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It starts with us

It starts with us

Autor: Amimi_an

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It starts with us PDF Free Download


Zion Blake is rich and arrogant. He always does what he want in school everybody fears him, no one dare to cross his path until he met Lydia Evans Lydia Evans, is a simple girl she talks to no one in school her only friend is Nicole Kris. She has a dark secret she hiding but things change when she meets Zion who she hates and he hates her will their HATRED for each other turns to LOVE?
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Chapter 1


  I gaze at the cool weather of new York through my window. Heaving out a sigh I stretched my arm and trekked to the bathroom to take a shower. After dressing myself into pair of tank top and black pant with my white sneakers, I went down and kiss both of my parent on their cheeks.

  "How are you my baby I hope you slept well" my dad asked.

  "Yes dad"

  "Here is your breakfast don't be late on your first day, and I know Nicole must be on her way now" my mom said. I love my family they always care for me whenever am in a problem they are always there for me.

  After finishing my breakfast which is pasta and a cup of hot tea. I waved my parent goodbye.

  "Love you mom"

  "Love you dad"

  "Take care of yourself" they said in unison.

  I closed the door behind me spotting Nicole car driving towards where am standing.

  "Hey lydi" she said

  "Hi nicole" I entered the car and we started driving towards school, to say am nervous will be an understatement. Nicole squeezed my hands.

  "Don't worry lydi, you will love the school in fact we have each other as am also new, so don't be nervous".


  Nicole is my childhood friend we grew up together her parents are our neighbors. We've never get into an argument, whenever we are in a problem we always support each other.

  The school is 30mins drive. Am thankful Nicole has a car which will be easy for us.

  "Welcome to city college of new York" Nicole chirped happily, I glanced at the big gate of the school .

  Just then a group of boys in a Ferrari drove past us in a high speed

  "Idiots, can't they slow down" I said getting irritated.

  "Come on Lydia this is college get used to it" Nicole said

  "Yeah right, I hope we will get along with the people" I sigh

  "Yeah you're right"


  We went to our new class, thank god we are in the same class with Nicole for first period. I sat on the second row.

  "Hi Am Kate, you must be new student right?" the blonde girl next to me said extending her hand.

  "Oh yeah... Am Lydia" I shook her hand.

  "And this is my friend Nicole" she shook Nicole hand.

  "I hope we will get along" she smiled showing her white teeth. Before I could reply the professor entered.

  "Hello class, I hope you guys are ready for the journey" the professor said.

  "Yes" the student said.


  After we are done with the first period we went to the cafeteria for lunch, we sat on one corner free from any disturbance, kate is also with us, we are chatting while eating when suddenly we heard some noise.

  Wow he's so hot

  Did you see his sharp jaw.

  "Wow" Kate exclaimed

  I turned around looking for the thing people are whispering about. My eyes met with a pair of dark brown eyes for the first time in my life I was speechless. He sat on one of the sit with some boys, he turned his head and our eyes met, his thick brow furrowed in a frown, the way his eyes fixate on me give chills to my body

  "Who are they?" Nicole asked.

  "They are the badboy in this college, you see that one with brown hair" she pointed at him

  "he's arrogant but also hot" Kate answered with a smile.

  The way he stare me down make my heart beat rapidly.

  "No one messes up with their gang, especially Him, so you guys should be careful" I watched him again but he's not looking me way.


  We are through with today's class. Nicole and I decided to get sandwich from our favourite place which is a few mile from the school.

  "Hello Mrs Teresa" we greeted the owner of the restaurant

  "Hi girls how are you doing today"

  "We are fine"

  "What will you like to have today" she said warmly

  "We will have our usual" I said. Nicole is already sitting waiting for our order. My phone started ringing, I was about to take the phone from my bag when I bumped into something no someone. And my bag fell on the floor with all the content inside.

  "What the fu.." Its him the badboy.

  "Can't you watch where you're going" he shouted.

  "I'm sorry" I managed to say.

  "Keep your sorry to yourself, make sure next time you use your eyes when walking" he hiss walking past me not missing a chance to pushed me with his shoulder, some Blondie girl following behind him with a lot of makeup caked on her face.

  It's when Nicole touched me that I realized what just happened.

  "Are you okay" nicole asked me after picking up my bag from the floor.

  "Oh..yeah" my eyes wandered to them who are now sited. My mind keep wandering to what kate said earlier.

  Be careful with him, he's arrogant

  I struggled to get it off my mind, I wasn't ready for a fight on my first day. I walked to the school gate with Katie and Nicole trailing behind me talking.

  "Yo Lydia , what do you say about going to the taco " Nicole asked . I was going to say but Katie beat me to it " please, this is my first time hanging out with you guys so say yes please. pretty please with a cherry on top"

  "Yes " I sighed out entering the car. During the car drive my mind wandered back to the guy that I bombed into. at least he should have accept my sorry and who doesn't he thinks he is.

  "we are here at my favorite taco place" Katie yelled in my ears making me yelped. God , why do I have to get another crazy friend. The place was a bit filled because it is one of the best taco place that sells the best taco.