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The Hidden Princess Of Daschire Phosus

The Hidden Princess Of Daschire Phosus

Autor: zhandranel

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The Hidden Princess Of Daschire Phosus PDF Free Download


The most beautiful things are always HIDDEN That's what Princess Zeviennt Gruinn's parents always say. Can't she see the world that her parent and brother belongs to? Living in the big palace was always the dream of other people, but for her It’s a nightmare. What is the real reason of her parents? Why do they need to hide Princess Zeviennt? Just why? But one day, she met someone who would change her life. A mysterious man who’s full of secrets. Would that change be good to her? Or will it become a bad thing for her? What is the mystery behind them? And how can they simultaneously go through the things that affect them?
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Chapter 1

“Good Luck, continue impressing me and other people,” I said to my twin brother while I’m helping him fixing his necktie.

They will have a celebration today of princesses, princes, queens and kings, and the rest of the royal family.

As usual, I’m still not allowed to join them.

I don’t know why what’s the reason, why did they never allow me to be seen in public.

Although helpers in our kingdom know that I’m the hidden princess, other kingdom doesn’t know it.

Good thing there are no helpers in this house ever tried to expose our kingdom’s secret.

“I don’t need to amaze them.” He rolled his eyes

I slightly slap his face and I laughed, for the past years, he was the only one who’s been there for me when I need someone.

I’m not that fond of my parents because there is still a missing part of me that needs an answer.

They treat me so good but I think I was a bad person for what I act when I’m with them.

I’m super close to my twin brother, I always play with him a lot back then, we read books together, we play sports together, but when I’m with my parents I’m just quiet.

I can buy whatever I want, I can eat what I want, I have this kingdom with me. But I want to experience what my family is doing with the other royal family.

Those dances during the ball and many more.

“We’re already 21, Zevastair Grissius Wrinsty! Grew up!” I laughed, “And besides, you’re not a prince just for nothing. You need to help the people as well.”

“Wow, full name.” He laughed too, “You’ll be with me while facing another royal family soon.”

“It’s okay, I’m used to hiding myself in this room.” I chuckled

We are in the middle of our conversation when our parents entered my room.

“I’ve been finding you, then you’re just here?” Our Mom said

“Hmm…. What’s wrong?”

“We need to go.” She said then she looked at me. “I’m so sorry, I hope you understand.” She sadly said

“I’ve been hiding myself in this room for the past 21 years, of course, I understand!” I chuckled bitterly

This is a big room, or should I say a house? The wide of this room is like a 2 storey house, I have my own library, my own walking closet, a second floor for my privacy, a bed everywhere, I even have my playroom. I decided not to renovate the playroom so the toys I have from my childhood are still with me.

“You’ll understand our reason soon.” It’s Dad, “I’m really sorry.”

I never felt that they don’t love me, Or us. I always feel their love for us but I just don’t want that I’m always out of place.

“You can leave now, Take care,” I said

I hugged my brother and ignored my parents.

They looked at me with their sad eyes so I just smiled at them assuring them that I was okay even though I’m not.

“I’ll go home soon, and we’ll bake cookies.” He said, “I love you. Bye.”

“I love you too,” I said and closed the door of my room.

I went to the big windows in my room and started watching them leaving.

There were so many bodyguards, doctors, and nurses they brought with them. It is a must since their lives always need to be protected.

After an hour, I decided to escape the security in our palace.

I secretly sneaked in and I went out of the back gate. I ran fast so I managed to get out of this castle.

I continued to run and I just stopped when I realized that It’s now far away from the castle. Wearing a plain black dress today helps me to not be recognized by the people. Yes, they did not know that I am a princess but if I escape wearing the big gown, they can easily predict that I am a crazy person or I am a hidden princess.



I accidentally bumped someone.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I didn’t notice! I’m really sorry.” I panicked, “Are you okay? Is there something that hurts? Let me take you to the hospital.”

I was confused by what happened so I kept apologizing.

It's been a long time since I last went out, I used to only go out when I was with Zevastair.

Sometimes we run away and he takes me around the places here when we are in the car, and sometimes our parents allow us to roam around the corner.

“Chill, Miss.” He laughed, “We just bumped into each other no need for a hospital.”

“It’s been a while since I last went here, I’m really sorry.” I apologized again, “Do you want coffee? A peace offering.”

I just noticed that he is wearing all black, black cap, black pants, a black shirt, and even his black shoes are black he is also wearing a black facemask.

I can only see his eyes and his thick lashes.

He is tall, I think he is 6 footer or more, I am 5’8 but I look smaller beside him.

“Why not?”

“Wait.” I said, “I forgot to bring my card! I-I’ll go back to our ca- I mean our house, can you wait for me?”

“I don’t think I can wait.” He said

“I’ll probably just take 5-10 minutes.”

“Let’s just go to the coffee shop that has not many people, I’ll pay for it. Don’t worry.”

“But, I’m the one who offers the coffee.”

“It’s really okay, Let’s go.”

We went to a small coffee shop, only the staff are the person who’s here.

“Can I have a frappe instead of coffee?” I asked him


“Thank You.” I smiled before sitting on the chair

The design of this coffee shop is beautiful and simple, I remember the coffee area in our palace while looking at it here.

He also sat down after he ordered, and I noticed that he was also looking at the coffee shop.

“Are you sick?” I asked

“No, I’m not. Why?”

“You’re wearing a facemask, Or… are you a famous person that’s why you’re wearing it?” I chuckled

“Well, it’s complicated to just take it off.” He laughed, “Why are you in a rush earlier? Did you do something bad?”

“Uhm… it’s because… uh… I ran away from our house.” I said quickly, “But I will also go home later!”

“The thing is, I also ran away from our house.” He said, “I know we don’t know each other but I’ll just say it instead.”

“Okay, go.”

“It’s because of my parents, I want to disobey them but I know I can’t.” He started

“Isn’t 18 years old are now on the legal age to tame care of themselves?”

“Yeah, but our family is different.” He whispered, “We’re not like the ordinary family.” He awkwardly said, “I know you still have a problem with your family, but my advice is, make peace with them. Don’t let your feelings control you.”

I understand what he is saying, because, like him, my family is not ordinary. We may be different, but we are both going through the same problems including our family.

“Here’s your coffee, Ma’am, Sir.” The staff said,

They served our order, I took a sip and realized it’s tasty! I never tried it before, I just saw what it looks like on the internet, but I never tasted it before.

“Wait, It’s my first time tasting something like this.” I whispered to him, “It’s tasty! You want to try it?”

“No, Thank You.” He said, “I don’t like sweets.”

“I’ll probably request this kind of food with our cook!” I giggled, “Anyway, back to your problem. May I ask what they want you to do?”

“They want me to get married, and lead the- I mean they just wanted me to get married but they cannot find a girl.”

I’m confused

He took off his mask and started sipping his coffee.

“Crazy, right?” He smirked

His pink lips look more sexier when he’s smirking. Oh no! What am I thinking?

“I’m sorry, I didn’t have the same problem so I don’t know what should I say,” I said

“No problem, it’s okay.”

We continued talking for about an hour,

“Wait! What time is it?” I panicked

My brother and my parents will be home by 5 o’clock!

“4:30 pm.”

I panicked, “I’m sorry, I need to go home!”

“Huh? I’ll take you home.”

“No! I can walk. Just please, oh don’t follow me.” I said

“Can we still see each other?”

“I’m not sure, when, where, because… uh I really need to go home. I’ll probably just go there, but I don’t know when.” I panicked again

“Promise me.”

I’m sorry, I couldn’t promise

He pulled me closer to him and kissed my lips, “Once I kiss someone, it’s already mine.” He smirked, “I’ll wait for you here.”