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My heart beats for you

My heart beats for you



My heart beats for you PDF Free Download


Dave is the handsome, arrogant and calculative heir to Tianshi's company and some others. He lost the will to love after the incident that happened between him and his ex, his friend named Michael and his dad. He lost his mother at a tender age and learned to rely on himself and his work. He meets with Jones, a woman who is more concerned with upholding of her dignity than pleasing someone. Dave tries to teach her a lesson but falls harder in love with her. Meanwhile, Michael is the person Jones love and on the long way, Michael also falls in love with her. What would Dave do? Especially when Michael is always getting everything that is his since from high school and the fact that his father will never allow these two together. Also, Dave ex gf is back to get back with Dave. Find out how the love scenes will unfold.

Chapter 1

Chapter One

No matter how much I think about it. Getting work in this country is much harder than putting a thread through the needle. What am I even saying, putting the thread through the needle is very easy as ABC? As God would have it, am a seamstress. But is it a crime to be a graduate and want to work in an office?

My name is Jones Macbeth, I am twenty-five. My father is dead and I stay with my mom in a house built for her by my dad before he died. I have a younger brother who is in high school presently. I have a friend by the name of Nancy and she lives with us.

Since when I was five, I've always dreamt of putting on a tie, wearing a suit with a nice shoe, and going to work. So, I went for business administration in the university. Well, you can say I am fair academically but when it comes to sport, I rarely have competition. What can't I do in sport? I can run, I can play volleyball even though I am short, I just tend to go higher than anyone can ever imagine. I do go for the high jump in my school and I always came out as the first. Asides from this, am also well trained in Judo. Mom once told me to go out of the country to pursue martial arts but I refused. I know I love it but I only chose it as a hobby, not what I would want to work with. But well, all the companies I have applied for couldn't take me in because I came out with a third class.

God, why am I so unlucky. Why can't I just have the brain of bill gate? I'm so useless!

I am so tired because I have been walking since morning searching for jobs. Or should I just listen to mom for once and go apply for a coach in gymnastics? Wait, don't think about it like that, I've tried applying as a sports teacher in different schools but they all rejected me because I had lots of fighting cases with students while I was still in school. They all said I should work on my anger. Well, that's not entirely my fault. People just always seem to step on my toes every time.

In a flash, a car drives past me, falling in and out of the pothole beside me and splashing the dirty water on me. For a while, it seems I zoom out of the world. I look over at the car and realize with huge anger that it didn't even stop. Didn't they see me? Didn't they know what they've just done??

Seriously! Exactly what I was talking about. There's no way you wouldn't fight in this damn world. And I'm going to make the owner of that car pay in real-time.

I pick up my speed, racing after the red Lamborghini. Freak! Cars don't intimidate me, instead, I intimidate cars.

I keep on running but it seems like the car was getting farther. It's as if the driver has discovered I'm chasing them. Nevertheless, I didn't stop. There's a traffic light ahead, if God would have it, I m going to catch up with them.

The light went red and the cars pulled to a stop. I smile mentally and continue to race forward. I stop beside the car, feeling exhausted, and my breath comes out in quick beats. I bang at the car harshly but I still couldn't talk. I feel so dehydrated. I continue to beat the door just as the traffic light goes yellow and the car moves away.

What the fuck! That car! I'm going to kill the owner! My blood boils the more and I realize, my face is as red as a grilled barbecue. I race forward again but this time screaming, 'Hey! ' I couldn't run as I was earlier and I don t want to let go. Seriously, my friends call me a lion.

The car pulls to a stop some miles away, suddenly, startling me for a while.

I stop running, take a deep breath, and started towards them again. A guy gets down from the driver's seat in his tuxedos. Wait, do drivers wear such expensive clothes? Well, maybe he's even the owner of the car.

'Do you own the car? '

'No my boss does." he says and looks slightly at the back of the car

'I want to see that your good for nothing boss. I say in the heat of it. Merely thinking about it makes me want to choke. I am seriously going to deal with this man.

'Ma'am, you need to calm down... What exactly do you want,' the man says softly and I look at him.

'Oh, you didn't see that you splashed on me! 'I scream, 'Are your eyes lace with super gum! I ask suddenly, feeling rage again.

I move forward drastically to open the door but the man beat me to it, 'I m deeply sorry but you can't do that

Does this man know who I am? Does he know how effective my blows are?

'Get out of my way or you will regret it! 'I scream, mentally stopping myself from hitting his cute face. Am I mad? Why would I be mentioning the word cute in this kind of situation?

'Let her go, 'a calm voice says, putting a stop to my rude behavior. I step back and watch a man step down from the car. Wait, that suit, who made it! OMG! Look at his shoe! Does he have a private shoemaker? OMG! His cologne. I have never heard of that sweet smell... Hey! Cut it!

'Are you blind! Didn't you see what you did to me! 'I scream

He studied me for a while, his handsome face held a sarcastic grin, 'You saw the pothole ahead. It's your fault for not avoiding it

Like seriously?? My head did a flip. Is this guy serious? ', You splashed on me and you are blaming me? Do you know where I was headed? '

He inclines his head, 'Where? '

I hiss and quickly think about it, then decide against it, 'That s none of your business anyways. What your business is. That you ruined my dress. Do you even know how much I got this!'

'I m sure it isn't worth a dollar, 'his features were dark and arrogant. What kind of human is he, 'It's not something you should be banging my door for. Do you even know the worth of my car compared to your dress?'

I cuss mentally, looking away to gather myself again, 'Whose fault was it? If you had stopped, I wouldn't have banged your door! 'I scream again, 'And how much is your damn car!' I'm suddenly feeling the heat, I start to fan myself with my hand. Seriously, this conversation is starting to get me fed up

'My car, the man moves his head forward. 'It is worth one hundred million dollars. This car is its latest!'

What! My head disappears to planet Jupiter

What the heck! One hundred thousand dollars!

How can someone be so rich? How can someone own a car worth a hundred thousand dollars? No wonder his driver is wearing a tuxedo.

'Well, I don't care, I stammer. Jeez, when did I become a stammerer? 'Just apologize. This was your fault!'

The man relaxes again as if he does not worry about the world. I wish I can be like him instead of walking every street in search of a job.

'You look like a maid considering your dress, 'at the word, I jot out of my thought to stare at him, 'Are you stupid? You were the one that stood by the pothole, how is that my fault. And you still had the gut to bang my door. My door! Instead of you going home and thinking of what to do with your life, instead, you go ahead blaming others for what is happening to you. You are___'

I punch him, my fist hardening beside me.

The driver was about to move forward but the man stopped him with his hand. I don't even care, I am ready to beat them both. I don't care.

He looks down at me, and I could behold the cut at his lip, what my blow did to him

Some people have already gathered to watch us. And something tells me this man is popular because some people have started to take pictures of us.

I close my eyes mentally at the tears that threatened to seep from under my lashes.

'These clothes mean so much to me than your damn car! 'I started, with every ounce of my strength out to stop me from crying. I wouldn't cry, I promise that I wouldn't, not in front of this arrogant man, 'It doesn't matter if it costs more than you say. You don't go around downgrading and insulting people just because you are rich, 'I suck in inbreathe and look at his dark feature, 'You are such a stroke of bad luck, 'I split on the floor and turn away. Now, I can hear some whispering and murmur around me. Nevertheless, I continue to walk until I'm sure I'm out of the scene.

Sometimes, there are things you want, things you need, things you lack but that only goes to some set of people. Why aren't I rich? I close my eyes to stop the tears but I fail and they eventually came rolling down. Is it my fault that I'm not rich!!!

Is it my fault that I had to suffer to save up the money to buy the dress I am putting on. Why must life be so hard for me?

I stretch forth my hand to stop a taxi. I'm going home, I don't think I still have the strength to continue searching for jobs today. I need to sleep. I feel so sick at heart and in my soul.

The sound of the knock woke me up. I yawn and sit up to look at the time. Six in the afternoon. It must be Nancy

Nancy walks in, 'Hi baby girl, 'she smiles at me as she tries to pull off her shoe, 'How was today's search? '.

I sigh, frustrated, 'Nothing to write home about. How was work? '

She sighs too but tiredly, 'work loaded , she drops her bag and moves closer to me with some bundle of paper in her hand, 'Can you imagine this? I saw this and I can't help but buy the newspaper, 'she takes a seat beside me on the bed and stretches forth the newspaper to me. I look at it and my eyes went wide and dark with a huge surprise at the headline___" Underage lady slash at the heir to Tianshi Company'"'

'But, 'Nancy pout funnily as she stares at the picture too, 'why does this lady look like you?'

I turn my head to look at her, 'How did this get on the paper!!! It happened three hours ago! 'I scream out of frustration and a slight headache hits in.

Nancy gathers her wrinkles, 'Wait, how did you know the time it happened? Were you there? '

'God, this frustration is enough for a day! 'I stand and walk out of the room.

Nancy follows me into the kitchen, 'Don t tell me you were the lady! she says in huge terror. I stop to look at her, 'OMG! You punched Dave Margay! 'her scream was enough to make me deaf for two minutes 'What happened! '

I drink the water and walk out of the kitchen, into the living room. I'm so sick right now and I don't have the time to start going over the incident I wish to forget.

'OMG Jones! You've got to talk. You know I wouldn't leave you until you tell me all about it! 'she says boldly before walking to me again

I sigh and turn to look at her. Nancy is the most troublesome friend I have ever met.