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The Alpha's Woman

The Alpha's Woman

Auteur: Omaisabella



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Huiyin is a girl who is often mistaken for a boy. She lived a normal life until one day when she came across a palm reader who revealed to her about her life changing soon. Her father who worked as a security guard in the biggest all boys school in Guangzhou province, China, was killed. Vowing to find out the cause of her father's death and take her revenge, she decided to attend the school disguise as a boy. She met Kang, a cold harsh Chinese governor son who seemed to be keeping a very dangerous secret and who she has a crush on. Meeting Kang's three rich friends, who has disabilities and are no longer friends, her life was throw into a mix when she falls truly in love with one of them.

Chapter 1

❤️❤️❤️The Beginning and The Palm Reader❤️❤️❤️

Somewhere in Beijing City…...

Six year old Huiyin….

Huiyin Shu a five year old girl with long black hair and full fringe covering her forehead was seen coming back from school, her blue and white school uniforms was covered in bit of blood and her two hands in a fist form. Her dark brown eyes held anger.

Those who know her within that area started whispering amongst themselves.

"Look at Huiyin, I wonder at times if she is a girl or boy with the way she behaves," One woman said to another woman standing beside her.

"I hope she hasn't gotten herself into trouble." The other woman whispered staring at the little figure.

Huiyin ignored the stares until she got to the frontage of her house and knocked on the door.

The door opened to reveal Wang Shu, a beautiful dark-haired slim woman in her mid 40s, she has brown eyes. Wang Shu is the mother of Huiyin.

When she saw the state Huiyin was in, she opened the door wide for her daughter to come in and closed the door behind her.

Without questioning her, she took Huiyin to the bathroom and Huiyin climbed the bathtub herself.

Pulling off the bloody clothes from her body, Wang bath her daughter.

After that, she brought a clean gown for Huiyin to wear and took her to the dining table to have her lunch of white rice and chicken stew.

"What happened Huiyin?" Wang finally asked her daughter.

"I saw some guys who wanted to rape a girl and I stopped it. I tried to warn the guys but you know those Buffalos, they didn't listen to me because I am a five year old girl. So I rescued the girl and escorted her until she got home Muqin


." Huiyin revealed the truth to her mother. "Don't worry about the police coming here, who will believe a five year old beat up seven grown up guys?"

Wang smile. Huiyin never ceases to amaze her.

When Huiyin father, Nianzhen Shu, returned from his office in the evening he was told what happened. Nianzhen Shu was a good looking man even though he is fast approaching 60. He has jet black hair and dark eyes.

"I hope they learnt their lesson and will never think of harming a lady if they remember today. I am so proud of you Huiyin," Nianzhen Shu said to his daughter with a proud smile. He knelt down to the same level of his daughter, he brought out his pinky finger. "Just promise me you will use your fighting skills for good."

Bringing out her own pinky finger and touched her father's pinky finger. "I promise you fuqin



The Shu family weren't rich neither are they poor, they are a middle class family and Huiyin Shu is their only child.

Since Huiyin Shu was born, she doesn't like wearing girls clothes but prefer boys clothes. Even her school uniform was sew in boys clothes. The only thing one could identify her as a girl is her long black hair and the ear rings her mother pleaded with her to wear.

Even though her father brought a car that would be taking her to school everyday, Huiyin didn't agree and prefer walking down to school everyday. Her parents had wondered how she got the strength of a thousand men put together that makes her less afraid.

Either ways they loved their daughter.


Sixteen Year Old Huiyin……

"Huiyin my dear you have to stop going to school for now," Nianzhen said to Huiyin at the dining table.

"Why fuqin


?" Huiyin asked.

"Your father was framed at his office yesterday, he was accused of stealing a lot of money so they are taking him to court next week and they stopped him from coming to work." Wang supplied the answer when she saw her husband couldn't utter a word.

Huiyin didn't say a word, she continue eating her food.

A week Later….

After the court hearing which Nianzhen Shu was proven guilty of the charged, they seized his car, house and properties, froze his accounts to pay off the money lied on him.

They were squatting at one of his friends place. Wang couldn't stay with him anymore.

"I didn't steal any money Wang you have to believe me," Nianzhen said in tears to his wife who has packed all her belongings and was leaving him.

They were outside his friend's house in the heavy downpour of rain.

Wang didn't say a word, she just kept looking at her wrist watch.

"Li Wei framed me up. I saw the papers he was using to steal money out of the company without the knowledge of the CEO. He framed me up Wang. Why can't you believe your husband!!" He shouted the last words as a silver Jeep stopped beside Wang and a young man in his early 20s came down from the Jeep and carried the boxes of Wang to the car boot.

"Sorry ma'am for keeping you late, there was a little traffic jam. My boss told me to come and pick you up, he is late for a presidential meeting and couldn't do so himself." The young man said.

Wang turned to look at her daughter. "Are you not coming with me Huiyin?" She asked.

"No, I am staying with father." Huiyin replied.

"Suit yourself then, one day you will remember I once gave you a chance to come and live a new rich life with me and you refuse." With that she entered the Jeep and it drove off.

Nianzhen Shu cried his eyes out that night in the rain as he saw his wife go.

Two weeks later the news of Li Wei being in a coma was announced on the Television.

"I know you did that Huiyin," Nianzhen said once he was alone with his daughter.

"Yup, it was easy to pretend as one of his cooks and beat the hell out of him." Huiyin responded with a cold shrug.

"He could die from there Huiyin," Nianzhen said trying not sound happy.

"Don't care, he made your life miserable," Huiyin said.

"Okay, my friend has gotten a smaller place for us in Guangzhou province, where we are going to stay. He has also found a new paying job for me at King's High School where I will be one of the school security guards," Nianzhen Shu said and patted Huiyin head tenderly. "Don't worry, I will work hard for you to go back to school."

"I have an idea father." Huiyin chip in.

"Tell me I am all ears."

"In Guangzhou are there any street Fighting arena?"

"Sure, there is, any problem?" Nianzhen Shu asked.

"No problem, I just want you to take me there to fight, whatever money I make is yours, we will save a lot of money together and you will send me to school." Huiyin revealed her idea.

"Are you sure it is what you want?"

"100% sure father."


Huiyin was coming back from the library where she went to return the books she borrowed since she and her father will be leaving for Guangzhou in three days time. She decided to follow the short cut to the house she and her father are still squatting. Strangely enough, she couldn't see any people along the shortcut she took.

On her way she met an old blind beggar seated on the side of the road and stretch forth her palm for money. How she knew that someone was coming remains a mystery to Huiyin.

Huiyin gave her the last money on her and wanted to continue her way when the voice of the old woman stopped her in shock.

"Huiyin Shu."

Facing the old beggar with bewilderment. "How did you know my full name?" She asked still in shock.

"How I know isn't important, I am a palm reader. When your palm touches my own I know everything about you." The old blind beggar revealed.


"You, Huiyin, are a reincarnation of someone who died for love two thousand years ago. In your previous life you swore to come back and be the strongest fighter."

"What reincarnation are you talking about?"

The beggar just smiled and didn't answer her rather she said. "They are also coming back Huiyin."

"Who are coming back? I don't understand you one bit."

"You will get to understand as time goes on Biyu."

"I made a mistake by passing here, have a nice day ma'am." Huiyin said and started walking.

"Be very wary of the bad wolf in sheep's clothing."

Huiyin turned to look at the beggar but to her surprise she couldn't see her.