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Misty Waters What Lies Beneath

Misty Waters What Lies Beneath

Auteur: Mells Lisa

En cours


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Misty Water — What lies beneath... Blurb Secrets...a dangerous thing. They could make or break you but still everyone has secrets even though they are a risk, an abomination to mankind. But however small your secret is,  it will always come out so hide them carefully because you may never know who will find them out. Excerpt from the story : "W-what this can't be! OK, my parents were killed in an accident OK! " *** " Gigi, please you have got to believe me I never meant to hurt you, OK? Please, I want you and only you and no one else!!! " *** " I can't have children...I'm infertile and your Father knows I'm sorry for keeping this a secret. " *** " I don't want to get married to him, I can't. I love someone else. " *** " Can't you help her? " She asked on the verge of tears. " A promise is a promise..." *** Will these secrets destroy lives or build them find out on 'Misty Water : What lies beneath'

Chapter 1

Misty Water : What lies beneath...


"...and the Prince and the Princess lived happily ever after in their tower- the end, " concluded Valerie closing the fairy tale book and gazed upon the schoolchildren.

They seemed rather sleepy as they kept yawning continuously and rubbing their eyes.

Their actions made them look cute as ever and melted Valerie's heart completely.

" So how was the story? " She asked the group of children who stared at her sleepily.

" It was amazing "

" Comforting "

" Sounded like a lullaby "

" Made me feel all gooey and soft "

" Your voice made it extra special "

Different comments flew from different directions causing Valerie to be a lovely rosy red on the cheeks.

" Thank you, " she muttered grinning,  revealing her white row of pearly teeth.

Then the teacher entered astonished to see the children all sleepy. " Wow,  Ms. Valerie I'm shocked. I mean, you managed to get them to be all sleepy with just one story but I have to read them 3 storybooks."  The teacher commented causing Valerie to giggle.

"Well, I must have magic then, " and they both laughed.

" Well,  I must get going then, " she turned to the children." how about each of you come say goodbye by giving me a peck on my cheek before delighting in a nap, " said Valerie to the kids.

The children nodded and each came to claim their kiss before sleeping on their mattresses.

The last child instead of pecking her hugged her tightly and said, " Thank you Ms. Valerie and may you find your Prince to help you just like the Princess in the story."  And walked away leaving a surprised Valerie.


The driver opened the door for Valerie as she alighted from the car. She muttered a small 'Thank you'  before heading in.

She was exhausted and certainly looked the part as well. Travelling from place to place the whole day was tiring, that she had to admit.

Since she was an ambassador promoting kid's stuff and her Father's business  at the same time she hardly got time to sleep and was lucky sometimes to get six hours of sleep. Today she was lucky to leave earlier than usual and she thanked her stars.

As she entered she was met by her older half-brother, Alfred who passed her a look of scorn before pushing her by the shoulder.

Valerie just rolled her eyes,as she had no time nor energy to entertain his nonsense so she just headed to her room. Her maidens were already there and quickly attended to her, removing her makeup. They had already run her a warm bubble bath.

"You all may leave,  I will help myself thank you, " she dismissed them and headed to her bathroom. She had already planned to soak herself in a warm bubble bath and did just that listening to soothing music which made her eyelids become heavy.

She found herself closing her eyes and slipping in the darkness. She didn't realize when she was drowning.


" Ms. Valerie...! Ms. Valerie, " Ella knocked on  the door of Valerie's room. She had been knocking for a while but had gotten no response.

Opening the door and entering she was surprised not to find her on the bed. After all she knew that she had been working tirelessly these weeks and pretty much appreciated every minute she got to sleep.

Calling her name few more times,  all that answered was silence.

She felt a nagging feeling on her heart that prompted her to check the bathroom.

Following her gut,she entered the bathroom and almost fainted  when she saw  Valerie underwater and not moving. She let out a scream and rushed to pull her out.

"Help! Help, " She kept yelling but no one appeared which was disheartening. She wanted to try  mouth–mouth rescission but was afraid that she would lose her job for that. She kneeled beside Valerie contemplating between saving Valerie or losing her job.

Weighing both choices she decided to try and save her. She kept doing mouth-mouth rescuition but nothing.

She was starting to lose hope as time passed and imagined what would happen to Mrs. Jenkins if her only child were to pass away and surely it was heartbreaking.

Unexpectedly Valerie started coughing uncontrollably as she gained her consciousness. Ella clasped her hands together muttering incoherent words as if thanking the Almighty for saving Valerie.

Ella hugged her tight feeling a heavy weight lifted from her shoulders but what surprised her was no one was appearing even after she had been screaming for help.

"Oh! Ms. Valerie I almost thought you were gone.  I was so scared, I couldn't imagine how your mother would manage to live without you, " she said crying."  I mean what would have happened to her. "

True. The thought was scary to even Valerie and after Ella asked her about what had happened she explained it was because of low fatigue and lack of sleep.

" By the way,  Ella thank you and is there any way I can compensate you for saving my life? " Asked Valerie already wrapped in a white towel.

Ella thought for a moment before responding," Yes Ms. Valerie. I would appreciate it if you were to put my little brother in school until he finishes if you can? " Requested Ella with her eyes sparkling in hope.

" Yes, of course I can, " replied Valerie.  A wide grin settled on Ella's face as she felt like squealing in happiness. " Thank you so much Ms.  I shall forever remember this. "

" And so shall I, " said Valerie.

" Ummm...Ms Why is no one appearing even now?" asked Ella.

" Well, the room is soundproof and so are almost all the rooms in the mansion unless the door is opened then you can hear anything in the room. " Explained Valerie and Ella nodded in understanding.

" Ummm...Ella please don't tell anyone about what happened. Please I don't want my mom to know please..." Ella  was about to ask why but decided against it and just nodded.


"Mmm...uh..." Valerie mumbled as she felt a hand stroke her brown hair. She smiled instantly as she knew who it was

"Mother..." She said turning and placing her head on her mother's lap. Her mother smiled.

"How did you know, darling? " She asked plaiting Valerie's hair.

" Well,  I just did after all you are my mother and, " she cleared her throat." A mother's touch is unlike any other. " She mimicked  an old teacher that once taught her. They both laughed.

"Mom, what is the time? I hope I didn't skip dinner! " Valerie asked sitting upright.

" Val, it's already morning, silly. You slept through the whole night. " Her mother informed surprising Valerie.

" I slept through the whole night! Ghad, how come I didn't hear my alarm and why didn't Ella wake me, " she said jumping up and  undressing as her mother laughed watching her daughter panick.

"Well, she didnt want to disturb you, I mean you barely sleep these days,"  her mother said as she made Valerie's bed. "And I didn't want to either."  She added as Valerie entered the bathroom.

"Well,  that's  because your husband is using me to promote his business, remember. " She yelled from inside the bathroom and her mother could hear the  after running.

A sigh escaped her mouth as her lips formed a thin line.
