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The Life I Wished For

The Life I Wished For

Auteur: Alexandria Hart

En cours


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A vampire prince buys a six-year-old girl as a servant. He takes care of her from age 6 to 24. As the years go past, he grows to care for the young lady as she take care of his every need. The lady falls for him to as she gets to know his sweet side. On her 22nd birthday she asked the prince to turn her so that she could be with him for life. At first he says no. It takes two years for him to agree but something bad happened after he puts his venom into her blood. She could not bring herself to drink his blood to become a full blooded noble vampire. She is stuck in a state between human and vampire. After three days of her not taking his blood he takes her memory, leaving her in the forest to choose with no memories to hold her back, whether to be a vampire or die. She drinks his blood becoming a noble then tries to find the prince. On her Journey she learns about the world and how bad it is. Once she finds the Prince she gets her memories back and has to choose to stay in a world where humans are treated badly and do nothing or join the prince and make the world a better place.

Chapter 1


I awoke in a delightful room, alone in this mysterious looking shack. I wasn't sure how I had gotten there. As I looked around it appeared to be after dusk. I was in the middle of what seemed to be a forest. The trees were red and orange; I figured it must be autumn. There was a waterfall, a long winding stream, and the shack. While glancing the area I had seen It had one bedroom, bathroom, and armoire. What point in time it was I had no ideal of. Somehow I have a feeling of whatever left me here wasn't coming back. I was positive of this . There was food in a ice chest and a note. What it read though was another thing entirely. I wasn't sure what to make of It. It read:

I know this will be confusing at first, but just know this is what you wished for. You are not a human, nor have you ever felt human. I met you out of nowhere. You asked me to give you a new start. A New Life. You did not know me, but you wanted to be what I was. You knew I could grant your wish. I am a vampire. I hope you will not regret it, but now you are one too. I am a noble among vampires. Turning you myself makes you a noble too. You will have powers, but what they will be, I do not know. I figured you would be better not knowing me. Do not try to find out who you are. It is not worth it. Just know I will be watching from afar, and helping in the shadows. Good luck my first and only child. By the way, in case you forgot, your name Is Asoka. You need not know more than that.

Chapter 1

After reading the letter I was more confused. It did answer why the cooler said food... Its just what was in it. It did not look anything like food. I opened the cooler and saw the drinks. They were more like a a syrupy textured liquid. Inside the cooler were plastic bottles. They were the size of coffee cups; clear and filled with this bright red syrup. These bottles had lids on them so you could not smell what was inside. After reading this letter though, I had a feeling I knew what was in them. The thought scared me. I did not dare open them. I was sure this was a joke. Me a vampire? I knew I was missing my memory, and now knew my name... Asoka; but I kept thinking there's no way I am a vampire. They don't exist!

I decided not to open the container, but to instead take a look around. I walked outside first. I hoped this would tell me at least where I was, but sadly It was no more helpful than the letter. I looked up; it was night time. The moon in the middle of the sky with stars shining bright beside it. There was a forest surrounding the house on all sides except the front. The front of the house had a stream, which came from a waterfall. The waterfall fell from a fairly big hill. The forest seems to stretch all the way up the hill. I could see the colors of the trees in the dark, but for some reason it looked like it was day time. All the trees were as clear as day. I thought about this for a second, but shrugged it off, saying to myself It was just the moonlight. The trees were green, red, orange, and even some yellow. 'So it's autumn?' I wondered to myself. I guessed It had to be around midnight because of where the moon shined in the sky.

I went towards the stream thinking 'I need to see what I look like.' I crept slowly, afraid of what I might see. 'If I hated my life like the letter said, did I hate the way I looked too?' I slowly leaned over the stream to see my reflection on the water. I was shocked by what I saw. In my reflection was a tall woman, looking to be in what I thought to be in my mid twenties. The long flowing dark purple hair with dark blue tips that was down to the middle of my back; I was so confused about that. 'Was this my actual hair color?' I wondered to myself as I ran my fingers through it. It was soft like a flower petal, like a... rose petal, with a little bit of curl to it. I looked at my face in awe. I guess the person who left me here did my makeup. I had violet-red lips, a shade of dark pink cheeks, and 'My, wow my eyes!' My eyes sparkled like a star, but it was the color of the ocean. There was purple eye shadow with bold eyelashes; dark blue and not too long either. I had a pear shaped face, with vibrant cheeks, my features almost doll like. I looked at my skin color, a very pretty light brown. My skin color was of Carmel. I continued down my body. I was not skinny, nor was I heavy. I looked about 160 pounds; maybe 180 pounds max. I had thighs, a butt, and 'My God! My boobs!' They looked to be a size D, 'humm maybe double D?' I had a hot body! I had to close my eyes for a second and breathe. I don't understand how I could have hated my life when I looked this good... what was so bad?

I opened my eyes to finish looking at my appearance. I was wearing a tank top that cut off under my chest to show my stomach. It was purple with a design on it that looked like an anime. What anime I was not sure about. 'If I am wearing It I must have liked the show...' I looked down at my bottoms. I was wearing blue Jean shorts. Under the shorts were leggings or maybe stockings? I touched the black pants, feeling lightly to see what kind 'Definitely leggings.' I looked at my feet; I was wearing sneakers. Blue with purple lines going down the sides. At the front, a design of a purple flower. It looked like a bellflower. I looked at my hands; they had inch long nails with black polish.

"I guess my favorite colors are blue, purple, and black..." I said, staring at myself. I was sure of it, I was pretty. So then why? Why did I hate my life? Unsure of what to do, I went back inside. Time to look around the house. I walked back into the one bedroom, one-bathroom house. In the room was a bed with black sheets on it. The bed frame was made out of wood. The walls were a dark blue, kind of like the sky right before dusk. The floors where carpet; soft enough to lay on. The color of a flower field; different colors of pink, purple, red, orange, yellow, and green. In the room was also a wooden table that was an antique brown. There was the medium size cooler, a oil burning lamp, and a small window looking out toward the stream. The lamp was glass, and bright enough to light up the room, but not so bright you could see it outside. There was a small armoire. It had no door. In it were some assortment Of different colored and style of clothes, tennis shoes, and stuff that you need for daily hygiene.

'Next the bathroom!' I thought about trying to find something to help me figure out who I am, and where I am. Nothing so far was helpful so what chance was there that the bathroom would have anything? I opened the door and frowned. It was ancient! There was a bucket for a toilet, and a table with a giant bowl in it, full of water for a sink. 'There's no plumbing!!!' I was horrified. There was nothing else, not even a mirror. The walls were bright blue, not like the dark blue in the bedroom. This was like the morning sky right after the sunrise. The floor was cold it had tile with the color of grass. I felt like I was missing something. Was this a joke? Why out of all things would someone do designs like this? It made me feel like I was never going to see the sky in the daytime again. I shook my head, laughing at myself. What was I thinking? Vampires are not real! I closed my eyes to calm myself. As I breathed in and out I opened my eyes slowly. Something on the sink caught my attention. Another letter...

I hoped you would come in here. I feel I should let you know, I may have left you stuff for your hygiene, but you do not need them. It is merely a way to hide your scent, though you will not smell bad to humans, you need to hide your scent. You do not need to eat human food, but as a noble vampire you can if you desire. It will not hurt you, but you will get sick to your stomach. You probably haven't felt it yet, because you are nowhere near humans, but you must eat soon. Hope this helps! By the way, I forgot to tell you my name. I am Anthony.

'So that was all I got?!' I wondered why I was being played with like this, but at least now I knew the name of the person who left me here; Anthony...