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Leonora: His mate

Leonora: His mate

Auteur: Dark_phoenix

En cours


Leonora: His mate PDF Free Download


thought said you said you love me so all that were just to get married to me and gain more power " I said to Justin as I cried . "You are getting me wrong Leonora " he came closer as he said those words "Dont come near me, after you made me believe you loved me , I should have seen this coming" I said as I walked away from him I ran to my room weeping "Will I ever get a suitor ........why do all men want power, I need Love I need someone that will love me ......... I have been with Justin for few months now and he had shown me love he acts like his intentions to me were pure . Until I found out he wanted to marry me to gain power cause of my father's position.

Chapter 1

I was in my room doing my history assignment, this assignment is so tiring. Why would Mrs. Ava tell me to make a dig on the first war in Lucania, my father was not even alive then and these authors are making things worse as there are tons of words with few points in them can't they just go straight to the point. I have to read a lot of books to get few points.

I went out to ask for help from anyone who could assist me with it. I went to meet my mom as my father is unapproachable at this moment. When I got into her room she was reading the daily news.

"Mom, could you assist me with something?"

She turned her attention to me

"What is that? "

"It's my history assignment I have to write on the first war in Lucania, what initiated it, the estimated amount of people that died and anything related to, and I have to write 450 words "

"That's quite many words to write, well I don't have much idea about it, what I know is that the fight was because the present king when the war happened preferred his second son to his first son, so he decided to make his second son the crown prince. The first son got angry and the palace with a plan in mind to take his place, even when the news went across the town that the king was sick he did not visit the palace. The first son grew a troop of soldiers outside the place and attacked in the night. He thought attacking without notice will be easier it was not the palace soldiers were always ready. In the end, the first's troops ended up retreating but the crown prince told his soldiers to kill every one of them and they went after them into towns, they killed a few citizens which they were not punished for. Though the king did not die due to the sickness he died due to the shock when he heard his son attacked the palace. I don't know if the first son survived. That's all I know about the war.

"That was quite interesting, but how am I supposed to write 450 words with just that?"

"You go figure out that yourself I have done what I can help with " She smiled as she pinched my cheeks.

"Thanks, mom "

I was about to get up when I heard my stepmother scolding Olivia. My mom also heard as she left to check what happened.

"I am the princess of this house so don't dare talk to me like that woman" I heard Olivia talk to my stepmom.

Olivia has not been home lately so she hasn't met my stepmother and does not recognize her.

I could hear my mom's footsteps stop as she approached them.

"You don't say that to your elders." My mother scolded Olivia as she talked back to my step mum.

"Apologize now Olivia."

"But mum, you heard.."

"No buts! Just apologize." She looked at my mum and sighed as she turned to my step mum.

"I am sorry. " Olivia apologized as she bowed her head.

"It's okay, this is proof that your mother didn't train you. I will let this pass because it's your first time seeing me. Next time you repeat this, I will cut off your tongue. You get that?"

Olivia became scared as she responded, "yes ma'am."

My stepmother walked away with her maids and guard then I came out from where I was eavesdropping.

"Mother you can't let her be treating us like we are nobody."

"We have to do that to be free from your father's wrath."

I could see the fear in her eyes. I wish this didn't have to happen to us. I bent down to Olivia's level and I saw how frightened she is.

"Olivia look at me. It's gonna be okay." I smiled as I assured her that everything will be okay, even though I don't know-how.

"Okay, that's enough. Olivia has to get changed. It's almost dinner time and she has stained her clothes while playing."

"Okay, mum," I replied as they went away. I went into my room and just laid on my bed and I stared at the ceiling as a lot of things flew across my mind. I am Monais Leonora the second child of the Monais family, my parents gave birth to three children, Andrew, Olivia, and me. My father recently brought home a second wife Harper Williams she still keeps her last name because my father is not yet married to her. She has made our lives hard because my father just listens to whatever she says. It can be annoying.

I slept off as I kept thing about numerous things.

My maid woke me up with the knock

"My lady it's time for dinner".

"I am coming Linda"

I stood up tiredly as I was going to see the disgusting face of my stepmother, she is something. I walked down the stairs and I could feel the piercing look of my stepmother, she just hates me for no reason because I sure did not give her any reason to hate me.

"Leonora, can you not walk disgustingly?" She spoke angrily like we had an unsettled fight

"How else am I..."

"Leo! that's enough!" My father stopped me from finishing my statement. This can't be any worse. I lifted my leg not to make any sound with my feet.

"I am tired of her trying to talk back to me she never listens to correction, it's not her fault her mom spoilt her the same as her younger sibling," she said without removing her gaze from her food and my parents just kept quiet. It's okay I can endure this.

The dinner went quiet for some time until my stepmother broke the silence.

"Don't you think Leonora needs to find a suitor? She is old enough to get married." Without waiting for my father's response, she turned to me and asked,

"How old are you, Leo?"

I looked at her in disgust before I responded,


She smiled and turned back to my father. "That's a perfect age to get married. Well, I have a suitor for her in mind. He is a good man and will protect her."

Why is she so happy about this it's not like she is the one getting married? I turned to my mum but she just listened in silence.

My Father finally responded,

"You can invite him for the upcoming royal party so they can meet with each other."

She looked so happy with what my father said. I suddenly had a bad feeling about this because she is not the type to be happy for one's fortune. I just knew this was a bad idea.

"No need for that I can get myself one, it'll be better that way ".

"Please let me show you my kindness Leonora, I won't be happy if you turn down my offer ".

It was showing in her voice that she was sarcastic. I rolled my eyes and turned to my Dad

"Dad I will find one myself "

"Are you turning down her offer? She willingly found a suitor for you and you are indirectly telling her that her effort is not appreciated"

"Dad it's not like that, I just feel it will be better if I go out and look for myself"

"You are meeting him and that is final," My dad said as focused on his food

I looked at my mum but she just listened in silence. J just don't get why my mum would just allow any woman to control her home anyhow

"I am done, I will head outside for a while, "I said as I walked towards the front door.

The breeze outside felt nice and cool. I went to the garden to view the beautiful flowers. I think these flowers and the sky look beautiful to Cheer me up.

I chuckled at the thought of at that

"This night looks beautiful "

I turned to see my mom coming closer to me. She sat down with me as she sat down and looked at the skies. The stars are so beautiful.

"Mom, are we not going to talk about the fact that you stayed silent back in?"

"Leo, it is not like that "

"Then it's like what mom? I seriously don't get why you are not talking back to that woman because you just allowed a woman a few years older than me to take over your place, mom you know she is 25 right". I said as I emphasized in the last sentence.

She placed her hands on my shoulders

"You know mom is not like that, she won't allow anybody to control her daughter's life right everything is gonna be okay, trust me "

I looked at her not knowing whether to trust her or not.

"Okay mom "

"It's getting cold you should head inside "

"Go on in I will go in later "

"Don't stay long outside, I will go in now, good night darling "

"God Night mom"

She pecked my head as she went inside

I wish Andrew is home right now. He has gone to the military for three months now. I am sure he wouldn't allow this to happen to us.

I stayed outside for a bit longer before I went in.

I got in happy to see my family member were out of sight. They probably have gone to bed.

I met Linda on the way to my room help the rest to clear the dining.

"Please Linda when you are done I need you in the room "

"OK my lady"

Linda has been my only friend since I was young. I met with friends during the royal gatherings but I couldn't hang out with them to make a friendship because my father wouldn't allow me to, I found no offense in that because I knew it was trying to protect me.

I walked slowly to my room, as I dragged my leg to the bathroom to wash my face. I read a book on my table as I waited for Linda.

"My Lady, can I come in?"


She entered as she sat beside me

"My lady, is anything the matter? you don't look fine"

"How can I be, Harper just controls my life like it's her life, she is just 25 years old "

"What happened this time again "

"She said she has a suitor for me which I really feel is a bad idea " Linda looked surprised when I mentioned that

"Why are you looking surprised?"

"My lady she looked for a suitor for you, you should be happy that you will leave your father's house soon and you will be the lady of another household ".

"Don't you get it, Linda, I feel she is doing this to send in a way to torture my mom ".

"You are just overthinking my lady she will not do that".

"How can you be so sure she has almost made my mom mute with me being here what if I leave what will happen,

Oh, she would probably say my mom tried to poison her, or she may send my mom packing, I don't trust her".

"My lady stop overworking yourself and get to bed"

Why is nobody feeling the same way I feel about this.

I sighed.

"You are right, I might probably be overthinking, good night Linda I should get to bed.

"My lady I am telling you there is no negative side of this I assure you, so just go to bed without thinking much about this, okay "

"Thank you "

"Good night my lady "

I looked at her till she closed the door. This is annoying. I went to my bed and slept off in the shortest minute as I was so exhausted.



I was in my room doing my history assignment, this assignment is so tiring. Why would Mrs. Ava tell me to make a dig on the first war in Lucania, my father was not even alive then and these authors are making things worse as there are tons of words with few points in them can't they just go straight to the point. I have to read a lot of books to get few points.

I went out to ask for help from anyone who could assist me with it. I went to meet my mom as my father is unapproachable at this moment. When I got into her room she was reading the daily news.

"Mom, could you assist me with something?"

She turned her attention to me

"What is that? "

"It's my history assignment I have to write on the first war in Lucania, what initiated it, the estimated amount of people that died and anything related to, and I have to write 450 words "

"That's quite many words to write, well I don't have much idea about it, what I know is that the fight was because the present king when the war happened preferred his second son to his first son, so he decided to make his second son the crown prince. The first son got angry and the palace with a plan in mind to take his place, even when the news went across the town that the king was sick he did not visit the palace. The first son grew a troop of soldiers outside the place and attacked in the night. He thought attacking without notice will be easier it was not the palace soldiers were always ready. In the end, the first's troops ended up retreating but the crown prince told his soldiers to kill every one of them and they went after them into towns, they killed a few citizens which they were not punished for. Though the king did not die due to the sickness he died due to the shock when he heard his son attacked the palace. I don't know if the first son survived. That's all I know about the war.

" Thank you mom, how am I supposed to compose 450 words with that"?

"I have done my part in assisting you, you go figure out the rest yourself," she said as she pinched my cheeks.

"Thanks, mom" I was about to leave her room when I heard my stepmom scolding my little sister outside.