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My Adoring Husband, Mr. Devonte!

My Adoring Husband, Mr. Devonte!

Autor: Viola Fleur

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Realistic Urban

My Adoring Husband, Mr. Devonte! PDF Free Download


"You have to marry him and in exchange Mr. Devonte will help you to get rid of the criminal charge from your uncle.." Assistant Sheng said with his firm tone.. Genevieve watched the lavish wearing tenacious man in front of her.. She fell in confusion.. "Marry?" He nodded his head.. "Yes, You have to marry Younger Devonte if you want to get out your uncle from prison with the proof of his innocence.." ******************************************* Genevieve Brancacio, a twenty one year old, kind hearted average orphan girl.. Who has lots of hardships in life.. And the biggest one is her foster uncle's going in jail getting schemed by his enemy.. They tried their best to get him out of jail, taking her out almost on the street.. When both of them lost their hopes, suddenly some Mr. Devonte appeared in their life.. He would safe them but on a condition.. Genevieve has to marry his Grandson.. No other wants, just to marry.. Genevieve never wanted to get married like this.. Yet, she did not have any other choice and for the sake of her uncle and her ownself she agreed to marry the man whom she never have seen ever.. When she finally met him at the wedding night, she got a thousand volt shock! The man is none other than the director of Reywalt Corporation Ltd.!! America's most eligible and wanted bachelor!! Rumor says that he is the epitome of Ruthlessness who loathes woman.. And lost his manly ability throughout a deadly accident!!!
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Chapter 1

**The name of countries, cities are real but the organisations and political issues are all my imaginations.. No real place or incidents has been mentioned in the story.. If you find any kind of similarities then it's a complete coincidence.. English is not my first language.. If you find any mistakes please forgive me for that..**


Genevieve entered into the police station.. Nervous while looking around carefully.. Slowly she walked towards the main office.. "H.. hello sir.. I am Ryan Brancacio's niece.. Can I talk to him for a moment? It's urgent.."

The police officer watched the timid Young woman.. "Your name?" He sounded blank..

"I.. I am Genevieve Brancacio.. His niece.."

"Five minutes only.." The police man said and turned to his junior officer "prisoner number 145.. Take her to him.."

"Yes sir.." The junior officer nodded and showed Huan the way..

After Genevieve sat down in front of a glass wall.. Her uncle came at the opposite side of it.. Her tiny heart clenched seeing his devastated state..

Eyes have drowned inside and filled with dark circles.. That dumpling like face now looking like a dead meat.. Clean shaved face now covered with subtle beards.. Once firm shoulders now hanging low.. Over all, Ryan Brancacio was looking broken without any expectation of repairment..

Ryan did not like her appearance in the prison.. He frowned in displeasure.. Basically, he did not want her to see him in that state..

Genevieve picked up the intercom with a silent sob.. "u..un..cle Ryan.." She somehow managed to spoke with her broken voice.. "H..How are you?"

"Why did you come here? Didn't I ask you not to come in the prison?" Ryan sounded rude..

Hearing him Genevieve sobbed again.. "How could you say that uncle? I don't have anyone but you.. And I know you didn't do anything! You are innocent!"

Chen sighed in frustration and helplessness.. "But you couldn't prove it Gen.. We don't have enough money to fight with them.. And the money we have left in the account, I want you to live well with it.. Stop thinking about me.."

Genevieve shook her head vigorously "No! I won't! I won't stop till I get you out of this hell! You have given me a name and a life when I need it.. You were there when I was in trouble.. And I won't leave you alone in your bad time uncle.. I will get you out of this hell at any cost.. Today I came here to inform that I may have to go in New York for work.. But you don't worry, I will get you out from here.."

Saying those words to her uncle, Genevieve cut the call and almost ran out of the police station..

Ryan hold his head in frustration.. "Why is this happening with us God? Why are you torturing that innocent girl? Please take care of that child.. She doesn't have anyone but me.. Please God take care of her.. Don't let her do any mistakes.." He cried while pleading..

Outside of the police station...

Genevieve wiped away her tears.. Seating in the bench at side she brought out a visiting card from her hoodie pocket..

Assistant Sheng An

Phone Number - 5xx-xxx-xxx3

Staring at the phone Number for a long time Genevieve finally dialled the Number and in few rings someone picked up the call.. "Yes, Miss Brancacio.. What did you decide?" Came a firm voice from the opposite side..

Genevieve was astonished for a second.. How did he know it was her!? But she didn't bother about it much because at that moment her only concern was her uncle and his innocency..

Taking a last deep breath she finally spoke "I agree with your proposal.. But you have to promise me my uncle will get his innocence and independency both back.."

"Mr. Devonte have never broken his promises miss Brancacio.. You don't worry.. With your sign in marriage registration your uncle's proof of innocency will be in your hand.."

"Fine, what I have to do now?" Genevieve asked..

"Nothing much.. Just sign on the document I left at your house and wait for me.. I will be at your place soon and collect it.." Saying Assistant Sheng cut the call..

After hanging up the call Genevieve drank some water from her water bottle.. Her heart almost dried up with her indecisive decision.. She didn't know what future exactly hold for her but if it's the only way of her uncle getting out of jail than she would not care at all!

Genevieve take out the flower bracelet inside her bag.. The bracelet was quite unique with small flowers and the diamonds were white with Violet shades.. She always felt it kind of magical..

She hold it tight in her hand.. For once Genevieve thought to sell it but she could not set her mind to do that.. This bracelet always gave her a sweet comfort whenever she was in trouble.. Moreover, uncle Ryan had took the promise not to ever let it part with her..

Genevieve sighed and kept it in bag again.. "if my marriage is the only solution of all these problems in our life than I am ready to tie up my life with this knot.."


Genevieve stood up from her chair with distraught mood "how could you say this in the last moment Mr. Scott ?! If you quit the case like this then how will I get my uncle out from there!?"

Mr. Scott remained calm and leaned back on his chair.. "Calm down miss Brancacio.. This time Andersons got your uncle badly.. They have very strong evidences against him.. And we both know you can not afford the costs anymore.."

Genevieve pressed her both palms on the desk and bend slightly in rage.. "You promised me you would free him from this and we both trusted you.. But you couldn't do anything, only eaten on our money! And now you are trying to throw me off! Why do I feel like you actually did not do anything!"

Lawyer Scott was kind of surprised with her aggression.. He thought Genevieve was a very quiet girl and easy to use.. So taking money from enemies he just took advantage of her trusts.. Moreover, being the famous lawyer in the town no one doudted him.. So ofcourse her anger could not do anything to him..

He stood up from his seat with a sneer "look miss Brancacio, you are now short of money and I can not really help you.. Doesn't matter how much angry you are.. But yes..." He looked her up and down making Genevieve uncomfortable.. Lawyer Scott step forward a bit.. "But, if you want to sacrifice than I also can give up some money for you.. What say?"

Genevieve felt disgusted with his words.. She understand very well what he tried to point.. "I may not do anything to you but I really want someone come and destroy you and your cheap thoughts.." Throwing her last words at him she quickly went out from that unsafe place..

For a helpless girl like her it was not new to get that type of offers.. But this time she is really helpless..

She somehow dragged herself in the house and slipped on the floor against the main entrance.. Tears slipped from her eyes..

What would she do now! She trusted that Lawyer but he just used her belief and money.. She has used all their savings to save her uncle and now they don't have anything left.. Only one hundred dollar left in their account.. Her uncle did not know about this.. He would not let her do anything if he could know.. That's why she didn't tell him yet..

"What will I do now?" Genevieve cried hiding her head on her knees..

'Knock~knock~' the sudden knocking sound forced her to stop crying.. Genevieve wiped her tears away and slowly opened the door a bit.. Because of her safety she did not open it fully..

She was a bit surprised seeing a well suited man standing in front of their small house.. She furrowed her brows is confusion "yes?"

"Miss Genevieve Brancacio?" The man asked looking at her..

Genevieve nodded in a discreet manner.. She did not know this man also didn't know his intentions.. So she was very careful with her actions.. "Yes, I am.. Who are you?"

"My name is Sheng An.. I am the assistant of Elder master Devonte.. I am here to talk about your uncle Mr. Ryan Brancacio.." His voice was rigid..

Genevieve watched him top to bottom and then look up at him "but I have never seen you before.."

"We have never met before.. I am here with an offer from master Devonte.. If you allow me to explain, I hope it will be beneficial for both you and your uncle.. So, can I?"

There was no reason to trust him.. Yet, somehow she felt genuinity in his voice.. After hesitating for a moment Genevieve finally open the door carefully and step aside to let him in.. After he get inside, Genevieve did not lock the door and kept it open a bit, Incase..

Assistant Sheng noticed it but he didn't said anything.. He sat down on the small couch and open his pure leather office bag and brought out a black file from it.. He pushed it towards her..

Genevieve was confused.. "What is this?" She asked taking a glance at the file..

"This is a file sent by master Devonte.. He has an offer for you.. And if you agree with it then you will get your uncle out of prison with his innocency proof and also you will get five million dollars.." He said..

Hearing him Huan hitched on her breathe.. She thought she heard it wrong.. Blinking her eyes in confusion.. "S..sorry I.. I think I heard it wrong.. Can you come again?"

However, Assistant Sheng's expression did not change "you heard it right.. You will get five million dollar with your uncle out of the jail if you agree with us.."

Genevieve sat there speechless for a moment.. Finally getting over from the shock she opened her mouth.. "What is the offer?" She knew if the offer is this big than the condition is something unacceptable..

"Mr. Devonte wanted you to marry his Grandson.. And with your agreement you will get those benefits.." Assistant Sheng just dropped the bomb on her..

Genevieve remained speechless for sometime.. "Marry?!" Her words came out as a whisper.. "B..But how could I!?"

"Yes, get married.. Think about you and your beloved uncle's life miss Brancacio.. You know your uncle is innocent but you don't have any proof.. We will give you along with the dowry of five million dollar.. What say?"

Genevieve shook her head slowly "no, I can't do this.. I can not sell myself because of money.. Uncle will be hurt.." She said as if she was consulting with herself..

Assistant Sheng stood up from the couch, keeping his contact card on the tea table.. "I am leaving for now Miss Brancacio.. Think carefully and this is my visiting card.. I will be waiting for your call and your wise answer.." Saying those words with his same rigid voice he walked out from there, leaving shocked Genevieve in the empty house..