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Love And Crime

Love And Crime

Auteur: Daisy writes

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Love And Crime PDF Free Download


On the day of his wedding,francis is found dead in his condo with his hand holding a knife stabbed in his stomach,the police say its sucide but samatha his bride thinks he was murdered so she hires a private detective to find out what really happened to him.. In the quest for the truth,she is taken into a world of crime with only a few people to trust,she discovers that sometimes,the truth is not worth knowing

Chapter 1

Usually at a wedding,the bride is the one expected to be late but at this special wedding,Francis,the groom had been 40 minutes late

Samantha vando the bride looked at the church entrance door for what seemed like the hundreth time,she just couldn't take it anymore

francis was the most punctual person she knew so at this point she knew and could feel that something was terribly wrong...

samatha POV

I looked at Edward,francis' bestfriend and the best man at the wedding

"Where is he???weren't you supposed to come here together?"i asked,Edward gave me a piteful look,

"Francis had told us to meet him here cause he had something serious he had to handle,i have been calling him since but he isn't answering"he explained

I could feel sweat forming on my forehead,i was so damn worried,

francis loved me,he could never abandon me at the autar

"Edward,give me your car keys"i finally said

"Sam,,,,he will show up just give him a few more minutes"Abby my Bestfriend and maid of honor said trying to calm me down

"40 minutes is already enough time Abby,,,Edward your car keys"i almost yelled..

Edward finally nodded"but we are going with you"he said

finding no problem with that,i rushed to his car with him with Abby following behind.

20 minutes later,we reached francis' condo,

i noticed all his cars were parked in place meaning he was in,

'so he stood me up'i thought to myself but immediately shook my head,that was impossible we both had been looking forward to this wedding with happiness.

When we all got out of the car,we headed to the entrance door which was open

"The door is open,so he is in"i heard Abby say but i was clouded with so many thoughts to answer

"France!!!,france!!!"Edward called but got no reply

"Francis!!!"i called but we only received silence,

"i will check his bedroom"i said

"Yeah i will just check the backyard "Edward said has i headed for the stairs...

When i reached his room,i immediately noticed his wedding white suite put neatly on his bed as if ready to be worn

His phone was also on the bed,maybe he was in the bathroom

"francis"i called as i headed to his bathroom,,when i opened the door,my eyes went straight to the bathtub where i saw Francis lifeless body there with blood everywhere,his hand was holding a knife stabbed in his stomach

I heard myself scream before i passed out

Abby POV

Three days later,i entered Sam's room with a cup of coffee,

if anything,i felt more than sorry for her,she loved Francis and his death was taking a troll on her

I walked towards the bed and sat beside her

"I brought coffee"i said,she shook her head her focus not leaving the phone in her hands,,i put the cup of coffee on her side table and signed heavily

"Sam,am worried sick about you,you wont eat anything or talk to anyone,,, ,i know you loved Francis but you cant keep on going like this,am sure he would never want to see you in this state"i said

Sam suddenly throw herself in my arms as she cried bittery,,,up to date,She was the most beautiful and reserved person i knew,she never talked anyhow and when she did it wasn't for long,

3 years of knowing her,i had never seen her this shattered,crying wasn't something she did no matter how hurt she would be.....

samatha POV

When i woke up in the late afternoon,i found a note on my bed

'Be back soon,please eat what i prepared for you'

Love Abby

For the first in four days,i found my self smiling i was glad i had a friend like her

I got up from bed and went to stand in front of the mirrior,gosh i looked like crap

'Okay,mourning time is over'I said to myself walking towards the bed to get my phone,,,, the police had said francis had committed suicide since everything indicated so,but i knew it in my bones that was a lie,

someone had killed him and i just couldn't get why,

i decided to make a call to the only person i knew would help me get to the bottom of all this---my father....

He picked up on the fifth ring which was a new speed record

"Francis is dead"i said without bothering to greet him

"I know,am sorry i couldn't make it to the funeral"he said

A simple am sorry for your loss would have been better i wanted to say but instead,i went straight to business

"I need you get me the best detective in Europe,i want to know who killed Francis and why?"i said

"Hun,didn't he commit suicide??"he asked surprising me,so he knew almost everything

"I know Francis was murdered and no police officer will tell me otherwise"i said my voice a bit high

"I know someone who would help you,he is the best,,,i will send you his profile and hopefully by tomorrow he will be at your door step,,Sam i want you to"

i hang up the phone before he would say anything more,i had already heard what i wanted to hear,,,,,

Sometimes having a rich father is worth it,sure he always choose my step mom over me but atleast what money could buy,he made sure i had it and him helping me right now made me feel at easy....