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Never Meant To Be

Never Meant To Be

Auteur: stardust_soul_20

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Never Meant To Be PDF Free Download


Ashley Davis is a 17-year-old teenager. In an attempt to escape her past, she changes the place to continue her studies. She got a crush on the most popular guy in the school, Liam. But her feeling towards Liam's best friend, Tyler was unavoidable for her. Whom will she choose -her crush or his best friend?

Chapter 1


2 years ago...

'Are you sure you are not coming with me?'

I asked, checking my bag for the last time and then pulling the zip. I don't have many things to take--- just a few clothes to wear and the money I had been saving for the last 5 months since I had planned to leave.

Cara was lying in my bed, too weak to move; the bruises on her arms and thighs were all red and swollen. I couldn't even look at them without wincing in pain at the thought of how she had gotten them so badly.

Nyall was sitting beside her, with her hands in his. He looked at me worriedly and replied, 'Don't worry! We would leave by tomorrow morning.'

I bit my lips in thoughts and said, 'I trust you Ny! But I was thinking if Cara could leave with me. In this condition, I don't want her to stay here for even a single night anymore...'

'I can't, Ash!' Cara spoke weakly. 'I- I can't go right now... I still have two left for tonight and if I leave now, dad would be furious know him...' she sighed, '...maybe... he will find us...'

'But you are just risking your life now, Cara! Try to understand...' I pleaded in a hushed voice. She nodded, 'I know but... please Ash, I can't...'

I stared at her in pain, my eyes ready to tear up for her. 'Fine then. I will go alone now but...' I said, enjoining them, '...promise me, both of you will leave tomorrow as early as possible.'

I sighed, shaking my head. Nyall said, 'Now leave quick or else one of them will see you.'

I looked behind at the closed door of my room and, turning back at them, nodded, 'Meet you soon!'

They smiled and waved. Untying the rope in my hand, I threw it from my window down to our backyard. Looking for the last time at both of them before leaving, I said, my voice heavy with emotions, 'Listen, I love you both more than anyone, okay?'

They nodded with a smile. 'We know,' Cara mouthed silently. I fakely smiled but my eyes were already wet. My heart dreaded if I will ever see Cara again, but I shook away my thought. 'Of course, I will!' I said to myself. But deep down I knew, it was just a consolation to my fears and nothing else.

Slowly climbing down the rope, I gently landed on the misty wet grass. It was totally dark and cold outside. Winter nights after all! I took up my hoodie to cover my ears.

Seeing no one around in the darkness, I carefully walked towards the fence. And just then a very bright light almost blinded me. I covered my eyes instinctively. But gradually when I looked at the source of light which was fading now, I realized it was a car. Probably a Black Ambassador. I crouched down instantly behind the bushes. I don't want to get caught, at least not now when I have come this far. I heard the front door of our house open, and a man with a long trench coat, smoking his cigarette walked towards the just-opened door. I heard my mom's voice say, 'Oh, how nice to meet you, Mr.Markus!'

'Hello, Mrs. Davis! Is the girl ready?' The man asked in a serious tone, like that of the gangster in films.

'Yes, of course, Mr. Markus! In fact, she has been waiting for you all this while!' My mom said excitedly.

'Wait what? Did she just say 'waiting for him'? Who the hell said this to her? It's her who forces us for all this, and now she's saying Cara has been waiting for this asshole? Like seriously?' I thought with disgust.

'Perfect,' Mr. Markus said, sounding pleased to hear that. He took a deeper stroke at his cigarette and walked in. The smoke of his cigarette moved around and mixed with the fog.

'Have fun, Mr. Markus!' she said dancingly and closed the door.

I sighed, 'I just hope Cara is okay...'

Standing up straight, I dusted the dew drops that got collected on my dress for the tiniest time I had been hiding there. I crept towards the fence and climbed up, after making sure no one was seeing

just in case!


After reaching the other side, I breathed deeply, relieved that I was out of that hell now, finally! I took off my shoes in my hands to run faster with bare- feet. There was a forest I needed to go through to reach the main street and then the station. Before slipping into the forest, I looked back for once and saw Nyall waving at me from the window. I nodded at him and turned to run.

But my mind only kept worrying about that one person. My only sister-- Cara!

--- --- --- --- --- --- ---

The forest was really creepy at night. I could hear the owl hooting and the sudden movements of nocturnal animals. I wasn't running now because I know if I did, I won't be able to walk for longer. I kept peeking behind me to make sure no one was following me.

I took out my phone to check the time--- 1:47 A.M. The train was at 2:05 A.M. I increased my pace and soon I could see the main street that will lead to the station.

After getting onto the road, I stopped, panting. And then slowly, I continued with my escape. It was 1:58 A.M. when I reached the station. The train had not come yet. I sat down on a cold metal bench there, keeping my bag beside me. I was feeling tired but I can't sleep now. Even if I lie down on the bench, I knew I will surely fall asleep, and miss the train. I can't afford to miss this train at any cost; this is the last train right now and the next one would be at 7 in the morning. If I miss this, they will find me and maybe... I could never try to escape anymore.

Soon, I could hear the horns of the train from far. I stood up when the train finally came into view. I heaved a sigh of relief, thinking, 'Finally! I will be free!'

Suddenly, a deep voice coughed behind me, as if to take my attention.

'Hey girl, what's your name?'

I turned to see the ticket- collector. He was in his 40s--- tall, fair, and with a little mustache, starting to grey almost. I got a bit nervous because I knew I will be kicked out of the train for traveling without a ticket and I really don't have any. I stood there quietly, frozen in anxiety.

'Hey, I am talking to you!' He said.

'As-Ashley,' I stammered, stepping back from him nervously. I didn't even realize I was going to fall outside until he pulled me, saying, 'Be careful, girl!'

I nodded, coming back to my senses.

'What's your age?' He enquired me, like a detective.


'Then why are you here alone? Where are your parents?'

'I don't think I should say you everything...'

Ops, was that rude to say?

The man laughed at that. 'Haha! I won't hurt you, girl, but yeah as you wish...'

But I didn't laugh. I didn't find it funny at all.

'Tell me, girl, if there's anything I can help you with...'

My eyes brightened at this. I looked up at him and said, 'Can you give me a seat to sleep for the night till I reach LA?'

'LA? You will reach there by tomorrow afternoon.'

'I know. Can you...?' I pleaded.

He said, after taking a look at the reservation sheet, 'Sure, girl! Come, follow me... and yes, you can trust me.' He smiled warmly.

I smiled back now. After all, good people still exist.

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