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Journey To The Unknown

Journey To The Unknown

Auteur: Vivi



Journey To The Unknown PDF Free Download


When Isabel decided to leave home, she had no idea what life had in stock for her, an encounter with an old lady in the bus would later change her life for good, the rejected stone will later become the most sought after ,read and see how love sets one free and changes the course of ones life

Chapter 1

It was a hot afternoon when Isabel decided to take the risky journey of her life. not knowing what life has in stock for her, all she wanted was to leave that toxic environment that was her home.

"a home that felt like hell, a home she shared with her self-centered mom and her beloved late dad".

that place ceased to be her home the moment her dad breathed his last.

Since her father's death, that place never felt like home to her anymore.

very early the next day... she was already on a bus traveling to the big town.

without informing any of her family members not that they would car.

but she felt guilty for not telling Brenda about it.

she knew her best friend will oppose it and will do everything humanly possible to change her mind. she was lost in thought for hours, "her mind was just wandering up and down."

unknown to her an accident had just occurred, if not for the screams emerging behind her she would never know that the bus was on fire.

everyone was on their own trying to escape, scampering for safety, she only had her Backpack with her, but she never wanted to leave the old lady that was seated next to her.

she reminded her so much of her grandma. taking a risky move, she threw her backpack out of the window jumped out, and managed to pull the disoriented old lady out with her.

because of how remote the place is, she had no choice but to take the old lady with her, she would die if she left her behind, Isabel thought to herself.

Grandma, are you okay, Isabel asked the old lady with a mixture of concern and fear in her voice.

I am okay my daughter, thank you for saving my life, my name is lady Diana the old woman said, and I want you to please look for my family.

when you get to new yoke, go to Rivera cooperations and ask for Leonard, tell him that I sent you, give him this as proof, she handed a bracelet over to Isabel. I think I have found a wife for my grandson.

that was the last thing lady Diana said before she passed out. the impact of the fall when they jumped out of the broken car window coupled with the fumes from the burnt car made her fragile and collapsed her lungs.

Help, help, help us, my grandma is dying, somebody help me my grandma is dying. Isabel kept yelling until a taxi driver that was among the rescuers had no choice but to take them to the nearest hospital.

Back in Baltimore, Brenda was worried sick, not knowing where her childhood bestie ran off to was causing her to panic. Calm down, George said to her.

George, you don't understand, my friend could be in trouble.

I understand George cuts in, she is my friend as well, don't think that way, just relax she will be fine.

How can I relax when my friend might be in danger, I can feel it, all is not well, she called me last night but I was too busy with you that I didn't notice, I was not there for her when she needed me, if anything happens to her I will never be at peace with myself Brenda replied.

Nothing will happen to her and I want you to calm down George said and hugged her tight, my love, we are going to find her George said and kissed her deeply, not giving her room to utter another word.

New York City.

Leonard can be seen walking up and down the office, after getting a call from his grandma that she is In a bus traveling to new yoke, he still can't get through to her.

he tried calling her but the number was not reachable. I don't know why grandma is so obsessed with traveling by road, I don't know why she's always scared of traveling by air, he thought to himself.

just then Sandra barged into his office, am sorry air but I think you should see this... she was already informed to pick Leonard's grandma from the bus station but when she got there she was told that there had been an accident that she should check the hospital or the morgue.

she kept calling Leonard but when he didn't answer, she decided to inform him in person, Since the news is on tv that's the best way to convey the message to him without trembling.

I hate being the conveyor of this kind of news but it concerns your grandma, so I think you should watch the news, it might be of help.

Immediately Leonard saw the news he became more worried, sir I went to the bus station but, Leonard stormed out of the office not waiting to hear what Sandra has to say.

Sandra immediately followed him. Sir, sir Sandra called as she ran after Leonard. She is a secretary that works so hard and also values her job.

Sandra tell Edward to inform the police let a quick search be conducted immediately Leonard said without stopping.

Yes sir. Sandra replied and left in search of Edward.

Edward is a very handsome man in his late twenties. he is Leonard's assistant, but he's more like a friend to Leonard, his mum was Leonard's nanny so they grew up together, he's more like a brother Leonard never had.

Leonard treated him very well, when Sandra informed Edward, he soon went into action, he not only informed the police, but he also drove to the scene of the accident to see if he could find a clue or anything that can lead him to Leonard's grandma.

"lady Diana is like my grandma as well, she treats me like her grandson, so I have to make sure she is safe Edward thought to himself."

after searching around nonstop for a day and a half, Edward decided to take a break and hoped that lady Diana will turn up safe and sound!