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Hurricane Greatest Downfall

Hurricane Greatest Downfall

Auteur: AliyahMendez

En cours


Hurricane Greatest Downfall PDF Free Download


"The only thing I learned from love is the power it gives someone to crush you." *** Hurricane Helios already learned his lesson when it comes to love. He vowed to never let any woman have his heart again. He won't lose again in that so-called love. He is happy with the life of his young state. Not serious and pure play. No feelings involved. Enter Amaranthine Renesmee Costas who came in his life like a hurricane he never expected. A woman who'll do whatever it takes to save her boyfriend. By giving the woman a chance to enter his life, seems like she also entered his heart that he thought would never love again. Seems like the bad boy found his greatest downfall.

Chapter 1



  After his deep thrust and our mind-shattering climax, teardrops fell from the corner of my eyes. He was about to move away from me when I hug him so tight afraid that he might see my teary eyes. He can't see my eyes. Not now.

  "Amaranthine, I need to get off. I'm too heavy for you ..."

  "Give me a minute ... can you say my name again?"

  "Amarantine ..."

  I closed my eyes as my tears flow again. I hate my name. I preferred to be called Thine by everyone. Amara for him. I never liked my full name. But now I love it every time he pronounces my full name. Damn, how many months have I known this man?

  "A-Are you okay? It hurts isn't it?"

  I nodded even though he couldn't see me. I wiped away my tears and jokingly slapped him. "Damn you, I thought I was going to faint from the pain 'eh ..." I said as if I didn't seem to care what happened between us.

  As if I had done nothing wrong when in fact I committed a sin.

  I pushed him and was about to get up when he hugged me tightly.

  "Stay with me ..."

  I shooked and removed his right hand from my waist. "I can't, I still have a job."

  "I'll pay for your tonights salary then ..."

  "Am I a whore?"

  "Amaranthine! You know that it's not what I meant!" he angrily said.

  I smiled and put on my bra. Not minding his death stare.

  I was about to get up but he grabbed my arm tightly. "I said f*cking stay!"

  I shrugged and looked at him without emotion. "Don't be so clingy Helios! I said no!"

  "Why are you acting like that?"

  "Like what?!"

  "As if nothing happened to us!" he shooked my shoulder. I winced when he tighten his grip on my shoulder but I ignored that and pushed him hard.

  "What happened to us ?! That was sex. It's just lust Helios! It seems like a very convincing deal to you. Your first time?" I sneered as I restrain myself from slapping my mouth.

  I averted my gaze when I saw the pain flow into his eyes.

  "I-I need to go. I-I still need to go to Nic--"

  "Stop mentioning his f*cking name! F*cking leave him! He's as good as dead--"

  I gave him a loud slap as I trembled and lowered my hand. "H-He's not dead yet!"

  "Tell me why did you have sex with me when you are so madly in love with him?"


  "Do you really love him or do you just love the idea of ​​being in love with him?"

  "I-I love him ... I still do!"

  "Then why ?! Why did you kiss me ?! Why did you allow me to f*cking have you? Is it just lust?"

  I nodded. "Yes! It's just lust! "

  I stood up and quickly dressed. My knees trembled as I walked away. My tears flowed but I violently wiped them away.

  "Wait ..."


  He threw something at my feet and my tears flowed again when I saw the envelope.

  "That's the contract. I already signed it. There's also a blank check inside ..."

  "I don't need your money!" I shouted.

  "You need it! So f*cking accept it! Isn't that the reason why you came into my life? for money? For him?"

  I was silent and could not answer because he was right.

  "I gave what you want! More than what you ask for so starting today I don't want to see you again ..."

  Shaking hands I picked up what he gave me.

  "T-Thank you, Helios ..."

  "Don't thank me. It's my payment for your body. I should be the one to say thank you. Thank you for a good f*ck Amaranthine ... Goodbye."

  When I heard the door slam, I sat down and burst into tears. I could hear the scream and crack of what was from within. I want to go back and hug him. To stay by his side but it's not possible.

  He didn't even say but I felt it. He fell again with someone who couldn't catch him again.

  "I told you to never fall for me ..."

  We shouldn't fall for each other ... but just like you. I also did ... I fell even if it's wrong because I'm already committed to someone else ...