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Roses And Thorns

Roses And Thorns

Auteur: Cecilia Nlamishor

En cours


Roses And Thorns PDF Free Download


"It took you too long to get to me," he whispered in my ear, causing shivers to rush through me. "Not as long as it took you," I snapped back, shooting him a glare. ** He was her first love. He had shown her what love was. He had taken that love away and broken her heart. She was only seventeen, a feeble-minded teenager who knew naught but the love he'd given her. A few years later, Monique Joe had grown into a beautiful and strong willed woman, who was determined never to let any man hurt her again. But then King Clement came, back in her life and was firmly determined to make her his wife.... Who is joining us on this new journey?

Chapter 1

The Wedding: Monique's POV

It was my wedding day, but it felt like my death day.

In a few minutes, I would be walking down the aisle to my husband, but it felt like I was walking into a trap.

Nique, get a grip on yourself!

I kept fidgeting with my bouquet, fear and uncertainty coursing through me. I nearly jumped out of my skin, when someone touched me from behind.

“Hey sweetie,” he said in between chuckles. “Calm down, would you?”

“Daddy, I'm just so scared and worried. What if something happens again? I'm just so-”

“Sweet heart,” he interjected. The raw pain could be seen in his aging eyes. “I’m not going to make you do this because of us... you can leave now and I'll tell everyone you changed your mind and ran away,” he said sincerely.

“No Papa!”

“Oh my kind hearted baby,” he said, his voice laced with raw emotions.

Placing one shaky hand on my cheek, he spoke. “Will you really marry that jerk who hurt you so bad, for our sake?”

I nodded readily, wanting to ease the guilt and regrets that were swirling in my father's eyes. It broke my heart to see him like this...

“I will Dad,” I said confidently.

He studied me for a few seconds, then nodded stiffly. “Very well, your husband awaits you,” he said.

I took the arm he offered me, intertwining mine with his. We began our match down the aisle.

It was a cloudy day in Georgetown Guyana, and to say the dull weather blended in well with the occasion. Isn't that amazing?

We were having the wedding at the mansion which King bought for my dad two weeks ago. Immediately I'd agreed to the wedding, he put a roof over my father's head.

My body shook with every step I took. I thought I was going to fall, so I tightened my grip on my Dad's arm, using as much support from him as I could.

I couldn't hear anything.

The music, the cheers, everything!

I couldn't see anyone either.

My eyes, my body, my soul,... Everything I had was focused on the man at the altar. I could feel his eyes on me the entire time, and I made contact.

His eyes held mine and mine his.

All we could see was each other and in that moment, I wished it was going to stay that way.


I was brought out of my fantasy, but my eyes still remained locked with his. “Dad? You wanted to say something?” I asked, when he wasn't speaking.

A deep chuckle escaped his throat, as he squeezed my arm knowingly. “Monica...,” he called.

“Yes?” I asked, now turning to see a sly smirk plastered on his face.

“To anyone with good eye sight,” he paused, shaking his head. “They’d think that you're still madly in love with the man.”...


That was all I gifted him with.

Of course, I still had deep feelings for the man.


Or maybe not, but I wasn't even sure about what I felt. I knew I hated him, so much, I despised him with every fiber of my being and I knew I felt hurt whenever I saw him.

I just couldn't place my hand on any of those feelings, but what I knew was: I wouldn't be in a wedding dress, getting married to this man. If only there were some other way to get out of the mess my family had created, I won't be marrying King.

It's been six years already!

I was no longer some pathetic teenager that desperately held onto a man who used me, a man who I only loved but lied to me and left me to suffer the aftermath of my adolescent foolishness!

Get over it already girl,  I chastised myself.

Some things were better left unknown.

My body shook with emotions, my eyes getting wet with tears that I refused to spill. I had done enough crying and self pity, I had no desire to do more!

“Breath darling,... breath,” my Dad whispered.

I took a deep breath, trying hard to calm my racing heart. I was just a step away from him, now noticing how close we've gotten to him.

His hand was stretched out, waiting for me to take it. He'd really been persistent on making me his wife, making me wonder why now?

I had waited so long for him.

I waited so long for him to come back to me.

But did he?

Correct guess: nope.

He never came, only to come back now with some stupid marriage proposal.

My dad handed me over to him and he gripped my hand firmly, like I'd run off if he hadn't.

“It took you too long to get to me,” he whispered in my ear, causing shivers to rush through me.

“Not as long as it took you,” I snapped back, shooting him a glare.


Someone cleared their throat.

We both gave the bald headed officiant a side look, as he gestured for us to hold hands.

“Now, may we proceed?”

“No,” I groaned lowly, which earned me a glare from King.

“Stop misbehaving,” he whispered.

I bit my tongue not to retort, as the officiant had already started speaking. I wasn't listening to a word of whatever was being said, my mind traveling off to a different time.

A time when I practically worshipped this man in front of me. He was my everything and I thought I was his everything too. He made me believe I was!

The thoughts made my blood boil, making me want to dip his white face in a pot of boiling hot oil, so he could feel a little bit of what I felt when he betrayed me....

I could feel his gaze on me, heating me up and doing things to my body. Things that brought back delicious memories that I needn't recover.

So I fought those feelings, reminding myself that I wasn't to fall for his crap again. Once I got what I wanted;

I'll vamoose!

I felt his thumb massage the back of my hand and looked up at him to find him with a worried look on his face.

“Are you okay?”


“That’s none of your business,” I hissed in a whisper. I made sure the hatred dripped from every word I directed at him. I wasn't playing with him this time;

He needed to know his place!

I snatched my hands from his, taking two steps away, creating a reasonable space between us.

Did he look hurt?

The way he was looking at me with hurt evident in his eyes, someone could think that he was in love with me.

But fortunately, I knew better.

“Is there anyone here, who thinks that this man and woman shouldn't be joined in matrimony?” The officiant asked. “Speak now or forever hold your peace,” he added.


Tensed silence.


“I do.”

I went stiff.

King went stiff.

I knew that voice...

I could recognise it anytime and the wench had the guts to show up here. I sent the woman a hate look, matching hers. She'd ruined my relationship once, I wasn't letting her ruin my wedding....

Even though it was fake!

“Thought you promised that she wouldn't be here,” I hissed.

He looked at me with regret, shaking his head and willing me to believe him. And strangely, I believed him. “I never asked her to come, I've not seen her in years,” he stated softly.

I nodded, squeezing his hand reassuringly. I didn't have to tell him I trusted him, I'm sure it was evident in my eyes.

What's wrong with me?

Here I was, again! Doing the very thing I promised myself I wouldn't do. I had to get a grip on myself!

With a determination, stronger than anything I've ever felt, I said: “Tell her to leave this minute, y'all can see each other after the wedding,” I spat.

He sent me a hard glare, before turning to glare harder at the object of our discussion. “Sit,” he mouthed.

Becky's smirk faltered, fear flickering in her eyes. She hesitated for a while, standing her ground before plopping down in her seat.

We both shot her thunderous looks, pinning her to the chair. She shifted uncomfortably, avoiding eye contact as much as possible.

Good, I thought.

She'd better knew her place, OR so help me God. I'll ram the heel of my shoes into her skull.

Blood. Sucking. Demon!

“Mr Clement? Miss Joe?...”

We turned back to the stunned officiant, who's eyes were observing us with apprehension. “Is there a problem here?”

“Not at all,” King replied quickly. He gave me a worried look before addressing our little congregation of just our families, letting them know that there wasn't a problem at all.

“Please,” he said to the officiant. “Proceed,” he added.

The rest of the wedding proceeded without any qualms and we were now having the reception in the finely decorated hall. I caught Becky eying my newly wedded husband as if he were a piece of meat. How I wanted to grab a glass and smash it on her head.

But I didn't.

King's eyes were on me the whole time. I could feel his eyes piercing through my flesh, making heat to rush  down and settle at my core.

His gaze:filled with erotic promise...