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Enslaved By Her Alpha King

Enslaved By Her Alpha King

Auteur: Alexis Dee

En cours


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"I saw you with her. You were making out with her?" I fixated my eyes on his face. He seemed to not care that he had been caught kissing his guard. "Didn't I tell you that you have to take off all of your clothes before talking to me?" He narrowed his eyes angrily at my face. I know he didn't want to see my body, he just wanted to humiliate me. "I'm your wife, your mate and you are making out with the guards and asking such obscene things from me?" It broke my heart that I have to remind him that he has a wife and how his actions are breaking my heart. "I don't consider you anything. A mere human can never be my mate. You can be my toy but you will never be my respectable Luna Queen," he grabbed my shoulders and pushed my back, forcing me out of his way. Ophelia, a human girl, is stuck with a ruthless Alpha King and has to make sure she pleases him in order for him to keep her family alive.

Chapter 1

Ophelia's POV:

As if life wasn't already bad, I was plucked away from the group of the girls and thrown into the dungeon once again.

I wasn't told what I did this time but I am assuming somebody must have lied about me stealing something.

We heard some cries and noises earlier but none of the girl's including me got the courage to leave our rooms and then gets beaten up by the guards or the Lady's.

I haven't recovered from the beatings from earlier. It seemed as if I have no life of my own anymore.

"Ah!" I let out a cry of anguish when I flopped down on the cold floor. It's been hours that I was thrown here.

Just when I was beginning to feel dizzy, I found the guards approaching me and opening the door for the visitor.

"Alpha King Kaiden!" I whispered his name upon seeing him entering my cell.

His sight never brought a piece of good news to my life. He looked weirdly lost tonight as well. Among his red nose and cheeks, his swollen eyes were a hint of something terrible happening upstairs.

"What have you done?" He whispered under his breath, not even making eye contact with me.

His broad and muscular shoulders were slouched down.

"What?" I asked in bewilderment.

He nodded to himself, finally looking my way and grabbing me by my arms.

"Ahhhh!" I gasped at his sudden touch, he was never gentle with me.

"Let me see," he grunted, holding me still by force and closing his eyes.

I couldn't tell what he was trying to see in my memory but from the way a frown was brought up on his forehead, I assumed he didn't like what he saw.

He suddenly let go of my hands and gasped, taking a step back and almost tripping.

"Ho----w! How co-----uld you!" he was breathing profusely, his eyes changed color and that's when I was frightened of what was happening.

"I don't know what ha---," As I struggled to force words out of my lips, he raised his hand and slapped me.

The force he applied left my ears ringing and I passed out the very next moment.

I don't know how long I've been gone but when I woke up, I was left in the cell and continued to stay there for 5 days. I was then informed by a guard that I need to be prepared for something, who also told me to take a shower and get ready for something.

I didn't question because Kaiden's slap had sort of messed me up to the point that I was burning in a high fever.

I wore the blue dress they had asked me to wear and left after the guard to Kaiden's chamber. When passing through the harem, I was shocked to see that it was entirely dark.

There were no girls in sight!


As if the harem was abandoned.

I reached the chambers and was invited to the darkness.

I stood in the corner of the dark room cluelessly when I watched Kaiden appearing from the corner of the room. He was sitting on a chair in the dark this whole time.

“What is going on? I don’t see any of the girls around,” I stated in hesitation. The castle had gone silent after that night, I wondered what happened.

“Hm!” he hummed, not moving his muscles.

“Alpha Ki---ng!” I tried getting him to answer me but this whole situation was way too scary for me to comment upon. I decided to wait for his response and let him tell me what was going on in his head and why was I brought to his chambers?

I was noticing how slowly he was rushing towards me and when he finally appeared under the light, I saw a belt in his hand.

“W---,” I couldn’t finish when I felt his body radiating heat of anger. He seemed to be not in control of his human self and that scared the life out of my body.

He stopped right in front of me, staring into my soul and not blinking once. All I could do was to gulp the fear down my throat and watch his every move.

“You thought you would get away with everything?” He commented in his deep grunting tone.

“What have I done now My lord?” I didn’t want to piss him off so I was trying to be very respectful to him.

“You have committed not only one but two murders,” as his words were brought to my attention, my body shuddered out of shock.


“What are y---,” before I could further investigate why he was accusing me of such a thing, he hushed me into silence.

“Time has changed, the world will change now and every single second of my life will be spent in a mission of making sure you go through hell,” the anger and the threat in his tone matched well.

Although I wanted to know what had happened, the accusations silenced me.

“You will suffer every second of your life while you remain as---“ he paused to bend down in my ears to mutter,
