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His Substitute Wife

His Substitute Wife

Auteur: Sushi07

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His Substitute Wife PDF Free Download


Dante Romano is known as the one bachelor. He owns clubs, business and even People,he is also the biggest known mafia in the world.. She is Susmita Amber when her sister Risa got cold feet on her wedding, Susmita took the place of the bride .. Read to find out ' when these two worlds crash together, what happened next'.

Chapter 1

Today is the day, the day i got Married to a monster, the day my surname changed, the day i became his wife..

I look at my reflection in the long mirror. Everyone says I look beautiful in this white dress, but all i see is a young girl who is sacrificing her life for her family reputation. This wedding was not supposed to be mine, but my sister's........Risa.

**One Week Ago**

"Risa.. you really cannot be serious about this! We have agreed and you can't get back cold feet now!" my mother Nikita, shout from across the living room glaring at my sister and my sister said, "He is abusive mom and you still want me to marry him, how could you? saying she falls on her knees, crying"

I look at her, noticing the horrific bruises on her arms my heart break,as I see my sister in such a condition, "Risa". I kneel next to her, comforting her," you need to calm down.Let me speak to mom and dad". i whispered to her. She glanced up at me with tears in her hazel brown eyes and shook her head and said," Sus


,he treats me like I am nothing,mom and dad still want me to marry him just because he has money and he is a businessman!He is so cruel and he made me suffer to the point where he finally succeeded in breaking me.

She grabbed my shoulders and jerked me forward,"you do not know what he is capable of,She whispered in my ears,Risa was in a hysterical State..

"GET away from her, Susmita", My father bent down and pulled me up and said," you have gone insane He will never do that I know the man, he loves you! Yes! and by your behaviour in such a manner, it's like you want to ruin the family's reputation...

My sister continue crying but all i can do is rest my eyes on my feet, crying so hard to ignore what is going on. Risa continues to convince our parents how much of a monster he is but they still choose not to believe her,"SHUT UP RISA!"my father roars as he storms up to her and grabbed her by the shoulders, yanking her up from the ice cold floor and what happened next is something that no one should ever do to their own daughter or any woman perhaps.He slaps her,I strongly believe that no man should raise their hands on a woman and I stand strongly on my belief.

"I have had it with you, I have had it with your constant complains and your lies! pack your bags and leave this house immediately!I do not want to see you your face anywhere near this house or in front of any of us, you are dead to this family..

I stare at my dad in could he do this? Can he not see the bruises on her hands?why were they acting like blind.I look at my mother,"mum you can't le-before i could finished my mother raise her hand stopping me from uttering another words,"Sus, you will not speak,go get the helpers and help them to pack her stuff up and call the cab right now"..

I can not believe what is happening.what kind of parents are they?"NOW SUS!"My father roars again.I grab my sister and rush her upstairs toward her bedroom!I push open her bedroom door and shut it when we get in..

she sit on the bed with her head in her hands, finally letting out all her feelings," I don't know what to do Sus, this is all to much to take in. I'm just worried about what is going to happen to you if I leave and back out from this wedding".I sit next to her and hug her as she starts crying again."you know it is a business deal and dad will do anything to not let his name get trashed upon..

"Risa, you don't need to worry about me. You should pack your bags and leave because;I think it is the best thing to do right now.I don't want you to marry a horrible person like him, because I do not accept him abusing you,Risa i just can't see you in pain ". Tears slip down my cheeks as i touch the bruises on her face.All this time he was torturing her and she didn't say a word about it.

She sits up and turn to other side,"I need to tell you something, Sus and please promise me that you won't tell anyone else ". She says as she turned to face me again but grabs my hand in the process.I nod giving her a smile making sure she knows that i am trustable." I'm pregnant, Susmita ".My hand immediately drop from her,as I stare at her waiting for her to say I'm joking Susmita but it never came..

"Please say something Susmita. She looks at me nervously."Who is the father,Risa?"I, give her a Hard stare she fiddle with the hem of her dress and look up at me once again avoiding eye contact with me."It's his Sus".I Stare at her in confusion. Does she thinks that I am stupid?Risa only get nervous when she lies and right now her nervousness is way too uch..

"Who is the father,Risa?"again i question her, waiting for the right answer."what do you mean, Susmita?I just told you-I shake my head at her stupidity, I know my sister too well yet She thinks

she can lie to me, Do not lie".

She looks down guilty,"The father of my child is the man i really love,", my eyes widened as I lean my head into my hands slightly shaking it in disbelief,"You need to get out of here before mum and dad find out about this." I stand up from the bed, start packing,I am going to get a few things for you."She nods and grabs her suitcase and starts emptying her closet..

I walk out of the room, heading to mine with one to thought she was pregnant and not married.I will never forget that day...

I open my bedroom door and open the safe to where i keep the savings i pull out all the savings that I've saved over the years for leaving this house and renting a place for myself as I put the money in an envelope....

I walk across the hall towards her bedroom i notice that the bedroom door is slightly ajar."RISA?"I call out, pushing the door open.I find no one inside."Risa where are you?"I open her bathroom door and there is no sight of her.I run downstairs to see if she is in the kitchen but still get no response..

After searching for a while I couldn't find her.I was beginning to get worried.I make my way back to her room and spot the suitcase on the bed.It was half filled,so where could she have gone?"Honey, what are you doing here?"My mother come in and looks at me with suspicion in her eyes..

"Nothing much just looking for Risa, By any chance, do you know where she is?"I ask her as i stand near the suitcase "."She already left, your father gave her enough money to buy new things and do not worry, your sister is safe ". She whispered the last part to me with a slight smile..

"Thanks for telling me mum ".I was about to walked out of the bedroom when I heard the words that brought me here, today.I heard the words that would ruin my future."You should have a lot of rest, Susmita beautiful tomorrow we are going for shopping for your wedding..


This is how I landed here. it was my wedding day and now I stand in front of the big black church door, watching as random Bridesmaids walk down the aisle. I stood there as my dad put his hand around mine and pressed against it. I winced,he looks at me and smile,"You do not know how much this means to me"....