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Man In Uniform

Man In Uniform

Autor: MsMaria_Clara



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Ace Mariano is a military officer. He is a kind man that has oozing sex appeal. He has big muscles, six-pack abs, a chinky (cute eyes) black eyes, and a tall white man. Colonel Mariano works to save the Marawi, Lanao del Sur, Philippines from the war against the terrorist. From the meaning of his name ‘unity’, he wants to stop the war and befriend the terrorist for the peace of the people. However, Ace Mariano knows that he’s going to have a hard time dealing with the dumb and stubborn gang that only wants to satisfy their greedy ambitions. Greedy ambitions lead to the killing of innocent people. He wants to stop the war and keep the people safe especially his armies. He’s getting mad and if only he could beg, he would do it but he knows that he will be killed. The terrorist doesn’t want his agenda to rise, all they want is to take Marawi City. Rule the city and slowly by slowly they will take the whole Philippines into their hands. That’s what Colonel Mariano has been thinking for the past years that he fought for his country. As he fights with his buddies against the terrorist. Colonel Mariano has witnessed the people running, trying to save their lives but ended up being the prey of the terrorist’s guns. It was traumatic for Colonel Mariano but he doesn’t have any choice. He has to stay or he will die. He needs to go and save the people but it will be the cost of his life. From the loss of his buddy, Colonel Mariano secretly escapes from the military base inside Marawi City. He runs towards the enemies’ base. He has no flashlight with him and only the gun that would save him from danger. Only the light of the moon guiding to the possible reason for his life-ending. As he was running, he bumped into a woman and they fell on the grassy ground in the forest. The woman’s name is Esen Fernandez, a gorgeous woman but has an aggressive and savage personality. She has long curly hair, tan skin, a long pointed nose with beautiful big hazel eyes. From the meaning of her name ‘well-pleasured salute’, will Esen bow against the Colonel or will she fight against him? As they meet each other, would their feelings grow and be the reason of the peace or the reason for war and destruction?
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Chapter 1

Work of Fiction

In the southern part of the Philippines. There live and lays the terrorist, hiding in the deepest and darkest part of the cave inside the Marawi City. They have no food, but they have guns with them. And only the light of a flashlight against the darkest cave.

There is only one goal that they have in mind, it is to take down Marawi and let them rule the city.

Abdul Fernandez, the leader of the said terrorist. Stood up in the middle and was being surrounded by his people especially his daughter named Esen Fernandez.

He looked at his people and he begged in front of them. Esen immediately stood up, knowing that her father is losing his pride just for their goal. She held her gun and she could feel the bloodlust traveling on her veins and hands.

Esen’s father is the reason why they are living in a cave instead of living in a castle with luxurious things. Abdul put his heart into his plan and recruited many people who also hate the government.

“Dad!” she exclaimed in so much anger that she felt. Esen wants to kill the people inside the cave but she is forcing herself not to. Impulsive actions will only lead her into a difficult situation. However, she knows what these people want to do against his Dad, it is to kill him for breaking his promises. “Dad, stand up. Don’t beg for these morons!” she exclaimed again.

Abdul looked straight at his daughter with a warning in his eyes.

“Esen!” he shouted as he felt the anger inside him. Not the anger towards her daughter but the anger towards the people around him. If her daughter would make a wrong move, he knows what’s going to happen to her, but Esen is stubborn.

“Didn’t I told you to control your emotions?! That will only lead you to danger! Think before you try anything stupid!” Her Dad exclaimed.

Esen slowly bowed her head. She forgot it, she has forgotten the golden rule that her father taught her. Tears flowed in silence as she kept on controlling herself not to cry. She felt sorry for her and her father’s life.

“I know that I was the reason for it. I deserve punishment,” Abdul said.

“Dad!” she exclaimed but it seems that her father is not ready to listen to her.

The man beside her stood up, his name is Khalid. He is one of the founders together with Abdul Fernandez. Beside Khalid is his sister named Daiana, the same age as Esen.

“Well, we cannot go back to the time and you promised me that I will punish you for breaking the promise. I want to say no, but if you insist. I’d been itching to kill you,” Khalid said as he took a knife from his pocket. “I don’t think I’d show your mercy, brother. You may rest in peace,” Khalid said as he pointed the knife at Abdul’s neck.

“Dad, please. Don’t do this!” Esen shouted. Her father looked at her as he waited for the knife to slit him.

Before Khalid could even wound Abdul, they heard a loud gunshot coming from the mouth of the cave, they knew who they were.

All of them immediately took their guns, except Esen and Abdul. Esen ran towards her Dad and she forced him to live as the gunshots get louder. The military is coming their way and this is her last chance to save him.

“Please leave, Dad,” Esen said.

Abdul couldn’t do anything except run from them. Esen’s eyes were blurry from the tears that don’t want to stop. Her heart aches to see her Dad leaving her alone. It was like a needle piercing her heart.

“Esen, you’re a traitor!” Khalid said as he pointed the gun at Esen’s back and he shoots her. Esen fell to the ground with the blood flowing out from her back. “I’m disappointed, like father like daughter,” Khalid added as he keeps on shooting on the armies.

Esen was almost losing her breath. She tried to breathe deeply but the bullet inside her was keeping her. She doesn’t know what she’s going to do anymore. She’s tired and helpless. I guess, it’s her time to die and she will never see her beloved. She’s exhausted, she needs a rest for eternity. She decided to close her eyes and gave her life to the Almighty.

However, a soft touch from her arms was telling her not to give up.

“Esen, please wake up,” Esen knew that voice. It’s the man that she loved but too bad. She thinks she will never marry this man, a military man for their strings are not for each other.


Colonel Ace Mariano, a military officer based in Marawi City has a nightmare that visits him every night. The nightmare from his lost beloved wife named Flora de Guzman. He lost her because of his job that cannot even bring her wife to life. He regretted being in the military for it cost his wife and the child from her womb.

As he sat on his bed inside the camp after a long exhausting day on the battlefield, he instantly fell asleep with his gun beside him.

His nightmare visited him again.

His wife wearing a white wedding gown with pearls on it and flower designs stitch together to form beautiful flowers. She is also wearing a diamond ring and necklace. They ran together as his wife holding a bridal bouquet that consists of daisies and rosemary.

They were so happy.

He was wearing a black suit and black pants. As he paired it with black shoes and a white necktie.

They stopped and they sat on the grassy ground. He kissed his wife on her forehead down to her lips.

“I love you so much,” he said.

As he stared at his wife, Flora was gradually fading. Mariano was panicking.

“What’s happening? Are you leaving me again?!” he exclaimed until Flora was gone beside him.

He looked around the place and he saw his wife inside a coffin. As she got buried.

He ran and ran.

“No! You can’t leave me!” he said.

He woke up from his dream and he shouted in frustration.

“No!” he said and everyone from the camp instantly woke up, even the roosters around as they shouted after him.