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In My Bed Or My Heart.

In My Bed Or My Heart.

Auteur: Scarlett Moon

En cours


In My Bed Or My Heart. PDF Free Download


On the day of her 24th birthday Victoria Carden learns of a contract made before her birth. To pay off they're enormous debt her parents promised her hand in marriage to a criminals son. Now her parents are dead and Victoria is bound to marry a cold unemotionless man.The only warmth she finds is in the bed of the man assigned to guard her. Every day danger inches closer as they try to keep their secret love from the eyes of her husband.

Chapter 1

  "Wealth does not bring happiness."

  At least that's what the saying says. Now that I have been thrust into my new life I can both agree and disagree. I grew up in poverty earning everything i had with the sweat off my back. I had resigned myself to my modest life,even looking forward to finding a humble romance. However my parents had my fate sealed long ago.

  "Good morning Madam" speaks Daniel as he stands in his usual spot facing me across the dining room.

  "Good morning "

  I take him all in before turning to the plate of breakfast before me. Looking as regal as always he stood almost six feet tall. Even through his suit you could see his muscular build, capable of taking a man down without breaking a sweat.

  One of the maids walked in with a pot of coffee and I rush to avert my gaze.

  "Thank you Rose" I say as I hold out my cup.

  This house has eyes and ears everywhere and I can't afford to let anything slip.

  It's been a year since I was married off and became the madam of this house. I'm showered with every luxury anyone could dream up but I live a solitary life.

  This manor was given to me to live alone.

  My husband is the leader to a large crime syndicate that he inherited form his father. I've only met him once during our wedding. I was nothing more than a nuisance to him and he set me up in this enormous house with servants at my beck and call.

  None of them as Important as my bodyguard Daniel.


  Daniel pulls me out of my thoughts and I look up. He's smirking ever so slightly at me. I can't help but blush he caught me thinking about him and he knows it.

  "Madam everything has been prepared for today. " "Your car is ready and your table has been reserved at the cafe"

  "Thank you Daniel" i wipe my mouth and stand excitedly. I have a lunch date with my old college friends. I haven't seen them in a year and I'm elated to catch up with them.

  I run up to my room to shower and dress and Daniel follows behind me.

  "You love to tease me" he speaks quietly.

  Taking the steps a lot slower now I ask loudly "What a beautiful day it is don't you think?"

  "You were biting your lips you know"

  "I think I'll wear the new sundress i bought"

  "Just what were you thinking of madam?"

  "You know breakfast was just so delicious today" i smile as I reach my room and enter.

  The lock clicks behind me and I turn to face him.

  "You can't stay the maids will notice"

  "I know" he approaches and brings his hand under my chin."What were you thinking of ?"

  "Breakfast" i try to avoid his gaze

  "No that's not it" his hand wraps around my hair and forces my brown eyes to meet his beautiful hazels.

  In that moment I forget myself. Our lips meet and melt together. As his warm toungue licks my bottom lip i fight the instinct to throw him on my bed. After all we can't forget were we are. Someone could interupt us at any moment.

  "Your the tease. You know we can't do that here"

  "I know" he kisses my neck as I hold him tight."I can't help myself when I look at you"

  If it weren't for this man I don't think I would have survived this world. He became my guard and mentor. Over time I looked forward to seeing him everyday. the conversations we would have when alone filled my heart with warmth.

  Then came a day when his touch made shiver and his proximity made my blood rush.

  Now the attraction was undeniable.

  This heat radiating between us would burn us alive and we both knew it. There is no doubt we would both be killed if we were found out but In this moment I couldn't care less about consequences.

  I wanted to pleade him to take me.

  "Go get ready." Daniel pulled away " I'll be outside doing perimeter check"

  " Your so mean" i pouted

  A low chuckle escaped his chest

  " Lucky I have enough restraint for the both of us" He kisses my lips softly and walked out.

  That man will be the absolute death of me and I welcome it all. I couldn't suppress the smile that spread across my face as I lay back on my bed. I still had a full day ahead of me. It was time to dress.

  I decided on a knee length white and pink summer dress. It was after all a beautiful day.

  Daniel rode with me in silence on our way to the city. I know he is still my bodyguard and has to retain composure Infront of people. That didn't stop me from hating a boring car ride,but it was worth it to see my friends. I've spent the last year learning to be a rich man's wife essentially. Long gone was the woman i once was inside those walls,but now I was finally free of the burden. Even if it was for a few hours.

  Once at the cafe i sat at our designated table and waited for my friends to arrive. Daniel sat in the table behind us surveying the room.

  "Are your sure you don't want to order sir?" I hear the waitress ask him.

  He dismissed her with a shake of his head.

  I could tell she wanted more of his time if he wasn't so intimidating she might have asked him if he was single.

  "Victoria !" Lacy and Jackie walk in and notice me at the table.

  "Omg guys Im so happy to see you too!" I pull them both in a tight hug and we sit to reminisce.

  "Order what you'd like ladys. I really like the mini cakes here" I signal the waitress back

  After each ordering a warm coffee and small treat we begin speaking.

  "I haven't seen you in so long I've missed you both" i say

  Lacy was the first to speak.

  "How have you been I can't believe you got married so quickly"

  " Tell me about your husband Vickie! "

  "You must really be in love right?!"

  I can't help but blush. I could answer one part at least.

  "Yes I am" i answer honestly.

  I feel Daniel shift behind us.

  " Vickie look at you your such a dignified lady. We couldn't believe you were marrying someone we never even heard of" began Jackie

  "We figured it was a shotgun wedding since it was so sudden" joked Lacy

  " No nothing like that" i assure them. I had rehearsed this in my mind. " We fell in love and eloped."

  Simple yet believable. They couldn't know the truth about my contract marriage.

  " So what does your husband do?" Oh he's a mob boss. Nope can't say that

  "Hes a businessman. Always traveling for work"

  "Oh" That seemed to placate them.

  Lacy leans in close and asks me blushing "so what was your wedding night like?"

  This i was not prepared for. I didn't have a wedding night. My husband left after the marriage documents were signed. Sensing my hesitation jackie spoke up. " It's ok not all men are good at it"

  Daniel starts chuckling behind us and we all turn. Lacy and Jackie looking stunned. "That creep was eavesdropping"

  "Oh no girls he's my bodyguard it's ok"

  "He's so handsome Vickie does he have a wife"

  "Yeah introduce us why don't you "

  I didn't like where this was going. "He's supposed to be focused we can't distract him" I tried to deflect.

  "Hello my names Daniel. Nice to meet you" Daniel came and sat by my side.

  I could see the hints of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

  " Hi I'm Lacy and this is Jackie." The two women fawned over him. They didn't notice my irritation but he did.

  Daniel put his hand on my lap under the table.

  "I have to go to the lady's room be right back"

  Daniel followed like I knew he would " excuse me ladies i have to keep watch"

  Outside the door to the bathroom we were out of sight I grabbed Daniel by his collar and pouted.

  " Why would you do that?"

  "Beecause seeing you jealous turns me on" he teased.

  His cell phone began ringing as I inched my hands closer to his belt.

  He waved a finger at me smiling and answered.

  "Go ahead" . . "Understood". The smile on his face faded and he hung up the phone.

  "We have to go back to the manor. The master arrives tonight."