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Auteur: Rina

En cours




Erika's best friend Abby left to America and got married leaving her boyfriend behind. Erika and Abby's boyfriend Danial got into a secret relation . After three years Abby returned. Erika left making Danial restless. They met in front of gynecologist department .Erika wanted to leave Danial dragged her into his cabin. Next day, 'What! Want to leave me? Dream on!' 'Dr. Danial you are already married!' 'You don't need to worry about it' . He cared a lot about the child but he suddenly asked her to abort the child.

Chapter 1

  In the room,

  Every inch shows the sigh of their love making and how madly they were actually, how intense it was.

  Erika is sleeping on the warm chest breathing lightly.

  Danial holding her in arms looked very comfortable and relaxdly sleeping.

  Erika phone rang. Danial brows frowned in annoyance.

  Erika lazyly moved her body and answered the phone with out looking who it is!


  'Hey!Erika are you sleeping? Oh! Sorry I forgot about the time difference'.

  Her voice is like a splashing cold water on Erika's face.

  'Ab.... Abby, Is that you?'

  'Hmmm, sorry to disturb you but I want to tell you something I will return to you in half a month. I will call you tomorrow, have a nice sleep!'

  The call then haug up.

  Erika looked at the man beside her. He looked perfect his upper body is naked and lower half is covered with a blanket.

  She stood up. With her naked body her went to take a bathe .

  She told herself 'You're just no body' she repeted herself so many times.

  She came out.

  Looked at the person she spent her prime three years! Danial , in short her best friend's boyfriend.

  Her best friend Abby went to abroad for study leaving him behind later she got married but recently she was again in contact with her.

  She is divorcing her husband.

  She again want to pursue her first love ,Danial.

  Abby thought about it carefully even if she want marry Danial he wouldn't agree. Even if he did , my name will be stamped as mistress infront of her colleagues.

  He , the person who she slept for three years hadn't even said 'I love you !' in bed.

  She thought it though she want to leave .

  She already removed her things one by one slowly from past few days .

  She always does things before hand. In these fifteen days she must make a habit of living without him.

  Erika with a heavy heart wrote 'We're done , Danial' on a note a placed it below his watch. That watch is the gift from Erika , he doesn't usually wear it so it will always be on the same place. If Erika has something important and left her would leave a note there.

  She slowly packed her remaining things and left. Her tears are flowing like like it would never end.

  Next day,

  Danial woke up , He got fresh and dressed up. He saw Erika is not home so he looked at the note.

  He saw 'We're done Danial' he is confused first.

  Why did she wrote, he considered it as a prank.

  He left to hospital.

  After a busy morning he felt something is wrong so he called her.

  There only one word 'No answer!'

  He keep on calling him.

  She did like this before also and went to a business trip.

  So he comforted himself saying that.