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Her Innocent Heart

Her Innocent Heart



Her Innocent Heart PDF Free Download


It was moonwashed night. The light was straining through deciduous trees. Running through the woods, she felt freedom, that made her brisker...Ouch!!! It hurt as she fell on the ground, that must be the outer root of any old tree...Sharp pain in her foot but ignoring, she again started to run. A lower bark of some tree hooked on her rustling veil and It tore with sound. Ah! Branch made a peel in her skin too. Running, running. She just ran. The cold air was shocking her throat and lungs as she inhaled deeper, faster. After crossing many trees, she looked over the shoulder. No one behind but some howling thuds. He must be wearing heavy boots. Compared to him she was bare feet. Suddenly a dried tiny branch cracked beneath her foot. She winced as her sole got pierced, but continued her running that was now transformed into limping. Her heart was beating in her ears. She kept her unsteady pace with her lower lip clamped between the teeth. She then bumped into maybe a tree trunk and
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Chapter 1


"Please... leave me!" She wriggled as his grip grew steely on her arm.

Ignoring her desperate pleas, he simply shouted with rage. "Silence!"

He was hauling her into the somewhat deserted building, as the lights sporadically flickered above. He held her forearm, in a death—like grip, ruthlessly shoving her inside the lift.

Her sandals must have slipped off during his brutal dragging since it seemed she could feel the coolness of marble flooring beneath her feet. She watched with trembling lips as he stabbed the number '9' with his finger and the lift started ascending towards the destination he was seeking.

"W—where are you taking me?" Her voice cracked as she asked, with tears brimming in her eyes.

"To hell." He glared daggers at her and simultaneously, gnashed cruelly. The tears trickled down and she started sobbing with fear engulfing her. The lift doors had barely opened before he resumed his tight grip on her arm and began to pull her limp body along with him. The only sound that echoed throughout the corridor were her cries — laments that wracked throughout her body, sobs that were laced with true helplessness.

He simply ignored this and swiped a card indoor mechanism and with a 'beep' signaling the door opening. Her heart lurched in the chest but drowned in the dark abyss surrounding it. The black dreading feeling inside her starkly contrasted against the brightly lit rooms inside. He ferociously pushed her towards the left, where she stumbled into a room. Her eyes didn't adjust to the darkness in time, causing to trip over her lehnga

toe length embellished skirt

and fall onto the cold, hard floor — he simply strode in after her blundering form and punched the light switches on.

By this point, she was trembling but her tears had somewhat dried up and the body had turned cold when he kicked and locked the door shut. The fear she had for the Beast at that moment was immeasurable to the countless moments before.

Her heart dropped into her stomach and breaths became labored, as he with clenched jaw sauntered towards her.

"N—no," She got up shakily and began to put distance between them.

"Please....l—leave me," She stammered. Fear of upcoming moments shredded her.


The thundering resonance of a rough, calloused palm against her smooth cheek echoed throughout the room.

The Beast had slapped her, with as much might and strength he could muster — the force of which had thrown her onto the bed.

"Bitch, you think you could get away with trying to fool me? You didn't think I was going to discover what was behind the innocent facade you put up?" He sneered and grabbed her, by chunks of her honey—brown hair, hidden inside the veil.

"Please, I haven't done anything — I promise I haven't done anything, l—let me go, I b—beg you." Her body was no longer in control of tremors and all she could do now was mewl.

"You're just like your bastard of a brother — you're exactly the same, bitch!" His harsh tugs on her veil forced the numerous pins undone, clattered to the ground, messing up hairdo completely.

"No! Please!"

She wanted to vanish from his eyes and forget the unforgivable pain of this moment but her unveiled body was shivering uncontrollably, unable to stay sane anymore. She shielded her body behind her shaking, thin arms, preparing for the worst to come.

His phone suddenly rang, echoing off the walls of the room yet, he took no notice and carried on with the task at hand.

He was unbuckling his belt.

Her crystal brown orbs fluttered close involuntarily, as she uttered repeated no's and pleas but to no avail — the belt must have come loose as she could comprehend the noise of the belt slapping towards the ground before heavy footsteps began to move towards her shaking form.

"Mercy!" With one last thread of hope, "Don't do this." She pleaded to the Beast.

"Quench my thirst!"

His onyx eyes had predatory gleam. He was in Beast Mode.


Noor's POV:

"What's wrong with you? Can't you climb down the stairs sanely?"

"Assalamualaikum Mom! I said aloud while rushing down the stairs. "I'm sure late!"

"Waalaikumassalam! No matter how much late you are for college, first, come here and have your breakfast!" Mom ordered.

"Mom please, I have no appetite!" I showed her puppy dog eyes.

"You've always been one to skip breakfast, what should I do with you?" Mom gave me a concerned look. "At least have some fresh juice." Mom pointed the butter knife at the juice—filled pitcher. She was preparing a buttered toast for me.

"Juice, eh! Can I take one day leave from juice?" I gave my mom a pouty look. She shook her head in dismissal.

"Please!" I clasped my hands, batted my eyelashes.

"Oh, dear! You are a college student now — but I see, still, you act like a little child. When will you grow up?" She lectured me as she handed me buttered toast.

"Umm..." I took a minimal bite. "Why don't you ask my brother to stop buying dolls for me," I complained while chewing.

Her face split in a huge grin but she quickly turned towards the kitchen. "I will see him as well." I heard her saying with a smiling voice. I put the half—eaten toast on the plate.

She came back with a kettle and saw me standing. "Finish it, kid!" She spoke as her eyes rested on toast.

"Oh my sweet moon, I will take some lunch from the cafeteria." I kissed my Mom's forehead. She gestured me back to show me that she is not at all pleased with my habit of skipping breakfast.

"Well! Can I have some biryani for lunch made by the beautiful hands of my mother? It's been so long that I am craving for it." I put my demand forward, buttering her up.

She smiled and nodded.

"OK, I'm going. Allah Hafiz, Mother!"

After rewarding her smile with a grin, I made my way to the door.

"Allah Hafiz my dear, may Allah's blessings be upon you." Mom replied with a mix of emotions like she is happy and sad both, happy to say me bye or sad that I denied having breakfast.

I threw a flying kiss to her with 28 teeth smile.

I knew this would make her smile as she is the sweetest in every way.

I adjusted my Hijab


and began to head out.

At the corner of the road, I look University point


. As it stopped by my side. I safely boarded on and it started its journey to my University, where my friend surely waiting for me.

At The University:

"Assalam o Alaikum!"

I greeted my best friend while she hugged me tightly.

"Hey! what happened?" I inquired her just because she was looking super emotional today.