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Love and First Kisses

Love and First Kisses

Auteur: Sweetberries

En cours


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Music plays "Oh, my life is changing every day Every possible way...In my dreams, it's never quite as it seems... It's never quite as it seems" Yuri starter to sing. Every one was awed to her sweet voice including Hero. It's the annual music festival at their their school. Mark a 24 years old actor is starting his busy schedule for today. How will love and their first kisses tangled?

Chapter 1

  Ting... Ting... Ting... Ting.... Ting... Clock alarms at 5:30 am. "Ugh!" Yuri's awake. " I'll be late if I don't get up now" still half asleep.

  "Yuri! Yuri! Wake up! Get your breakfast here". "you'll be late!" Mom called her to go downstairs. Yuri sat on the table and drinks her milk. " Okay, here's your toast" her mom made her favorite butter toast bread. "I'll be off now Yuri, make sure you're not late for school" her mom reminds her as she dash through the door. "Hey, don't be late it's your first day!" Mom shouted from outside.

  Yuri prepared to go to her new school. She in 3rd year highschool now at the age of 16. She was accelerated in her middle school, a smart and talented girl.

  First day of School, old friends gathered and saying their hellos. Yuri looks side ways as some girls started to giggle and gather. They we're waiting for Hero and his band. Hero in his 3rd year in Highschool. A good looking young man and a leader of the school band. Girls greeted him and give him gifts. Yuri pass by the group and went to the school administration office to report.

  "Oh! Here it is" Yuri exclaimed as she reached her destination. "Good morning" she politely greeted the attendant. "You are Yuri Scott right?" A beautiful young lady ask her. The admin assistant introduce Yuri to the Lady "Ms. Sanders, yes she is Yuri Scott the new student", "Ms. Sanders is your home room teacher" the assistant added.

  "Good morning Ms. Sanders" Yuri greeted her home room teacher. "You wait for me here, will just get my things and let's go together to the class". Ms. Sanders replied to Yuri.

  Although Yuri is a smart girl, She is typically shy and talk less. She likes reading and listening to music. She can play guitar and piano. She is shy but she loves listening to The Cranberries music, Nirvana and some other indie music artists. She studied and live abroad, almost every three years she and her mom move places and countries. Her mom is a Doctor and working in an international health organization.and makes researches.

  The bell rang and students ran to their classrooms. Yuri and Ms. Sanders entered Class 3-A. Jana stood up and lead the class to greet their homeroom teacher "Good Morning Ms. Sanders!" As the class chanted together. Yuri stood besides Ms. Sanders. She quickly scan the classroom and saw the guy who makes the girls giggles early in the morning at the school grounds. " Class we have a new student here Yuri please introduce your self". "Yes" Yuri replied. "Hi! I'm Yuri Scott" Yuri started, as she continued her classmate mumbled to one another. "She looked like a first year student?" Some says. " I'm new here I hope we can all be good friends" Yuri ended her introduction. Jana as class president silence her classmate and lead Yuri to her seat.

  She sat beside Hero. "Hello!" She greeted Hero and he gave her a nod.

  Hero is quite in class but he's intelligent and deligent in his studies. He's a good guitarist and a music genius, he lead the school band and performs at school. Yuri looks at him on the side of her eye. "Stop looking at me you're distracting me" Yuri was startled as Hero warns her. "What's with him? How did he know I was looking. I'm not looking at him I'm looking on what his writing". Yuri told her self quietly as she can't mumble because Hero might heard her. The time passes by quickly its break time. Yuri seemed tired for the half day class so she tested her head on her desk. Some girls from other entered the room and went to Hero. Another gift and lunch for the school star. Yuri thought "he must be cool for this girl to rush to give him their gifts after the class bell rang" "awesome" she added.

  Hero stood up as he saw his band mates. Don one of his bandmate spotted Yuri "hey is that a new girl in your class? She's pretty!" He spatted. Hero did not answer Don and just wave his hand to follow him. The band usually practice during lunch break. But this time they need to discuss the song they are going to play on this year school music festival. Hero was told that there will be agent from entertainment industry that will attend the festival. Hero dreams to be a rockstar and this is the chance for him and his band.

  Yuri walks along the corridors wandering as she passes by the school band music club. Curious she approach the door and peak inside. "Booh!" Kevin laughs while Yuri's heart jumps. "You startled me!" "That's not funny" Yuri says. Don breaks way and introduce himself "Hi! I'm Don, were you looking for me?" Trying to be cool infront of Yuri. Suddenly, "are you guys going to play with this girl or your going in to practice?" Hero spoke and the boys went inside the music room. Yuri's left outside the room as Hero closed the door.

  It was noon Hero's chair is empty, there's no class Yuri lays her head on her desk watching the clouds outside the window. She close her eyes thinking of the voice she heard singing earlier at the music room. Hero's voice is sweet as he sings, it seems like his not snob at all opposite of what he shows outside. Yuri's face blushed while playing the song on her head repeatedly. She is having a last song syndrome.

  The class finally ended that day and Yuri walks along the students to the school grounds. She heard someone's calling her a girl's voice it was Jana the class President. "Hey Yuri! Wait up!" Yuri stop and wait for Jana "Hi!" Says Yuri. "You leave on the 8th Street right?" Jana ask, " Yes" Yuri replied. "Good let's walk home together, I leave at 9th street" Jana says, she is a little jolly about walking home with Yuri. Yuri was happy to have a new friend and had someone to walk with her at home.

  Before they reach the school gate they pass by to Hero's band and girls are swarms from every corner to gets the boys attention specially Hero who shows no interest at all. "That boy doesn't know how to smile?" Yuri uttered, Jana poke her with her elbow "shhhh!". Hero heard it and look straight at Yuri. They'd been sitting side by side together for a whole day and even meet out side the classroom but this is the first time they have their eyes met. Yuris face feels hot after having a second gaze from Hero even though She looks away.

  Jana and Yuri bid their goodbyes as they split up at the corner of 8th street. Yuri is walking alone, she can see the mid rise building where she and her mom are now staying. The music started to play in her ear again and clearly heard Hero's sweet voice while his playing the piano. She started humming to the sound in her head making. "How's your school?" Yuri got startled again and this it's her mom. "Mom how can you do that!" " I almost got a heart attack!" Yuri says while her mom is laughing at her " what are you doing? Your humming a new song? And your blushing! What happened today?" Her mom tease her. "It's just got today mom!" Yuri replied to her mom and runs inside the building. They chatted and exchanges story on how their day was over the dinner.

  Yuri lays to her bed still hearing Hero's song, she close her eyes and sees Hero's face in her head. Her heart beat past "ugh! That boy!" She wants to denies that She is mesmerized with Hero's charisma. " Ay!!! No!" Her last word as she fell asleep.