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Did She Already Know What I Would Ask Her For?

Did She Already Know What I Would Ask Her For?

Auteur: Finlegost

En cours


Did She Already Know What I Would Ask Her For? PDF Free Download


'If I have to modify my status then I would start with my two wishes: Strength and women.' '99 points to strength and with it I would fulfill my first wish, and not only that, but by using my strength I will be able to obtain a lot of money and, with it, women.' '[Reset Status Points]' 'Mentally pressing the reset button changed all my status points to just one attribute…' 'Intelligence!' '"I'll tell you why you should keep that slave for me until I buy her…"' 'Feeling smarter than ever I used every possible argument to convince the slave dealer not to sell that slave until I had the money to buy her. After all…' 'That slave is not only beautiful, she also has [Masochist] in her state!' 'I must buy her!'

Chapter 1

'My name is Emir, I have black eyes and hair. In terms of my appearance, I am slim, 1.8m tall. Ever since I was born I have seen strange images and symbols before my eyes when I asked my parents about it...'

'"Daddy I see things"'

'Dad: "…"'

'That same day my father spanked me until my butt was red, from then on I never brought it up again.'

'At the time I was 4 years old I didn't know how to read so I didn't understand what those words meant before my eyes nor that circular image that constantly moves.'

'Only at 6 years old did I understand that this was a moving map. All the places I've visited are recorded on that map, those I don't know about are simply transparent.'

'"let's play hide and seek!"'

'With the map I never lost in that game. The map also records people's movements after all.'

'When I was 8 years old, my parents taught me to read and write. It was a very strange process since they said some complicated things and I miraculously understood them. I know that they are not good teachers and I, less a genius, later understood the reason for this strange situation.'

'Well, when I learned to read I was able to understand the words before my eyes.'

'[Emir Lv8] [Human] [Class: None]'

'HP=10 || MP=10'

'Agility=10 || Strength=10'

'Intelligence=10 || Luck=1'


'Physical=1 || Magic=1'

'Poison=1 || Curse=1'

'[Click here to hide status window]'

'Mentally pressed there and then those words disappeared.'

'Emir: "…"'

'For 8 years the window was open!'

'I finally closed it!'

'I want to cry; those words have always been blocking my view. Who opened that window? Tell me!'

'[Status] [Skills] [Magic] [Inventory] [Settings]'

'Calmer, I began to discover the functions of this skill.'

'I noticed that its name is [User Interface] since there is an option called [Customize User Interface] hence its name.'

'In the menu there are plenty of things to cheat with the state. Some are locked like [Skills] [Magic] and [Inventory] while others are enabled the most notorious are [Reset Status Points] and [Experience] located in [Settings].'

'But since I am a healthy child I never used them…'

'At least I didn't until I was 15 years old.'

'"I enrolled you in the chivalry test, if you can pass you will get the [Warrior] class and with it you can live on your own. With enough strength to protect you, and with the honor of a knight!"'

'"You are already 15 years old, you are an adult. With our family luck, you will surely get the class in a blink!"'

'Emir: "…"'

'In a blink? Your grandmother!'

'My luck attribute only has 1 point. It's as standard as it gets!'

'My father and mother are both former adventurers. The stories they tell me about their past can be hard for anyone to believe, but…'

'[Emilia Lv45] [Class: None]'

'[Luck: 57]'

'[Joel Lv51] [Class: None]'

'[Luck: 54]'

'My parents' luck is beyond normal!'

'No wonder I was born with this user interface!'

'Thank's parents!'

'"Can't I just live here in this peaceful town? If you want me to work, I can be a farmer"'

'The farmer class can be obtained after a few years of doing specific farmer actions. I don't know what actions are, but everyone who tills the land for a while will naturally get that class.'

'"You don't trust yourself. We have no way of proving it to you, but our luck is unbelievably high. You almost certainly inherited something from her."'

'"Identification magic only shows our level and class, otherwise you could see how high our luck is." Father sighed.'

'Yup I know.'

'But your child only has one point in luck. All the family luck was deposited in this user interface! Even the girl next door is luckier than me!'

'I'm afraid because that window of status was open for 8 years that my luck didn't increase at all. In fact, if negative numbers existed, my luck would surely be in the red!'

'By the way, it is normal to have 2 or 3 points in luck.'

'"Haa alright. I'll go."'

'"Well done then prepare your things tomorrow the carriage will come to pick you up"'


'They don't even give me time to mentally prepare?'

'Haa my parents must be so reckless because of that lucky 50 points...'


'The next day.'

'"Here is our parting gift"'

'My mother gave me a bronze sword and chain mail. Just by looking closely at them, a window appeared on them.'

'[Bronze Sword] [Slot:



'[Chain Coat] [Slot:



'Empty slot? What will it be?'

'It's the first time I've seen such a description.'

'"Although the knights will grant you weapons and armor, I hope that these will serve you on your long journey as a knight"'

'"Goodbye I will send you a carrier pigeon when I arrive"'

'""Goodbye"" My parents waved their arms goodbye.'

'You don't know how much I wanted to retract and go back to my quiet days as someone with [none] class in his state, but in this world everyone is ranked by their level and class. Depending on them is whether you can get married or be single for life.'

'I'm not lying when I say that a person from this town never acquired a class and because of that no woman approached him…'

'So even when I want to go back I don't want to be a virgin for life so I'm going to take that test of chivalry.'

'I have to take it, right? I'm going there!'

'With that resolution I put on the mail shirt under my clothes and hung the sword on my waist. With my suitcase in hand I got into the horse-drawn carriage.'


'The name of the town is Dominir, since my birth I always remember living there. A quiet town with farmers and ex-adventurers like my parents. This is located in the Castemira kingdom whose capital is Altamira.'

'The city of Altamira is located 4 days away from the town of Dominir and that is where the greatest order of knights is found, and that is where I must take the test to become a knight.'

'I don't know what the conditions will be for the warrior class to evolve into a knight but I hope my luck with 1 point will do something…'

'[Reset Status Points]'

'What if I change it?'

'I say if this 'reset status points' lives up to its name and I can actually change my status points then adding some points to luck wouldn't hurt right?'

'But what if it's 'reset' of type back to zero?'

'Would I go back to level 1 with only 1 point in each attribute?'

'[Reset Status Points]'

'[All status points will be freed except for the essential ones giving the user the freedom to set them to whatever attribute they want convenient.]'


'Did I think about the button so much that a description window actually popped up?'

'So helpful!'

'Without hesitation, I mentally pressed the button then… Nothing happened!'

'No. Wait, a button appeared that says 'Release All'. Pressing it, all my status points disappeared leaving only 1 point in each essential attribute.'

'[Emir Lv15] [Class: None]'

'HP=1 || MP=1'

'Agility=1 || Strenght=1'

'Intelligence=1 || Luck=1'


'Physical=1 || Magic=0'

'Poison=0 || Curse=0'

'[You have 48 free points]'

'I feel clumsy and slow. I have a hard time remembering why I have the status window open and why I'm sitting in this carriage. After several seconds of going around in circles, I remembered everything.'

'Looking at my status window, I feel like I can draw a lot of conclusions, but nothing comes out of my mouth. It's on the tip of my tongue and still nothing comes to mind.'

'These are the consequences of 1 point in intelligence?'


'Yes, now I feel better.'

'Then all the points marked for MP, Magic, Poison and Curse will be put in luck. I will leave all the others the same as I am afraid that this lack of habit will lead me to make mistakes in my daily life.'

'HP=10 || MP=1'

'Agility=10 || Strength=10'

'Intelligence=10 || Luck=13'


'Physical=1 || Magic=0'

'Poison=0 || Curse=0'

'[Do you want to save the profile of this state?]'

'ohh. Can I save it?'

'I quickly agreed and named it [First Trip]. That way, I'll immediately remember what changes I made to it.'

'Having a single point in [MP] has not produced any change in my body or mind. Apparently it's like the rumors say, MP is only needed by mages and ordinary people won't be affected in any way.'

'"Are you okay? You were pale a few seconds ago"'

'A dark-skinned man, who appeared to be 38 years old, spoke to me.'

'Perhaps my status change made me turn pale from low HP?'

'"Yes, do not worry"'

'My HP is now 10 points. My complexion is back to normal.'

'"If you say so... Are you going to take the test of chivalry? These days I have seen many young people heading to the capital"'

'"I'm already 15 years old after all"'

'The age of majority is 15 years old. In other words, I am currently an adult according to the laws of the Castemira kingdom.'

'Since the carriage ride will take 4 days to reach its destination, I decided to talk to pass the time. And, so quickly, 8 hours of travel passed and we decided to camp for the night.'

'In total we are 7 people, counting the driver. We are all men, so it is impossible for a romantic situation to happen with a beautiful woman in danger. What a pity.'

'"Emir, you're already an adult, right? Come! Come with us to drink!"'

'"Huh? Um…ok?"'

'"That's the way to talk. Drink, drink!"'

'One of the passengers I spoke with earlier in the day got drunk and wanted to lead me astray… Since everyone was staring at me I had to agree.'

'After having a cup of beer, my status changed…'

'[Emir Lv15] [Class: None]'


Drunk Lv1


'I still feel normal so, that level 1 has a good chance of increasing if I keep drinking. When they gave me the next cup, I checked the status again…'


Drunk Lv2


'I was right, if I keep drinking my level of intoxication will increase and, with it, the effects will become noticeable. I'm actually feeling a bit drunk right now, so the best decision I can make at the moment is… Not to raise it to level 3.'

'"Here, here, drink, drink!"'

'Emir: "…"'

'Damn when everyone looks at me with those eyes, it's practically written on their faces that they want to get the rookie drunk!'

'I gritted my teeth and drank again.'


Drunk Lv3


'"That it! Have another one-…! AHHHH!"'

'The man tried to give me another cup of beer. Then I felt a deep pain in my ear and, at the same time, an arrow passed by my side, piercing the man's arm. The cup fell to the floor breaking into pieces.'

'"The thieves are attacking us!"'

'That arrow just missed my ear.'

'If it wasn't for my luck attribute, would that arrow have hit me in the head?'