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Underestimated (little Miss petite)

Underestimated (little Miss petite)

Auteur: Ava John

En cours


Underestimated (little Miss petite) PDF Free Download


Stacey joanelle McGrath a twin , who's nothing like her twin whose life is made miserable by her mom and twin sister, having only her dad by her side, always taunted by people because of her little structure and height everything takes a turn when she cross paths with the school most popular dude who also troubles and taunts her but always come to her aid , what will she do being the shy ,short and quiet nerd she is. Extract from the story Yeah just do as I say and don't question me , I'll drug her juice you do whatsoever you want with her, you can rape her I don't care . But isn't she your sister . She is but I don't care she wanna steal my crush away from me it's none of your business I do what I want. Watch out

Chapter 1

  Stacey POV

  Leave me alone Chelsey I yelled in my sleep suddenly

  I was awaken by cold liquid on my face ,

  OMG I opened my eyes only to see my twin sister Chelsey smirking evilly .

  "Sister what was that for ??

  " Felt like having some morning fun not a bad idea is it.

  " Chelsey no sane person wakes her sister like this , I don't like this .

  "This you just call me insane Stacey Chelsey said slapping me ,

  apologise right now or you'll get it from me ,

  you know what I can do don't yah,

  I'll go straight to mom and tell her you slapped me and you're gonna regret it.

  Written by Ava R.D John

  I wouldn't want to be involved in any mess this morning ,

  so I'll have to apologise to Chelsey I can't afford to be punished before going to school ,

  "I'm sorry Chelsey I didn't mean to insult you.

  Well you might be surprised as to why I apologized to Chelsey though I wasn't at fault ,

  she's the typical mommy's girl though we are twins we are more fraternal than identical , I'm the older one but she's the crazy , fun filled, tall one but I'm just the small one ,shy quiet and the peaceful one .

  Well am sixteen but will turn seventeen in a few months,

  I and Stacey are both in our final year in high school but we have to change to a new school, because chelsey was expelled from our previous school,

  she beat up a girl till she lost consciousness ,

  it wasn't the first time she has done that but mom has been able to cover everything up but this time ,

  she couldn't because the girl Chelsey beat up was actually the principal's daughter so we had to change our school .

  Well I have to get ready before Mom leaves me behind I know the reason Chelsey could slap me is because dad went on a trip so she can do whatever she pleases because supports her regardless of what she does.

  After getting ready I took my backpack went downstairs to have breakfast .

  Good morning aunt Jane ,she's our cook and really nice too but mom dislikes her because she likes me and Chelsey is so rude to her and the driver uncle Luke.

  "How are you Stacey "?

  "I'm fine aunt how are you too".

  " I'm good Stacey ,I made bacon and eggs for breakfast

  " Thank you so much , please where is Mom and Chelsey

  "They left already ,she said uncle Luke would take you to school .

  " They left without me she told us she would take I and Chelsey to school herself today but she left me behind.

  " Common Stacey don't worry too much about it ,eat your breakfast she said wiping my tears.

  Ok aunt ,why is Mom being so unfair to me it's not right I've pleaded with her to forgive me if I've offended her but she hasn't changed I pray and hope this ends soon I soliloquised .I'm done aunt bye .

  Bye Stacey I'll miss you have a nice day at school.

  Thank you aunt.

  I got outside,met uncle Luke in the car, good morning uncle Luke I greeted .

  "Morning Stacey how are you ??

  We arrived at school few minutes later ,I got down from the car and waved at uncle Luke, bye uncle Luke

  I got into the school but it I arrived late . I got in ,I was looking for the principal's office when I bumped into someone making me slip I was about to fall to the ground but a hand grabbed me stoping me from falling

  but a hand held me helping me back to my feet

  " Hey kiddo am sorryy did you get hurt , sorry I was in a hurry.

  What kiddo , must everyone call me a kid wherever I go I looked at him he is far way taller than I am , he looks handsome but that is the least of my worries right now. Thank you ,I said to him I didn't even wait for his reply I ran away before he could say anything.

  "Well she's weird and what she doing in a high school isn't she supposed to be in middle School.

  Well I hate drawing attention to myself, I'll will have to get to principal's office , after walking for sometime I found the office thanks to inscription .

  Good morning ma'am , the principal is a middle aged woman she looks beautiful too.

  I'm Mrs Olivia ,

  Hello Stacey how are you today??

  I'm fine ma'am .

  I've gone through your information already , everything you need is on the school group I've added you already , well I saw your sister and Mom this morning come with me I'll show you to your class.

  Ok ma'am , I followed her we got to the class

  Go in Stacey , I got in the class

  Good morning sir I greeted the teacher.

  Hello, are you here to see someone .

  No sir but Mrs Olivia intervened coming into the class she called the teacher

  " Mr Jones she's a new student "

  "Bye Stacey go in if you need anything please let me know .

  "Thank you ma'am"

  I thought you were here to see your older sibling.

  The class burst into laughter .

  Silence everyone ,my head was bent all this while ,I hope he doesn't ask me to introduce myself to the class.

  "Morning , please introduce yourself to the class.

  Oh dear lord help me , I just feel like sinking into the ground .

  I'm Stacey Joanelle McGrath ,who cares Chelsey and another girl sitting close to her said.

  What chelsey's friend Kayla is also in this school something is fishy this is gonna be tougher than I thought .

  Miss you can sit on the empty sit beside Mason pointing to a dude.

  We locked eyes he smirked at me and I looked away,

  He was the same person I bumped into while looking for the principal's office .

  "Thank you sir.

  I sat down and dropped my backpack .

  So let's continue as a

  I was saying but the bell rang so the teacher had to live the class.

  I bent my heard , because the class was becoming too noisy and filled with noise and stares from all angles directed at me.

  "Hey kiddo , aren't you supposed to be in middle School .

  I raised my head and met Mason staring at me .

  I didn't say anything , I just kept quiet . A woman Walked into the class .

  Good morning class, how are you all doing .

  Some didn't even answer ,they just continued with whatever they were doing , we had geometry before it was break time.

  After the bell for break time rang the student went to the cafeteria ,but I just stayed in the class . A girl walked up to me.

  "Hi Stacey"

  "Hello ".

  "I'm Adriel Davidson , I like you can we be friends.

  Oh wow she seems nice and beautiful she has brown long hair , browns .

  "I'll be delighted to have you as my friend you are beautiful I said to her.

  "Thank you , won't you go to the cafeteria .

  "Well I'll love too but I actually don't like overcrowded places" .

  "We can sit far from the others if you want" .

  "Ok fine lets go.

  We sat at a table a lil bit far from the others,

  "I'll go order something for us , what will you have".

  "French fries and strawberry milkshake will be fine" .

  Few minutes later she came back with the orders .

  "What did you get for yourself Adriel".

  "Same I got for you oh thank you , here's the money" .

  "No you don't have to pay me back".

  "No just take it ,it won't be nice if you pay for my food on the first day we meet , but she didn't even say anything her eyes was just staring at a particular direction .

  Adriel , Adriel, who are you staring at??

  But she said nothing ,I trace her eyes she was staring at Mason and some other dude I'mmediately Mason saw me he started coming towards our table.

  Adriel started smilling , Stacey how do I look she said arranging her hair.

  What's going on why she acting akward , Mason stopped when he got to our table he drew out a chair and sat down .

  Hi Adriel the other dude said.

  Hello , Adriel replied smilling.

  Mason I'll go grab us some lunch

  You can share mine Adriel said .

  Yeah don't bother I'm gonna share this kiddo's lunch with her.

  Who's kiddo Mason.

  Don't you know she is he said pointing at me.

  His friend chuckled and sat down .

  Everyone else stared at our table and were muttering , this school is filled with busy bodies.

  Mason picked a French fry from my plate and chewed on it . Wow it so yummy he said taking the whole French fries .

  Give it back Mason

  Oh you talk I thought you were dumb or something. Take it if you can he said getting up.

  I get it he wanna use my height against me , you can have it .

  Chelsey and Kayla stared at me angrily , they got up from their chair and walked to our table .

  What she did next shocked me,

  Hey sister ,why aren't you eating you can share my lunch if you want.