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Auteur: Ularimma Ndukwe

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How does it feel when you are nothing but just a replacement to your twin sister? How did Maggie bring Megan to love and her lies revealed? Beautiful July. The road was wet. I had to run home. Twin sister really sick. The ride home was tiring and long. I graduated from uni last year. I read business admin. Sister always wanted to be a typist and she got this interview in one of the biggest company in town. I had to replace her. This was not what I expected but I have to do it for her being an elder sister is no fun. Please let us read along....

Chapter 1

"I am sorry I made you run home," Maggie said in that innocent voice of hers.

"It's no big deal but make sure you get well so that you may be able to work again,"Megan said to her younger twin who was laying down in her hospital bed.

"Yes I will," she replied, "fighting," she added and made a sign with her hands that made Megan smile.

"Sure, fighting," she smiled and spoon-fed Margaret.


At 6, Megan left to the company "WOODS BRUCK." She looked like her sister for sure. She put on glasses and a short black wig. She looked really pretty. The ride took 30 minutes. She looked through what she researched and again tested her typing and designing skils. This work wasn't going to be easy to get. When it clocked 7, she arranged her hair and face and carried her bag with her laptop. She was dressed in a stylish office attire. She was prettier than Maggie but they had the same face. On her feet were stilettoes.

She walked into the office and met the receptionist with a blank look. "Hi, I am here for an interview," she told Paula the receptionist.

"I might not be in a good mood for now but I will be nice to you," she said and smiled at Megan. "Take the elevator number 11," she added.

"Thank you," Megan said and left going to the elevator.

On entering she pressed the button 11 and moved up.

The eleventh floor had 4 doors. One was for the production manager, two was for the president, three was for the vice president and four was for the Chairman's office. A secretary sat at the corner of the building. A waiting bench was situated in front of the secretary's table. "Hi good morning," Megan greeted her.

"Hi, how may I be of help to you?" She asked.

"Er, I am applicant number 16 for the position of the typist. I want to know where I can wait," she responded.

"Yes, your interview is at 8. You are to wait here until the president comes. I will alert you when it is your turn, thank you," the secretary said and Megan nodded and sat down at the bench.

"She really is early," the secretary mumbled to herself.

After a while of waiting, two other applicants showed up and sat on the waiting bench with Megan. They dressed also in an office attire but their dress was not modest. The two appeared to be friends. After a while, four others arrived making them 7. 9 other applicants haven't yet come. When it was 7:48, Megan stood up and went to the washroom. At 7:51 she was back and read the business newspapers on her smartphone.

8:00 AM, the secretary received a call and smiled at the applicants. "Applicant number 1," she called and a tall pretty lady stood up and followed the secretary into the Chairman's office. The secretary returned to her desk and was working.

8:04 AM, applicant number one was out and number two was called in. Megan was the last applicant for the role. Time ticked by and soon it remained two applicants. Some other applicants came late that is after their number was called and they were ordered to leave. Some were fortunate to be on time but were marked by the big boss for late coming.

"Applicant number 16," the secretary called and smiled at Megan, "your turn now."

Megan smiled and stood up offering her a thank you. They both entered the Chairman's office.

An old man in his 60's sat in front of a table. The room was spacious and wide. Two other men also sat down with him. They were looking at Megan. She didn't fear but she offered a smile and waited until she was told to sit down. They liked her outfit and her looks. It was rated 10 out of 10, on their papers.

"Margaret Chu," the chairman called and Megan smiled. He held her resume, you went to a typing school?"

"Yes sir, I did," she replied.

"Can you design well and do you have proof?" He asked her.

"Sure sir, I do. I design and I have a design in my laptop," she said and opened it, wowing them with the contents.

"That's really impressive," the chairman said. The two other men rated her work and response 80%. That was their highest rate marking. Her punctuality completed the 100% rate.

They asked other questions and she answered effectively. They were impressed by her. "You can go. We will get back to you," the chairman said.

Megan stood up and bowed to them and left with the secretary. "I tell you miss, you will definitely get this job," the secretary said but Megan only smiled at her then she left to go home.


"What do you think of applicant number 16?" The chairman asked the two men present.

"She really is impressive," Mr. Jude replied.

"She is suitable to serve the president,"Mr. Lin said.

"I think so too. At least that old fool might fall in love with her," the chairman said to them and they all agreed to employ Megan.

Megan arrived the hospital dressed in a casual wear of green jeans with a beige sweater for the cold. Maggie was asleep when Megan opened the door and came in. Megan went to use the restroom and when she was out, Maggie was awake.

"Hey there junior sister," she greeted.

"Hey Meg, how did the interview go?" She asked immediately.

"What is wrong with you?" Megan asked while sitting on a chair, "you didn't even ask how I was able to make sure I looked like you, shy and naive," she told Maggie who rolled her eyes.

"When Mom was alive we told you to pursue theatre arts but you kept insisting on business. Pretending to be me is something you can do. And I know with your knowledge in business you did a great job," she told Megan.

"Really?" She asked, "well, they say they'll get back to me, so let's wait."

"Okay," Maggie replied, "did you see the President?" She asked remembering the handsome young man's face.


"The President of the company," she repeated.

"No it was the chairman and two other men," she replied.

"Oh!" She exclaimed downhearted.

Megan noticed something was wrong, "what's the P?"

"Nothing sis, I thought the employment chances should be high if the President was the carrier of the interview," she replied her.

"Oh that! You see, the chairman is old and wise, I'm sure he will make the right decision," she answered then stood up, "my work is done so it's up to you to get well and resume when you are called," she said and headed for the door.

"Where to?" Maggie asked.

"I need fresh air, I don't like the hospital scent," she replied and left Maggie who looked at the door with dark eyes.

Megan went out to the corridor and hissed. Margaret couldn't even utter a thank you, "so ungrateful," she said loudly with anger.

A young man passing at her back sensed the anger. He couldn't help but ask, "what's wrong pretty lady?"

Megan turned her face to him and was about to speak but was caught in awe because this young man was so hot. She scratched her hair and began, "well - well, er it's nothing important."

"Really? But you're really angry," he insisted.

"I was just angry about something,"she said, "but I'm fine now, thank you," she added and tried to leave.

Charles didn't want her to leave as she interested him, "this is my card," he said and tucked it into her hand, "when you are ready, you can confide in me."

"Well, um, okay," she replied and nodded her head once more scratching it, "sure I will," she added and left. She hid behind the door and watched as he made a phone call, smiled and left.

At the hidden corner, she decided to check the card, on seeing the information, she was shocked, "Charles Brook, CEO of WOODSBRUCK, what!" She screamed, "if this is the CEO, gosh all the girls in the company would be dying for him."

This was her first meeting with Charles. At 9 in the evening, Maggie's phone rang and she picked it up. The following ensued, "is this Margaret Chu?" A female voice asked.

"Yes this is she, how can I help you?" She asked confused.

"Well, you are expected to resume work first thing tomorrow morning at WOODSBRUCK, bye thank you," the female voice said and hung up.

"Yes, yes, I got it," she screamed out of joy but she calmed down, Megan. How was she going to convince Megan to go to work tomorrow. How?