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His Obsession

His Obsession

Auteur: Khurshida Khatun

En cours


His Obsession PDF Free Download


Ace Roberts, The owner of Robert Corporation. He has everything a girl wants. He once a Prince charming. But, when his girlfriend cheated on him. He became a womanizer. He starts using girl changes clothes... Bella Knight A sweet, simple yet beautiful girl. She loves Ace since her childhood but Ace never notice her. She is the princess of her parents... Will Bella able to turn the womanizer into the prince charming aging? Will Ace notice Bella?

Chapter 1

"I have moved on in my life. I moved on the moment I walked out from you cabin. Now I don't you. You.Yeah you are the person because of whom, I lost everything in my life.Because of you I can't breath freely. You destroyed me. Your obsession destroyed me. Go away. And never show me your face" I shouted at him

"No.I won't" He said and pulled me towards him. I tried to push him but couldn't able to

His grip tightened even more and pulled me close to him. I looked at him and those painful memories came in front of me.Tears rolled down on my cheeks.I promised myself I won't break down in front of him. But still he has to power to break me more than I am broken already

"Shhh" He said and put his finger on my lips and rest his forehead against mine

"Doll" He whispered and my eyes went widen.

"Doll, I am sorry. Please forgive me" Whispering this Ace tried to touch Bella but Bella pushed his hand roughly and slapped him hard.

"Don't even dare to touch me with your dirty hands" Bella shouted at him while Ace just kept looking at her with hurt...

Bella looked at him and speaks up," You told me to stay away. And I did. You told me to never show my face to you, you told me to live like dead, and I did. Because like you said," I am a bitch, gold digger, cheater and yeah also a whore, who slept around for physical pleasure"

I shouted at him remembering the things he did with me two years back. I stand in front of him with an evil smirked on my face. We are now inches apart from each other. I looked at his eyes while he looked at me with pain, regret, and hurt...

But in return, I smiled dryly and speaks up," You didn't trust me. You broke me into pieces. Your obsession broke me. And why you will trust me, after all, I am a whore. Isn't it? Now, why you want this whor...

I was cut by him as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me towards his chest. I tried to push him but he hugged me tightly and put his face on my neck...

"I know saying sorry won't heal the wounds I gave you. I was a fool. I was jealous. I have gone mad that time. But doll, please do not push me away from you. I will die without you. Beat me, punish me as much you want but do not push me away from you. I will do everything you say. Just give me a chance" He said and I felt wetness on my neck. He is crying. I want to wipe his tears but I can't. He broke me. He made me the woman I am today. He killed the old Bella who always ready to do anything for making him happy. He made me a heartless woman...

I pushed him away and speak up," From whom you are asking forgiveness? Whose Bella you are talking about? The Bella you are talking about is dead. And you killed her with your hands. I do not care if you live or die. That day you told me not to show my face to you and today I am saying you never show me your face again. You are a bad shadow. You are a closed chapter of my life"

Saying those Bella walked away while Ace looked at her back with a broken heart.

"I will win you back. I promise" Ace whispered and a tear rolled down on his cheek...