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I'll Die After Thirty Days

I'll Die After Thirty Days

Auteur: Lillypadlipad



I'll Die After Thirty Days PDF Free Download


Three years ago, Ashia Fred was living a normal life only thinking about her studies, not until she met Dean Pirce, the only person who made her heart flutter. One time, Dean gave Ashia a bracelet and she did not know the reason why he gave her it. Since she received the bracelet from him, Dean would always be there to help her whatever bad happened. Dean made everything he could do just to make her fall in love with her. They became together officially and Ashia accepted the fact that he was tamed by Dean. Everything was smooth and going on its right path, not until a night ruined her life and someone killed her. That was there years ago. Ashia woke up from her grave. She does not know why, but the only thing she knows is finding the killer who killed her. Who could be the killer? The first person she met when she woke up from her grave was a man wearing a white tuxedo. “We are bound to meet again, Ashia,” the man said which makes her heart fluttered. Are they bound to meet again? Is destiny the reason why they met? Ashia doesn't know. The only thing she knows right now is to find justice for her death for 30 days. If she doesn't find it within 30 days, she knows she will die after 30 days without even finding justice for herself.

Chapter 1

June 2017

Ashia’s POV

I was about to get up when I heard my cellphone alarm rang. I didn’t even look at the time because I knew it was four o’clock in the morning. At this time I go to Wabi-Sabi, a coffee shop close to us, whenever I want to read.

With still puffy eyes, I quickly grabbed my jacket and put it on. Before I could forget I had also picked up a book that I am reading today. I just sighed deeply and hurried out.

“I hope Tito is still asleep. He would scold me once he knew I left at this time again. Gosh,” I said to myself as I closed my bedroom door.

When I was sure it was closed I slowly walked to the kitchen because that was the way out of the house. Dark surroundings opened up to me when I got to the kitchen. I sighed again and held on tightly to the book I was holding. When I was sure that Tito was still asleep, I quickly walked to the door and slowly turned the lock.

I just smiled when I managed to get out of Tito's house. I adjusted my jacket and quickly walked away to reach Wabi-Sabi.

Fortunately, this coffee shop is 24/7. I don’t know why I tend to go and hang out here at the coffee shop just to read early in the morning; where I know most people are still asleep - like Tito. I smiled again when I thought I had succeeded again in what I had done.

Before I looked for a seat I first went to the counter to order. I raised an eyebrow when I saw how the woman at the counter was staring at me so I also looked at what she was looking at.

It was as if I was drenched in hot water when I realized something. I know I was a complete mess right now, but why the hell did I forget to put on my bra? What the hell, Ashia. I smiled awkwardly at the woman and rearranged my jacket to somehow cover my clothes because my nipples were already revealed.

“Miss, I will order, please,” I awkwardly told her.

She quickly turned to me and pressed something on the monitor.

"Order please?" she asked.

“One order of milk tea… The cookies and cream flavor, that's all," I said, still smiling, even though I knew that she was also giving me a forced smile.

“One order of milk tea. The flavor is cookies and cream," she said while tapping something on the monitor.

I was about to turn my back at her when I heard her speak.

“You should check correctly if you are wearing a bra when you go out of the house, Miss. You might be called flirty there…" she said with a teasing smile on her lips.

My mouth watered because of what she said. “Don’t you know that I don’t care about what you are talking about now? Or should I simply say, never mind other people's business because we also don’t care about your business?” I said calmly and even hit the counter because I was so annoyed.

But she just ignored what I tell her, instead she shrugged her shoulders and went back to what she was doing.

I was so annoyed that I just looked for a seat. While I was looking for a better seat to sit in, someone caught my attention. He had his back to me so I couldn't see what he was doing but he was just sitting in front. I just averted my eyes and passed him to go to the seat I chose. I was already reading my book when my order came.

“Thank you,” I thanked the server without looking at him.

I could smell the aroma of milk tea in front of me. I tasted it. I just choked when I felt the taste of milk tea in my throat.

"Oh my god, no!" I’m almost sick of the scene happening right now in the book I’m reading.

I just spent my time reading the novel to the point that I forgot that I already finished drinking my milk tea. I stopped reading when I felt and heard as if my surroundings were slowly becoming noisy. I looked around and saw people come and go. I was just shaken. I looked at the wall clock to check the time. But even though I could not see properly I quickly got up and left my seat.

Shit! I will be late! How could I sit there as if I don’t have a class today?

I was so quick to get out of the coffee shop that I didn't notice that I was going to collide with someone. Annoyed, I turned to the person who had hit me.

“Goodness! It’s already 7:30 in the morning. Why do I have to- “but I was cut with my own words when I looked at the person standing and carefully staring at me.

“What now? What are you looking at?” disgusted, I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders and walked away. I quickly followed him until we reached the parking lot.

“Hey! I'm still asking you so you answer correctly. ” I couldn't control my screams while still following him.

I just stopped walking when I saw that he had stopped walking as well. I tightened my grip on my book when I saw that he was looking dark at me. I used the book to cover it on my chest because it was already difficult and he might also see that I don't have a bra.

After a moment of silence, he finally spoke. However, I did not like what he said.

"Crazy," he said angrily.

Even though I was so disgusted at him, I still approached him. Maybe I'm only a meter away from him. I looked at him from head to toe before slowly raising my eyebrow.

"What's the matter with, you moron?" I asked without hesitation.

"What the fuck?" questioningly he says as if I have trampled on his ego.

I mocked him, "What the fuck."

"Crazy," he whispered again.

"Stop calling me crazy!" I shouted.

“Which stupid woman reads a novel around 4 AM? Hmmm? ” he asked, teasingly. I was stunned by what he said. Wait? What?

I was devastated when I looked down at his top. I was even more stunned when I saw that the jacket he was wearing was also the jacket of the person who had turned his back earlier.

Even though I looked ignorant, I just ignored it.

"And what stupid man is interfering in the business of someone he doesn't even know?" full of teasing I said and turned my back on him.

I didn't look back and accelerated my walk away from the parking lot. I turned the other way because that was the way home. I secretly scolded myself. I would have taken a bath if I hadn't followed that man. Wait? Why did I follow him?

He too! What was he doing in the coffee shop at that time but did nothing? And at least I was productive on time. He cares too much! Or perhaps, he is gay?

When I got home I took a quick shower. I immediately put on my uniform and necktie after I wiped my body. The gala is color white which has a half-inch color blue stripe on its collar. Our women's skirt is blue above the knee. Oh, what I was wearing now is type A, type B is also different.

I have also arranged my school supplies. I couldn't even comb my hair properly because when I looked at the clock, it was almost eight o'clock.

Fortunately, when I got out of the house, there was a tricycle waiting on the road so I stopped it immediately. While riding the tricycle, I also combed my slightly wet hair. It took another ten minutes when I got to the front of the school.

I was about to enter when I realized something. I quickly looked around and I was almost scornful when I realized I wasn't wearing my pin.

“Relax, Ashia. You got this,” I comforted myself.

Because my hair was until my waist, I just covered my clothes so that it wouldn't be noticeable that I wasn't wearing a pin. If I go home to get my course pin back, I will definitely be late for class.

I entered the guardhouse with a smile even though I was nervous. When the guard saw me, I smiled at him but I was almost depressed when he signaled me to stop.

"Please put your hair back, Miss," he said as he pointed to my uniform. Shocks! He was looking for my pin.

"Ah… eh... hahaha…" I didn't know what to say.

"What's your course?" it is a question.

I swallowed before answering, "Bachelor of Elementary Education… Major in Generalist, Sir."

“Where is your pin? Nothing? Missing? ” he asked.

He was about to approach me when I saw Cassandra in front of the school so I approached her. The guard didn't question me anymore because he knew I wasn't wearing the pin.

“Ashia! Oh my gosh! It is just the first day of class and yet you look frustrated. What’s the catch?" my best friend said to me, hyper. I couldn't even speak when she holds and shakes my shoulder as well.

“I forgot my pin, Cassy. What should I do? I can't go home to go back because I'll be late for class. Maybe the professors will scold me too,” I cried.

I just cringed when I saw she pouted. "I don't know…" she said as if she really didn't know what to do.

I just shouted. I was about to leave in front of her to go home again to get the pin but a strong pull stopped me from walking.

I even saw Cassandra looking at the person who forcedly grabbed my wrist.

"Uhm, what's up?" Cassandra asked herself confusedly as we passed her.

“Ouch!” I complained when I was suddenly let go by someone who was demented and suddenly grabbed me earlier.

We were a little farther away from where Cassandra was now standing and looked confused by what was happening.

I would have spoken more to complain when I looked straight ahead. I bit my lip when I saw the person in front of me. Just behind him, I knew very well who was behind the dark jacket worn by the man who pulled me.

"What's your problem?" I asked calmly and weakly.

He slowly looked at me. He arranged his hair and placed it on one side. I just shook my head and looked away. I was about to leave in front of him when he stopped me.

"Pin…" I heard him say.

I turned to him. Did he hear I forgot my pin? This one is thrilling. He may even think that I am a neglectful student here.

“What's in my pin? I’m going to take it home, isn’t it? I just forgot. Just now. I am not careless,” I said confidently.

He straightened up and smiled, "You got the wrong idea, Miss."

"What do you want me to think then?" I asked crookedly.

With a teasing look on his face, he slowly approached me. Every step he took, I also took a step back. I don’t know but I was intimidated by his stare at me. It seems like the stares he gives me have something to say.

I was about to turn my back on him again but he quickly grabbed my arm. I stood properly and my already calm heartbeat became fast.

"Don't go back home," he said.

Because of what he said, I had an idea in my mind. I nodded and laughed softly.

“I will not go back home to get my pin. I will just absent myself," I said directly.

"Then you don't care about me," I added.

I adjusted myself and was ready to leave his sight when I could just feel the warmth of both of his hands now holding both my arms. I stared into his eyes because of what he did.

I was about to speak but I was just surprised when he put my hair back. But I was even more surprised when he removed his pin from his uniform. I was devastated when he suddenly pressed his body against mine and put his pin on my uniform.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked, nervously and looked around me. I'm afraid someone might see us.

It is a rule that it is forbidden to lend the pin to a fellow schoolmate. What is this person doing now? He is not aware?

“We are in the same course. I won’t come to school today. Just go to your class. Don’t go home, ” he said as he adjusted the pin he had placed on my uniform.

“No. It's okay if I go home again - "

“The guard won’t let you in. You should know that," he said and walked away from me.

I was about to explain again, but I couldn’t find my words anymore when he stared at me. He slowly brought his face closer to mine until his lips reached my ear. I could hear my chest throbbing because of what he was doing now!

"You take good care of my pin, Miss." He whispered and turned his back on me.

I bit my lip so hard and turned to look at him. It is true that he said that he would not enter now because he crossed to the other side of the road.

I was just back in reality when I heard Cassy’s voice next to me.

“Let’s go inside?” she asked.

I just nodded and followed her into the school. When the man disappeared from my sight, I just rested deeply.

The words he said to me earlier came back when I touched the pin he lent me.

"You take good care of my pin, Miss," he said before he left.

So, we have the same course with the same major.

Okay, I’ll take good care of your course pin just like what you said.