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Love By Design

Love By Design

Auteur: K@therine97

En cours


Love By Design PDF Free Download


Grayson and Nathaniel are proud to be the two men at the top of jewelry design wining the hearts of women from all over the world, but not one can win them. Grayson takes pride in knowing woman to the core until Ale comes around throwing him of his game. While Nathaniel can melt a woman with just one gaze Rebeca comes into his life as an unbreakabal force. Alejandra (Ale) is Natheniel's halfsister, product of their mothers seconde marriage, haveing lived a big desappointment , she leaves behing her privileged life and comes to work with her brother where she meets Grayson who even though caught her eye , is determent to keep things strictly professional. Rebeca, new in town, new at the job, zero to none friends.Just a sick brother for whom she has to provide for. Working as Natheniel's PA (personal assistant) is driving her crazy but for that amout of zeros on her paycheck she indures his bad temper and neverending to do list. The two bachelors finaly fainding their match,the two woman will teach them to love by design.

Chapter 1

Rebecca's POV

As the elevator door opens I rush down the hallway in my heels at the buzzing sound commeing from my desk.I throw my bag onto the chair while grabing the phone as I sucked a breath of air before answering.

"Yes Mr.Anderson?" I said while attempting not to sound out of breath.

"Do you see what time it is?" I look at the monitor on my desk, two minutes past eleven. Two minues after my break.

"I'v been calling you for two minutes." You have got to be kidding me.

"I'm sorry Mr.Anderson I was just..."

"I am not interested, if I can be on time I expect the same from you, two minutes late is already late Miss Williams." Not everyone can be a robot like you, a fu**ing machine. Is what I wish to say but instead... "Yes Mr.Anderson, It won't happen again."

" I asked you for the sales report, I dont see it on my desk." His voice strong,powerful as always.

"I'v send it to your email,Sir."

"I want it on papar ASAP." Of course you do.

"Right away Sir." I hang up the phone and rushed to the copy machine, I scanned my company ID on copier as a voice comed from behind me. "Easy Rebecca, one of these days you are gona break a leg." Ingrid said as she comed around me with a big cup of coffee, oh how I want one of those right now.

"Tell me about it, I'm trying my best here but it's like I always get it reversed." I said as I grabed the papers and tucked them into a folder.

"I think you are doing a great job, you already lasted longer then the last girl." Ingrid said as she picked up a pile of folders and got ready to scan them.

"I'v been here two weeks." I say, my brows locked in confusion.To what she smiled.

"Like I said , you already lasted longer." I gave her what I think was a smile before turning back to Mr.Anderson's office.Think about the paycheck, not every job can cover the medical bill and my rent and still have something left for food. At least until Mich comes out of the hospital.I stop in front of the door, grab my notebook in case he starts giveing more erronds to run, better be prepared then sorry. I fix my hair before knocking.

"Come in."

I open the door and slowly aprouch his desk.His office is big, it has a bar in the left corner, at the side is a big desk coverd in catalogs and latest designs. Big windows, colorfull paintings on the wall, mismatching chairs. Honestly the only thing that looks out of place here is Mr.Anderson himself.In his black suit , infront of the computor surrounded by papers. Mr.Nathaniel Anderson is in charge of logistics,suppliers,finance while Mr.Grayson O'Connor is the head of the design department.Woman not only die for them but would give anything to have any of their design peaces.

"Here is the report you asked for."He took it from out of my hands and dropt it in onto the desk.

"I dont want to be desturb for the next hour, no calls." He said as he looked for something on his desk. "Is there anything else you need?" I prepared my notebook to write things down when I saw him hand out a paper towards me.

"Here is a list of things I need you to prepare for the next meeting, have it done by the end of the day, confirm the meeting for tomorow at three pm. with Grayson and his team to be ready."

"Yes Mr.Anderson I'm on it." I took the paper from his hand and made my way to the door, when I turned to close it I saw he was looking at me.My breath stood still in my loungs for a moment before takeing my eyes off of him as i quickly closed the door. I tried to shake myself back to my senses as I sat down at my desk,the intense way his brown eyes looked at me made me week in my knees for a seconde.But I'm smarter than to fall for my bass even if he looks like a greek god send on earth with his strong sholders, full lips,hair black,just long enough to drag your finger thro and grab for the dear life.A work of art, that he is. Suddenly the phone ringed, saveing me from my thoughts. "Mr.Anderson's office, how can I help you?"

"Hello, this is Alejandra Rivas speaking. Can you connect me to Nathaniel please.."

"I'm sorry Mr.Anderson is unavailable at the momment.Would you like to leave a message?" I prepared my notebook and wrote down the woman's name.

"I really need to speak with him. He's not home and isn't anwsering his phone."

Great, just what I need. An ex.

"I'm sorry, he is not to be desturbed at the moment, but I'll be happy to take a message."

"I know how he can be, but it is an emergency. I promise you won't get into truble for desturbing him." I notice the urgeny in her voice and decide to take the risk and poke the sleeping lion.

"Just a moment please."

"Thank you." I stand up and strech my neck from side to side before going to knock on the door. Here goes nothing.

"Yes." I hear his voice before opening the door to find him standing over the desk, his sleeves roled up, going throw the papers with a pen between his lips. His eyes finding me as he took the pen in his hand.

"I'm so sorry to disturb you Mr.Anderson. I have a Alejandra Rivas on the phone, she said its an emergeny. I didn't know..." He started to wave his hand in the air.

"Thats ok, forward the call please. Thats my sister. " Ohh.

"Remind me later to give you a list of persons I'm always available for."

"Yes Mr. Anderson." I leave and connect the call. I take the list he gave me and start working on it.About an half an hour later the door behind me opends up scareing me to my feet. Before I can say anything...

"Miss Williams, I'll be leaving for the rest of the day. Once you finish the list I gave you you can leave too."

"I'm halfway done, I'll print everything and leave your copy on your desk."

"Thank you miss Williams, good afternoon." He said and then he left towards the elevators, but his scent still roam around my desk. I decided to hurry up and finish the work, the earlier I leave the more time I'll have to visit Mich.God knows when will an oportunity like this present itself next time.The last two weeks the only person left after me was the security man, and he dosn't leave.

Once I had everything done and set in order, I left the folder on his desk.Before leaving I placed my hands over the chair he sits in, at the spot that are usualy toched by his sholders.Being honest it would be eazy to fall in love with him, but I know better then to let a work affair jeopardize my brothers well being and health benefits I'm able to give him working this job. Nothing is more important then family. Nothing.