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Love At The First Bite

Love At The First Bite



Love At The First Bite PDF Free Download


Sujoy Khanna, the playboy of the year, known for chasing after anything in a skirt. Having many relationships with no strings attached, he is proud of the fact that no one has ever been able to resist his charm. Until one day he shares a cake with his sister, which she was crazy about and falls in love with it right with the first bite. He wanted to kiss the hands of the chef even if the person was a millenium year old but that wasn't the case anyway. He knew the chef was a girl, and suddenly this shock had changed into determination. Determination to win the girl and make her his. She just completely ignores him. How the charmer is charmed now? But, fate, with its cruel sense of humour, decided to throw some lemons at him. What if a child with a face very similar to his own, pops into his world? Surely it will be the start of a hurricane in his life.
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Chapter 1

Sujoy's POV

" Oh, I loved every minute of our date and... the hot encounter in bed. I am glad that I accepted your invitation to come for this date. " The girl said to me lying in my arms after an eventful night.

Well, it was definitely enjoyable. We both gave very active participation and reached the pinnacle many times.

" Well, the pleasure was mine. Anyone who could not give pleasure to a partner as responsive as you are would have to be a blundering idiot. I am not that kind of fool. Thanks for accepting my invitation. " I said trying to get out of the bed but she clung to me, holding my torso tightly and placing her head on my chest.

What was wrong with her?? We had 4 rounds of hot and sizzling sex since last night, she seems to be insatiable.

Well, it was ok with me but I didn't like clingy women. Unfortunately, they all were getting clingy, as I was a very successful businessman now. They all wanted to be with me claiming that they loved me.

Love?? It doesn't exist...

" Hey, where are you going? Stay with me for some more time. " She said in a sensuous way.

Good try baby... But it doesn't work on me.

" Though I loved every minute of the steamy encounter last night, I have to go and get ready as I have an important meeting. " I said with a smile.

" Do you need my help in getting ready? I mean do you want me to rub your back in the shower? " She asked me with a sexy smile.

Why not?? How could I refuse such an offer?

" Well, I don't mind... But let's just keep it short as I don't want to be late. " I said and went to the washroom and she followed me where we cleaned each other well and had another quick round there.

I pulled out one of the thick fluffy bath sheets from the heated Chrome rail and opened its folds.

She kept standing there, her wet skin glistening drops of water beading the shoulders and back. I wrapped the sheet around her.

She was looking at me with an invitation in her eyes.

How could I turn it down??

I pulled her in my arms again, my hands moving over her body briskly at first and then more and more slowly until she was longing for me to take the towel away and touch her bare flesh. I took her on the washroom floor on which I had thrown some towels.

After that, I didn't stay with her for long. Leaving her sprawled on the floor, I rose to my feet and went to take the shower again.


I was driving towards my office at my highest speed as I had an important meeting and I got late because of that girl.

I was getting late and she was after my life, clinging to me like anything.

" So, when are we going to meet again? " She asked while I was wearing my clothes.

" I don't think, that will be possible," I said in a cool and blunt tone.

" But why?" She was shocked as hell.

" Isn't that obvious? I told you last night, that it was just a one night stand with no strings attached." I reminded her.

" Yeah, but we are quite compatible. We both enjoyed last night and what we had just a few minutes back in the washroom. Didn't you? " She asked holding my arm.

" I did... But that doesn't mean that we should continue seeing each other. A nightstand should remain that only... Just a nightstand! " I said.

" That is not fair! " She pouted.

" Listen, miss, I made it clear to you last night before we came here that it would be like this. Now, please leave my arm, I need to go... " I said and rushed to the office.

My father was waiting for me eagerly when I reached there.

" Sujoy, where were you? Your mom was getting so worried, you know how she is. " Dad asked me.

" Dad, I was with my friends. The party was on till three in the morning. So I slept there only." I said as I could not tell him the reality.

" Do you think, I was born yesterday, son ?" Dad asked, glaring at me.

" What dad?? I am not lying. " I said with confidence.

" Your mom called your friend Sahil and he was at his home changing diapers of one of his daughters. He had no idea about you. " He said.

Oh, shit!

" Dad, what is this?? I am not a child. Stop it, please. " I said.

" Yes, you are not a child, In fact, you should have had a child by now. " Dad said glaring at me.

What was the use of getting married, when I was already enjoying the privileges of marriage without its responsibility?

I stopped believing in cold double standards which had prevailed in my parents' youth. If I was attracted to a woman and if she was ready, I didn't see why I should not sleep with her.

The girls were always throwing themselves on me, though I always made it crystal clear that it was only for a night. I had stopped counting, how many women I had slept with, within the last seven years.

" Dad can we discuss this later on?? The clients would be here any time now. " I said trying to divert the very hot topic of discussion at my home nowadays.

" Yeah, sure but you can't escape this forever. Your mom has gone crazy now. She called all her friends and relatives and asked them to suggest a suitable girl for you. " Dad told me with a smirk.

" Oh, God !! Mom is too much. " I said.

Just then my beautiful and sexy as hell PA came and informed us that our Japanese Clients had arrived. We all went to the conference room.

We greeted each other and after the introductions, we started giving our detailed presentation.

The clients were very impressed with our presentations and our huge chain of stores all over India.

They offered us a very good profit margin and a very wide range of their latest electronic goods.

Within 45 minutes, we signed the contract in which they appointed our company as their official partner for India.

My dad was very happy and once the clients were gone, he came and hugged me.

" I am proud of you, my son. You have worked so hard since you joined the business and have made it at least twenty times bigger in less than seven years. And this deal which we signed just now will be very fruitful in near future. You have reached the top, beta and that's why they call you the king of this line." He was beaming with happiness.

" No, dad we did all this. I could not have done anything without your experience, guidance and support. " I said. He hugged me and patted me on my back.

We had our lunch and dad said, "Finish your work as soon as possible, Sia and Rohit are coming in the evening." I was so happy to hear that. I was missing Sia, my younger sister for a few days.

" Awww, I was missing her too and was planning to call her today. Dad, you go home, I would come before they are home. " I said.

Sia and I had always had a special bond. She is my younger sister but I have always treated her as if she was my little princess.

Now my princess was the queen of her husband's world and they had a very cute little princess, Roohi and now Sia was expecting another child.

Roohi was like a mini Sia, whenever I saw her, I could see my little doll, Sia who used to run after me all the time for my attention. I always felt that I was her elder brother hence I should be responsible enough to take care of her.

I used to love and pamper her a lot and now, I love her little princess too. I was looking forward to meeting all of them. So I told my PA to cancel everything after four in the afternoon. Dad went home and I started completing my work.

Just then there was a knock on the door and my PA walked in carrying two mugs of steaming coffee. She was a sultry beauty and she always flirted very openly. I noticed the way she was looking at me.

She placed my coffee near my hand and she lightly brushed her body against my arm. She has been giving me a subtle hint that she was more than interested in an office romance.

I have been flirting lightly with her too, but we never crossed the line as I believe that one should not mix work and pleasure. Though she seemed to be inviting me with her body language, I always ignored it as I didn't want any complications in my office.

" Sir, you had told me to book a table for dinner in your favourite restaurant. Do I need to cancel that as well? " She asked me.

" Oh yes, I almost forgot about that thanks for reminding me, Jenny. Please order some flowers and get them delivered to Ms Sandhu. I will text you her address. Please attach a sorry card to it. " I said casually.

She was good at all these things and handled those crazy girls who kept calling me or sending messages to me.

I had planned to meet Kiya today, but since my sister was coming home, I decided to call Kiya myself and apologize for cancelling the date. I had met her at a party last week and enjoyed her company. So I pressed dial on her number. She picked up the call immediately.

" Hello! " She said in her bedroom voice.

Oh, God! I liked her voice. It turned me on...

" Hey, beautiful! I hope I didn't disturb you?? " I asked.

" Not at all... I was thinking about you. It is so good that you called. I think it is a positive sign. " She replied immediately.

Oh, no!!! No signs, please...

" I beg to differ, sweetheart... I don't believe in destiny, signs and all those things. All I know is that my heart has been beating faster, ever since I met you. I was looking forward to meeting you tonight, but I am very disappointed that I have to attend some family function, which can not be avoided. "

" Awww... I was so excited about our date today. "

" So was I, sweetheart... So was I. But I guess, you can't avoid certain things." I said in a matter of fact tone.

" Certainly... "

" So tell me when can you meet me again? " I asked her.

" Maybe tomorrow ... "

" Oh... I was counting every hour and was looking forward to meeting you. Now, I have to wait for hours. " I said in my flirting mode.

" Oh, you are such a liar... " She said in a very low voice.

Wow!! Sexy voice. I am going to love hearing her, screaming my name.

" No, I swear I have been thinking about you for the last few nights. I could not even sleep last night. You won't believe but I am yawning right now. I still remember how our bodies were pressed together while we danced at that party. We seem to be perfect for each other. " I said.

" You could not sleep last night because you were thinking about me?" She asked me.

" Of course... I wanted to take you in my arms again. I loved the way your soft body felt against mine. "

" Awww... It's ok, we will meet tomorrow. Bye, see you tomorrow. " She said.

" Bye sweetheart, think of me tonight as I would be doing the same. Good night. " I said and took a deep breath. I wanted to have her as soon as possible to get her out of my system.