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My Strong Omega

My Strong Omega

Auteur: Accident

En cours


My Strong Omega PDF Free Download


We've all had that teacher that we've thought of sleeping with and Cristie has done it. Now he can't get his touch off his mind during the hot new teacher's lectures. And it seems, Gale, the teacher can't get him off his mind either.

Chapter 1

Omegaverse ⚠️

This story is based on an ABO society where regardless of gender all omegas are born with the ability to get pregnant and give birth. They go into periods called "heat" where their fertility level increases causing people, specifically Alphas to want to breed them. Alphas also go through a period of "rut" where they feel the need to breed omegas or anyone they can get their hands on.

****** *******

"Come on Isie! You promised me!" I pleaded with my bestie, giving her my best puppy dog eyes. My friend, Piper also begged, "After tomorrow we won't have a chance to go out again! Pleeeaaassseee!"

Piper and I started repeating please, clearly annoying Isabelle. "Fine! I'll go but we have to be home by 2 am!" Piper and I cheered and hugged each other. I promised Isie that she would have way more fun out than being holed up reading smut, which she disagreed.

I hurried to my room to get ready before she could change her mind. As I was taking out my already planned fit I glanced at my almost naked body in the mirror. As an omega, I was biologically bounded from achieving the same masculinity as Alphas. Even without that boundary, society forced us to become more feminine. You can never satisfy them though, their "more" doesn't have an end. But even without hormones and despite all the pressure from my family I managed to get my body to a place I was comfortable with. I smiled at myself before proceeding to get dressed. When I stepped out into our shared space, Isie was all dressed up in casual club wear. Minutes later, Piper came out of Isie's room in a tight dress with some sheer elements, not leaving much to the imagination. Piper was short and curvaceous like the expected omega. Her delicate features sometimes taunted me but I knew it wasn't her fault. We've even talked a lot about it with each other.

"Are you sure you want to go out like that?" Isie asked.

"Yeah, I want to try something new tonight."

"But.. it's dangerous.."

"The only thing in danger will be them once I show em what I can do."

She punched the air and laughed and I laughed with her. Isie was still worried from the look on her face. For as long as I've known her, she always worried about omega friends. As a Beta, she couldn't relate to a lot of our problems but as a black woman she could relate to some. I patted her on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, if anything starts to go wrong we'll all look out for each other." I smiled at her reassuringly. She nodded. "Let's go troops!" She turned and walked out the door. "Wait on us!!"

We drove Isabelle's car to 'Cuffs' a really popular club with everyone in this town. Many students from our Uni come here and sometimes teachers get spotted or so Piper said. We got out of the car and went into the establishment, it was around 9 and things were starting to get going. We got our IDs checked by the security. Piper immediately caught the eyes of alphas and betas, even envious glances from what I assume are omegas. "Let's dance!" She piped running off into the crowd. Without a second thought Isie dives in after her.

"Alone already..."

I wandered over to the bar. I ordered drinks for all three of us but a fourth one came as well. Before I could ask the bartender, a man slid onto the stool beside me. He was handsome. Not the scary and intimidating kind of hot but definitely a charmer. "Thanks for the drink," I said calmly but loud enough for him to hear me over the blaring music.

"You're welcome. I hope it can get me a few moments before you return to your friends," he smiled. I looked over into the crowd of dancing bodies then back at the man. I sat and he looked relieved. "What do you have in mind for these few moments?"

"We can start with our drinks, talk." He must've saw the expression in my face because he looks down awkwardly. "Sorry, bar convos aren't my thing." I took a sip from the drink he bought. It was fruity and low alcohol. I glanced back at the crowd. There was no need to hurry back and he seemed like an okay guy so why not talk with him a bit more?

"Why did you try then?"

He shrugged. "I thought you were cute and I saw a chance and took it. Though I failed."

"Im still here, you haven't flopped yet."

He chuckled. That was the start of our friendly chat. It felt nice to talk about mundane things and not get told in different ways how much they're down to fûck or constantly getting asked if I was an omega. Once he started showing me pictures of his cat I lost track of time.

"Do you want to dance?" He asked offering me his hand. I grabbed it and pulled him up from the stool. He looked bigger standing. His tight shirt looked amazing on his lean body. I don't stare for long, just enough to take it in. We giggled like children as he pushed us into the centre of the crowd. We were not drunk yet we weren't entirely sober either.

We dance along with the crowd. The bass of the speakers made the song feel like it was inside of me. He laughed at my stupid dance moves and mimicked me. Soon some people around us did too. I was having so much fun. The fun poppy song slowed down and the DJ shouted it was time "to pair up and get yo grind on". A new song came on. It wasn't slow but it was sensual. All around us all sort of people break off into pairs, grinded against each other. I hoped Isie managed to pair off with Piper. I can't believe she let summer vacation end without her confessing. A hand entwined its fingers with mine, snapping me from my thoughts. It was Gale's. "May I have this dance, Cristie?" I rolled my eyes playfully. Gale pulled me closer to him till we were chest to chest. I leaned in to whisper in his ear, "How about we have our own private dance?" I pulled back and brushed my lips against his, inhaling the scent of the fruity drink we shared. He cupped the side of my face and brought his lips down onto mine. Being this close I could smell something.. subtle.



I jumped apart from him. I pushed through the crowd in the direction I heard the shouts. I needed to know if it was Piper. I cursed. As I was about to get some fun something just HAD to happen. Someone pulled me from the crowd. It was Isie.

"Isie! Where's Piper?? I heard someone scream and and- oh." I blushed embarrassed that I was so frightened I didn't realize she was standing right there. "I need to get you two home now before you're triggered." She dragged the two of us from the club and into the car. Settling on the backseat, with Piper's head in my lap I pouted. "I was so close Isie. He was hot and sweet and hot! He even had a cat, Isie! A cat! He seemed to be older too.. and hot." Remember how I said I wasn't drunk? That was a lie.