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I'm Sianna and I rejected my mate for my high school sweetheart, Curtis. But when Curtis met his mate afterwards, he failed to reject her and lied to me instead. With my broken heart I fell into someone else's arms and ended up in the bed of my Alpha where we spent the night together. Now, what happens next when the Alpha doesn't want to let me go? How far will the Alpha go to keep me? Should I forgive and honor my promise to Curtis or should I take my chances with the obsessive Alpha? “There is no limit between us.” Chuckling, the mirth sparkled in his gorgeous eyes, “And all of this originated from the night that you gave me both pain and pleasure. I am simply returning the favor.” He took two steps forward and I took one backward, “But…” Remembering what I had done generated major fears and I had to get out of there. “I….. “No, Firecat.” He places an index finger on my lips. “This will take your mind off that son of a bitch.” Using his strong hands, he pulls me by the waist so that I felt his hard manhood. “I want your virginity tonight.”
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Chapter 1


He stared at me with his piercing green eyes. His hands balled into a fist. I knew he was angry and didn't see this rejection coming.

I was in a relationship with my boyfriend since high school and we decided that we would both reject our mates so that we could spend the rest of our lives together. We had it all mapped out and I wasn't going to give that up. I quickly got over the shock of meeting him so unexpectedly and said the rejection.

I had to do it.

I knew that my ex-mate was now feeling the surge of pain as the bond was being severed. I staggered feeling the same effect but I knew it would pass. He was silent while he held his stare on me and then he growled as worry flash through his green eyes, "Why?"

"I am in love with someone else and I am not leaving him for someone that I don't care about." I sound heartless but I needed to be sincere so that he understood where I stood with the mate bond. "I am not going to date you or get to know you."

I scanned his face to notice his flawless chiseled chin and prominent cheek bones. He had thick lashes protecting his eyes and the most kissable pouty lips. His jet black hair fell over his forehead and eyes while the rest fell to the back of his head.

He smirked and got up from the table in the café. His powerful aura radiating in the building. Mixed with that was his intoxicating scent of pumpkin mixed with pine trees that was driving my wolf crazy and making her propelling me to run into his arms.

"I will let you think about it some more and if within three months you still feel the same, I will let you go," he says.

Despite my hostility, his voice was calming. He walked away leaving his coffee and bagel untouched. I watched him through the glass window as he got in his car and drove away. I felt terrible and guilty. At least the café was empty as we were closing up for the day.

'Our mate is perfect! Why did you reject him?!' My wolf growled inside, not liking my decision.

"We met Curtis first. We love him and you agreed to it too." I reminded her.

'That was before meeting our soulmate,' she protested.

After leaving high school I left my pack to head off to college but decided that I missed Curtis too much, so I transferred to do online classes. This way I could still be home with mom and dad while I got to hang around my handsome sweetheart. My rejection would still be the same even after three months so I hoped that my ex-mate wasn't getting his hopes up.

I am a female werewolf that is normally referred to as a she-wolf and I live in a pack that has neighborhoods and towns. Our pack consisted of about 550,000 wolves with no humans living here. Wolves are complex, highly intelligent animals who are caring, playful, and above all devoted to family. Wolves have mates which is otherwise known as soul mates.

Mates were destined to fall in love, and to cherish and protect each other for their entire lifetime. It accompanied a supernatural pull that made mates irresistible to each other and fall in love. Our wolves are always quick to accept their mates but our human side might need time. Additionally, we experience human emotions and tendencies.

Even so, we can choose to accept or reject our mates. Rejection is done by making a declaration using the full names of the mate that is doing the rejection and the mate that is being rejected. In order to complete the rejection and fully sever the mate bond, the party being rejected has to accept the rejection. For marked persons, the mark of the mate disappears after three months and leaves the opportunity for a second chance mate to form.

I am not marked as yet because to be on the safe side, I thought that Curtis and I should wait until we have met our mates and the rejection completed by both of us. Curtis hasn't met his mate as yet and she might not be from this pack either. In the case of the latter, it might take longer to find his true mate.

My wolf has been quiet even since my attempted rejection to our mate. She is upset with me but I thought she already knew I wouldn't accept him. I mean, she liked Curtis so what was her problem? We will heal from this and live our happy ending with Curtis Black. I am optimistic and I believe in our love. Choosing your own mate was not strange as it happens, and even Alphas do that sometimes with their Lunas.

Wolves lived in a ranked system where omegas were the lowest and an Alpha was the leader and the highest authority. A Luna was the title given to the alpha's mate once he accepts the bond. The mate of a higher rank gets passed to his or her mate of a lower rank. So if a female omega was mated to a gamma, the omega become a gamma female and the omega title is dropped.

Curtis doesn't know that I have met my mate and I don't want to mention it until the mate bond is fully severed. I don't want to make him worry or feel insecure that my mate might steal me away from him.

I am currently working at the café in our town so that I can have time for my classes and training. Everyone in this pack is required to have some form of training as self-defense for when rogues attack or in the event of a war.

Werewolves who are rogues have either been expelled from their pack or departed of their own volition. Apart from having long fur when they transform into wolves, rogues don't have a distinct appearance. They also emit a foul smell from their body. Without the support of a pack, they frequently lose their minds and go crazy. They occasionally exhibit unpredictable and erratic conduct.

Both good and bad rogues exist. The bad ones cause deaths in some circumstances. They may murder out of a desire to kill or out of retaliation. They like preying on and hurting other werewolves. The good rogues, on the other hand, have no desire to harm other packs or individuals. They just generally want to live on their own and are called lone wolves. Rogues are not protected by any laws, so they can be killed easily, even if they are good rogues.

After I got home, I showered and went online the college portal to check on my courses and assignments. My phone lights up with a beep and I see a message from an unknown number.

Unknown: I am glad that you got home safely. It was a pleasure meeting you today. I promise not to bother you too much but being able to send a message once in a while might actually help.

An assumption formed in my head that this had to be my ex-mate. So, I decided not to reply because I don't want the bond to grow stronger. I know he might think that he is slick but I know a man can be persistent when he wants a woman. I rolled my eyes and blocked his number. I won't allow him to get close to me or even be friends for the sake of my boyfriend and our relationship.

I'd see my best friend Hailey tomorrow and I will talk to her about it. I don't know how she might feel when I tell her all of this. But it is good to have my confidante knowing about my mate situation so that I can have someone to talk to about it.

Within an hour I sent Curtis a goodnight message as I wasn't in the mood to talk to him tonight. However, I spotted two red eyes in my back yard staring up at me when I was closing the window so that I could go straight to bed.

"Shit" I muttered as I saw the wolf laid down with his focus on me.

I could guess who it was.

Shaking my head, I closed the window and ignored him.

It took hours to fall asleep but when I looked out the window again, he was gone. I sighed in relief and then dozed off to dreamland.

He would not make me change my decision. Never!
