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Saralynn is a teenagers who has super strength. She is running away from an evil organization that is conducting experiments on supernatural beings. the town of Summerwind is her hideout, where she lives the life of an ordinary teenager, going to school, working part time, socializing, having best friends and most of all, falling in love. The calm didn't last long, when her whereabouts were discovered, she had to make a choice. Run away again, leaving behind happiness and those closest to them. Leaving the city where she was comfortable with good friends, or fighting to maintain the normal life her dreamed of all this time.

Chapter 1

A dark night in a forest where the trees are tall and dense, a calm breeze blows the leaves on every tree that grows. The sounds of insects and nocturnal animals calling each other make the atmosphere of the night forest even more distinctive.


Suddenly there was a fireball that hit the ground burning dry leaves, a woman dressed all in black was thrown from the direction of the fireball's arrival. After rolling on the ground, safe from the flames, the woman got up and hid behind a large tree.

“Humph, gosh, how tired, I didn't expect her to be that strong, it seems she has a grudge against me.” The woman muttered under her breath, she was wearing short jeans with a black jean jacket on top, there was a large bag on her back.

Just as she was breathing, suddenly a strong fire pressure hit the tree, the flames spread to the right and left sides of the tree. The woman ducked somersaults on the ground and then rolled her body sideways through the flames moving furiously above her.

Yes, the flames that spouted were indeed only above, one meter above the ground, so that the woman could roll over on the ground without being burned, even though she could still feel the hot temperature of the fire.

“Damn, she intends to roast me alive.”

Just avoided the flames that have now burned many trees, suddenly a strong kick from the ground hit her body, the attack sent the woman flying several meters backwards as high as two meters, before finally the woman's back hit a tree, she fell instantly. “It hurts.” That was the only reaction the woman had, her expression and tone too relaxed, even though her current situation was critical.

The woman hurriedly got up, her two hands stretched out to form a transparent shield which a second later was hit by a powerful fire attack, the flames produced from that attack immediately spread to the surroundings without touching the woman, the dark area became bright in the instant of impact light from the flame. From the front there, the ground rose, creeping straight towards her. The woman jumped back just in time to create a stalagmite where she had stood last time. Her jump backwards didn't land, but continued to rise high, and then the woman shot away from there, yes, the woman who received the consecutive attacks was able to fly.

Meanwhile, due to the light of the flames, the figures of the two assailants who had advanced to the scene were clearly visible, one male and the other female, they both had claws on their fingers, all the teeth that had become fangs and both eyeballs shone yellowish white. seen from any angle, they are supernatural beings who have the power to control the elements. The man who could move and make things out of the ground, he continued to run after her. The woman who can create fire, she absorbs all the fire there and then the whole body that has been completely burnt immediately flies after the woman she is aiming for.

Areas that previously experienced fires, now only leaving smoke and dust from burning, there are also returned to darkness and silence.

Meanwhile, where the woman being chased was, she continued to fly away, snaking between the tree branches blocking the path. She couldn't fly too fast, the darkness of the night disturbed her sight, besides with strong air pressure, she wouldn't be able to see and breathe properly. Thus, the man running on the ground was able to catch up.

Bulky chunks of solid earth shot towards her successively.

“You stubborn!” growled the woman, when a solid chunk of rock hit the tree, she created a shield behind her body, too bad it wasn't enough to protect herself

Due to the force of the impact, the woman's body was knocked out, lost balance and ended up falling from a height of five meters.

the woman's body rolled on the ground covered with dry leaves, the woman quickly stood up and then moved the tree branch that was there towards the ground man.

The attack was meaningless because the tree branch that was thrown was weathered and brittle. when the tree branch hit the ground man's body, everything shattered without giving a single scratch.

“Tch, wish I was in town.” The woman grunted, then quickly reconstructed her shield as a large amount of solid earth charged again.

The impact repeatedly hit her shield until she was thrown a few meters backwards, her body ending up sprawled in a supine position there.

In the twinkling of an eye, the surrounding ground trapped the woman's body so that she couldn't move anymore, it didn't stop there, giant chunks hit her chest and stomach. Fresh blood immediately spurted out of her mouth.

“Uh-huh, tsk, damn it. It turned out to be more painful than I thought.” the young woman muttered under her breath. It was at that moment that the dirt man landed on the lump of earth that was still crushing the woman's body.

“Is this all you can do? You are much weaker than rumored. Cero, ah no, but Kyra.” the man spoke softly, he underestimated the girl who was his target.

The woman named Kyra looked at the man who had knocked her down. “Too bad I'm starving, that's why I'm so weak. You should be thankful you didn't face me who was like the rumors.”

“How arrogant.” the man pressed the lump of solid earth until it made a cracking sound, several of Kyra's ribs were broken by the strong crush, Kyra immediately vomited blood again, her internal organs were seriously affected.

“Cough, cough.” while coughing, blood came out of her mouth, the woman's cheeks, chin, and neck were covered in her blood.

“Sick?” asked the man, he didn't seem sorry to see a woman vomiting blood like that.

“Very.” Kyra muttered under her breath.

“Kyra, you look pathetic.” The flying flame woman, slowly landed beside the ground man, the flames on her body vanished as a ball of fire lit up right beside the woman's head.

“Hi.” Kyra instead greeted the fire woman who approached. “You look ugly from the last time I saw you.”

“Don't be friendly to me.” The woman who looked annoyed immediately snapped in a cold tone.

“I'm just saying ‘hello.’” With an indifferent and unconcerned tone, Kyra said those words.

“You seem to have run out of energy, I didn't expect to see you in such a state.” in a cold and unfriendly tone, the fire woman spat out those words.

The woman named Kyra chuckled weakly. “Hey, it's only natural that I'm like this, you guys have been chasing me for more than a week, I'm tired of being chased.”

“Still able to act relaxed even under these circumstances?” asked the man who seemed impatient to kill Kyra.

“What can I do? Act like anything, isn't it the same? You will not give me forgiveness.” Kyra replied, she spoke in a tone and attitude that was so relaxed, as if the lump of solid earth that had hit her body had given her no pain.

In fact, when in a situation of urgency, acting and expressing anything like anything will not change the situation, the enemy will still vent what has been intended in her head. Therefore, Kyra deliberately acts like that so as not to show she is a weak girl.

“Yes. You are right, I will not give you forgiveness. Just like the twenty espers you killed in this week.” The fire woman chimed in, alluding to Kyra's unforgiving actions against her fallen opponents. Yes, they are not the first to chase and fight Kyra, many have tried, which all ended in death.

“I'm just defending myself, if only they didn't harass and try to catch me like you guys, maybe they would still be breathing.” still in the same tone and attitude, that's what Kyra said in response, her last tone was even a little sneer.

“Easy for you to say.” The fire woman then leaned close to Kyra's face, in a firm and cold tone, she spoke. “You need to know, one of the lives you took was my friend.”

Hearing those words, Kyra turned to the fire woman. “I'm not going to apologize for that, she deserved it. Thanks to her actions, I was burned to the ground that time.”

“Kyra!” the fire woman snapped because she was very angry, the back of the woman's body lit up, giving rise to a large and high flame.

Without caring about the woman's anger, Kyra carelessly folded her hands behind her head and used them as a pillow for her head. “Now then, I'm done talking, do what you want to do.”

Kyra didn't seem to care and didn't feel threatened by what the woman was showing.

“With pleasure.”

The man and woman who were angry at Kyra's disdain and belittled them with their nonchalant casual manner, they simultaneously unleashed the most powerful attack they had.

As the attack was about to hit, Kyra opened her eyes and grinned. “Got you.”
