made her want to end her life. This is the first very job she got after searching for a job for the past one year.

"Mr James can you please say something? I've done nothing wrong and I'm sure of that. So please tell me the reason you want me sacked?"she asked him.

The Mr James she knew is the most kindest person she has ever met since she has been looking for a job. Even after she got the job as his assistant,he was the nicest of them all. He got her acquainted with the people she called her colleagues,her senior colleagues with the intention of getting her promoted.

"You didn't notice all I've been trying to insinuate since the past few months,the job I gave you and even the extra bonus I give you every month. Do you think I do all that for no reason?"he replied with his coarse voice that even made his appearance looked weird.

She stared at him,not understanding what he meant. It's true that he has been kind to her and even do all sort of things he was not suppose to do. Was she naive or foolish? No wonder her colleagues kept talking about how nice Mr James is,no wonder.

It seems clear to her now,nothing is free in this world,in this damned world. He had been kind to her expecting to get something else in return,well she's not ready to do that type of thing especially not with this ugly short man,hell no!!!

She feels sad,heartbroken at the same time. She's back at square one,back to looking for a job. She shouldn't have trusted anyone,she should have known they all wanted something in return,she should have known.

With tears brimming in her eyes,she left his office uttering no word. She didn't even take anything except for her bag,the bag she brought to work.